100字范文 > 权重加权平均法 Weight Average Methodology英语短句 例句大全

权重加权平均法 Weight Average Methodology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-13 22:30:07


权重加权平均法 Weight Average Methodology英语短句 例句大全

权重加权平均法,Weight Average Methodology

1)Weight Average Methodology权重加权平均法

2)weighted average method加权平均法

1.Weighted Average Method: A Simple Way to Study Customer s Satisfaction Degree;顾客满意度研究及一种简捷测量方法:加权平均法

2.Application ofweighted average method on angular velocity calculation of GFSINS加权平均法在GFSINS角速度解算中的应用

3.Based onweighted average method,the integrated warning model is designed,and is applied to ShengLi oilfield.为保证石油企业的持续稳定发展,本文根据石油企业的生产经营特点,建立了石油企业生产经营系统监测预警指标体系,在此基础上应用加权平均法构建了石油企业生产经营综合评价预警模型,并以胜利油田为例加以应用分析。


1.Recognition of “ Moving Weighted Average Method” for Stock Accounting;对存货核算“移动加权平均法”的认识

2.Application of weighted average method on angular velocity calculation of GFSINS加权平均法在GFSINS角速度解算中的应用

3.Under FIFO, the first costs into inventory are the first costs out to cost of goods sold- hence the name first-in, first-out.加权平均法通常被称为平均成本法,是建立在当期存货的平均成本基础上。

4.Early-warning to the management risk in expressway by the methods of weighted averages about risk degree;风险度加权平均法预警高速公路经营风险

5.The procedure design of the experimental data using the method of weighted averages to deal with Newton s Ring;加权平均法处理牛顿环实验数据程序设计

6.The Improvement of Chaos Model of Exchange Rate by Employing Weighted Average;加权平均法对汇率混沌模型参数的改进

7.There are two methods to calculate the equivalent units: FIFO and weighted average method.计算约当产量通常有先进先出法和加权平均法两种方法。

8.weighted mean value加权平均值,计数平均值

9.weighted average model加权平均模式 加权平均模式

10.The Improved Combination Evaluation Method of Weighted Average and its Application;改进的加权平均组合评价法及其应用

11.Modular PCA Algorithm Based on Within-class Weight Average基于类内加权平均值的模块PCA算法

12.Height weighted average LOD algorithm based on vertex degree基于顶点度的高程加权平均LOD算法

13.weighted average traffic加权平均车辆通过数

14.weighted average of post adjustments调整后的加权平均数

15.area weighted average resolution面积加权平均分辨率

16.weighted averages of actual exchange rates实际汇率的加权平均数

17.Weighted Average Cost of Capita加权平均的资本成本

18.weighted average increment递增薪额加权平均数值


weighted average method加权平均法

1.Weighted Average Method: A Simple Way to Study Customer s Satisfaction Degree;顾客满意度研究及一种简捷测量方法:加权平均法

2.Application ofweighted average method on angular velocity calculation of GFSINS加权平均法在GFSINS角速度解算中的应用

3.Based onweighted average method,the integrated warning model is designed,and is applied to ShengLi oilfield.为保证石油企业的持续稳定发展,本文根据石油企业的生产经营特点,建立了石油企业生产经营系统监测预警指标体系,在此基础上应用加权平均法构建了石油企业生产经营综合评价预警模型,并以胜利油田为例加以应用分析。

3)weighted mean method加权平均法

1.To analyze the great or small of error in average grade of ore body which is calculated by arithmetic mean method andweighted mean method from tendentious change and stochastic change of ore grade,it explains the great or small of area has certainly weight.从矿石品位的趋势性变化与随机性变化分析算术平均法与加权平均法在计算矿体平均品位中的误差大小,说明面积的大小有一定的权,权的大小必须给的恰当,否则加权平均法的误差将大于算术平均法的误差。

4)weighted average加权平均法

1.Extendedweighted average approach is spreaded to the following two cases:fusion of two normal distribution data and fusion of three uniform distribution data.当待融合的数据为两个均匀分布的冗余数据时,扩展加权平均法是一种效果较好的数据融合方法。

5)werighted mean attribute significance加权平均重要度

6)average weight平均权重

1.On the basis of the investigation and statistics of the niche genes in standard plots, such as altitude, gradient, slope direction and soil thickness, we calculated the niche breadth, weight,average weight and the percentage of different indexes of each gene, and appraised the forest resource.通过对高岩子林场所设标准地的生境因子海拔、坡度、坡向、坡位、土层厚度进行调查统计 ,计算出在各生境因子上的生态位宽度、权重以及平均权重、成数 ,以此来分析和评价森林资源 。


秦权秦代为统一全国衡制而由官府颁发的标准衡器。以战国时期秦国衡制为标准,也包括秦统一后加刻诏书重新颁发的战国秦权。实际上是天平衡杆的砝码。今除传世的秦权外,在陕西咸阳、西安、临潼、宝鸡,甘肃秦安,山东文登,江苏盱眙,山西左云,河北围场,内蒙古赤峰和敖汉旗,都曾有出土。这表明秦代确向全国推行统一的衡制。秦的衡制是:1石=4钧=120斤,1斤=16两,1两=4锱=24铢。秦权大多为铜质,少数为铁质,偶为陶质,形如后世秤锤,有的作瓜棱形。其重量单位主要有1 斤、5斤、8斤、16斤、20斤、24斤、30斤和1石权8种,进位系列正大多适应石、钧、斤制。西安高窑村所出战国末期的秦国高奴铜石权,自称重量单位为"禾石",说明大型权应主要供称粮草用;传世小型"咸阳亭半两"权,应是"称钱衡"上使用的。据实测,秦权每斤重234.6~273.8克。秦始皇时的1至16斤权每斤大多在250±2克的范围内,但石权的平均量值达每斤264克以上。据云梦出土的《秦律·效律》,1石权的允差范围为0.4%,半石权以下的允差范围为0.8%。估计1石权是官府征收粮草时所用,因而偏高。二世权的平均量值则每斤为243.2克,似略下降。 各权都带秦始皇二十六年 (公元前221)统一度量衡的诏书;有的后来加刻秦二世元年(前209)诏书;秦二世时制作的,则同时并刻两诏;个别权上刻有"美阳"(今陕西扶风)、"平阳"(今山东邹县)等地名。
