100字范文 > 尚未存在的存在论 the ontology of not-yet-Beings英语短句 例句大全

尚未存在的存在论 the ontology of not-yet-Beings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-18 11:12:20


尚未存在的存在论 the ontology of not-yet-Beings英语短句 例句大全

尚未存在的存在论,the ontology of not-yet-Beings

1)the ontology of not-yet-Beings尚未存在的存在论


1.Nothing-Not-Yet-All--On Ernst Bloch" s The Ontology of Not-Yet-Being无-尚未-全有——论恩斯特·布洛赫的尚未存在的存在论

2.The specified subscription does not exist or has not been synchronized yet.指定的订阅不存在或者尚未同步。

3.This style of writing has existed for a long time, but is yet to be enriched and spread widely among us.这种文风,早已存在,但尚未充实,尚未得到普遍的发展。

4.There is a general discussion over fashion in recent years.近些年,关于时尚存在着广泛的争论。

5.File cannot be closed because outstanding references exist.文件不能关闭因为存在尚未解决的引用。

6.Attempts to substantiate the presence of the intermediate have not yet been fruitful.有人试图证明中间体的存在,但尚未成功。

7.The storage card is not ready. Would you like to create the new file in main memory?存储卡尚未就绪,您要在主内存中创建您的新文件吗?

8.You have not saved a game In that file yet!你尚未在那个档案中储存游戏进度!

9.Concepts (things of indefinite time) have never existed, will not exist, and do not exist in oneself or in others.不确定时间的概念尚未存在,也将不会存在,也不现在存在于己身或他人之中。

10.When this quantity exceeds 2.2 theory indicates the existence of a sharp pressure peak which has not been observed experimentally.当这个量超过2.2时,理论表明存在陡急的压力尖峰,而这压力尖峰尚未在实验中观察到。

11.remaining unexploded ordnance devices残存的尚未引爆的装置

12.Standards for CBD are being established but standardized infrastructural components do not exist.cbd的标准正在建立中,但标准化的基础设施组件尚未存在。

13.Existing Law Problems in the Government Purchase Law after Acceding to WTO;论入世后我国《政府采购法》尚存在的法律问题

14.The prime move of eros is concept, and eros is inclined towards future life not yet in existence.性爱的原动力是理念 ,性爱前瞻性地志向于尚未存在的将来。

15.The protocol family has not been configured into the system or no implementation for it exists.协议家族尚未配置到系统中或没有它的存在迹象。

16.The video capture process is not complete. Would you like to save the video that has been captured so far?视频捕获过程尚未完成。是否希望保存到现在为止已捕获的视频?

17.The Book of History in Chinese contains100 articles and still remains in different books. The Book of the Zhou Dynasty History belongs to the Book of History in Ancient Chinese.古文尚书》百篇基本未失,多保存在后世的不同版本的书中。《逸周书》当属《古文尚书》。

18.A book, to which no analogue exists in Chinese.在中国的书籍中尚无存在有类似。


open question存在的[尚未解决的]问题


4)paradox of existence存在的悖论


6)It still survives and is not lost存在未失


