100字范文 > 天基 Space-based英语短句 例句大全

天基 Space-based英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-27 07:00:03


天基 Space-based英语短句 例句大全



1.A project of space-based detection for nuclear explosion;天基核爆信号识别处理系统技术方案研究

2.Many countries,which are advanced in space research,attach great importance to space surveillance,especially the space-based space surveillance.增强空间监视能力是空间控制以及利用空间实施军事行动的关键,各航天大国非常重视空间目标监视的研究,尤其重视天基空间目标监视的研究。

3.Two clusters of formation flying satellites with a relative angle on geosynchronous earth orbit were used to construct a space-based continuous navigation system for deep space exploration.应用地球静止轨道的两个编队飞行卫星群构成天基的深空探测导航系统,可以全天候连续为深空探测器导航。


1.Foveated Imaging System Design Based on Space-earth Flat基于天基平台的小凹成像系统的设计

2.Calculation of celestial body azimuth with compass error by celestial observation based on CAD基于CAD的天测罗经差天体方位计算

3.Multiantenna Spectrum Sensing Based on Antenna Selection基于天线选择的多天线频谱感知技术

4.Better Hong Kong Foundation香港明天更好基金会

5.inborn error of amino acid metabolism先天性氨基酸代谢缺陷

6.aspartic transaminase天冬氨酸氨基移转酶

7.regional basic synoptic network区域基本天气观测站网

8.Protestants and Catholics,基督徒和天主教徒们,

9.Shun Tin Christian Children"s and Youth Centre基督教顺天青少年中心

10.Plane Archimedes spiral antenna阿基米德平面螺旋天线

11.Engineering Properties of Foundation Soils and Soft Soil Consolidation in Tianjin New Port;天津新港地基土工程特性及软基加固

12.High Through-Put Genome Scanning for Novel Natural Products Exploration基于基因组扫描的新型天然产物发现

13.As far as internal balances go, there are two basic types: force balances and moment balances.关于内式天平,有两种基本类型;测力天平和测力矩天平。

14.KJV] Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.[新译]耶稣基督昨天、天、直到永远都是一样的。

15.Today is the first day on the job for new UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.今天是新任联合国秘书长潘基文工作的第一天。

16.Low export prices._ Builds for tomorrow. Resists the gouge of-_ today.降低出口价格,为明天打基础,忍的住今天的诱惑。

parison of Gene Expression Profiles of E14.5 and E18.5 Mice Tooth Germs by a cDNA Microarray;小鼠第14.5天和18.5天磨牙牙胚基因表达谱的比较

18.Research and Design of Element Antenna for the Switched-beam Antenna System;基于智能天线组阵中单元天线的研究与设计


space base天基

1.Many foreign ground base andspace base detecting systems of space target were introduced.介绍了目前各国应用的多种地基和天基空间目标探测与识别系统,并对各系统的性能进行了详细的分析和总结。

3)natural gas based天然气基

1.A application of LCA to fournatural gas based automotive fuels;生命周期方法在天然气基汽车燃料评价中的运用

4)space-based pointing天基瞄准

5)space-based space surveillance天基监视

6)Space based radar天基雷达

1.To evaluate performance of the space-time adaptive process(STAP) algorithms for space based radar(SBR),a method for simulating clutter scenes with high fidelity is described.为了评估空-时自适应处理算法应用于天基雷达系统的效果,需要对地杂波图景进行高逼真度的仿真。

2.The use of space based radar for the detection of airborne or even ground moving targets offers an important advantage,namely wide area coverage including areas denied to airborne radars.天基雷达由于工作于下视模式,天基雷达接收到的目标回波信号往往会淹没在地球杂波背景中。


