100字范文 > 科学技术史教学 the teaching of science and technology history英语短句 例句大全

科学技术史教学 the teaching of science and technology history英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-18 00:21:56


科学技术史教学 the teaching of science and technology history英语短句 例句大全

科学技术史教学,the teaching of science and technology history

1)the teaching of science and technology history科学技术史教学

1.Inthe teaching of science and technology history we should separate science from technology,so that students could have the correct view of science and technology.科学与技术是两类具有本质差别的活动,科学技术史教学中应该实现"科学"与"技术"的分家,这样才能使学生具有正确的科学观与技术观。

2)scientific and technical history科学技术史

1.Development ofscientific and technical history researchand its impact on dialectics of nature;科学技术史研究进展及其对自然辩证法的影响


1.Chinese Society of Science and Technology History中国科学技术史学会

2.The Need to Study Science History --An Introduction for A Short History ofScience and Technology;为什么需要科学史——《简明科学技术史》导论

3.A Helpful Book to Historical Studies --Review The Volume of Weights and Measures in theHistory of Science and Technology in China;泽惠史林之作——评《中国科学技术史·度量衡卷》

4.Tokyo Institute of Technology Group in Japanese Community of History of Science and Technology日本科学技术史界的东京工业大学学派

5."Double Status" of Terms in the History of Science and Technology:A Case Study in the History of Astronomy as An Example“双重身份”的科学技术史名词分析——以天文学史名词为例

6.Metaphor Analyses in Feminist History of Science and Technology;试论女性主义科学技术史的“隐喻分析方法”

7.Development of scientific and technical history researchand its impact on dialectics of nature;科学技术史研究进展及其对自然辩证法的影响

8.The Prospect and History of Science & Technology Philosophy;“科学技术哲学”学科发展的历史与展望

9.Studies in the History of Technology in Three Projects of Chinese Academy of Sciences;中国科学院三个科技史项目中的技术史研究

10.History of Scientific Classification and Characteristics of Modern Science and Technology历史上的科学分类及现代科学技术的新特点

11.Multidimensional Empirical Study on the History Division of Technological Sciences;技术科学历史分期的多维度实证研究

12.History of Science & Knowledge of New Technology科技史及新技术知识

13.Science and Technology and the Regional History of Shanxi--An Illustration of the Theory of Kernel Power of Science and Technology;科学技术与山西区域历史的发展——科学技术核心权力论的一个例证

14.On the discrimination of the relationship between science and technology in the light of the history of modern science and technology;从近代科学技术发展历史辨析科学与技术的关系

15.A Case Study of the Oral History of University of Science and Technology of China口述历史与高校校史研究——以中国科学技术大学口述校史研究为例

16.On the Relationship between Philosophy of Technology and Philosophy of Engineering in the Discipline History of Vision;学科史视野中技术哲学与工程哲学关系研究

17.Initiating Researches on Sociology of Science and Technology ──a New Development of Historical Materialism;开创科学技术社会学研究──历史唯物论的新发展

18.A new method for computing grey relational grade;中国科学技术本土化的历史进程呼唤着科技发展观的变革


scientific and technical history科学技术史

1.Development ofscientific and technical history researchand its impact on dialectics of nature;科学技术史研究进展及其对自然辩证法的影响

3)history of science and technology科学技术史

1.Scientometrics of thehistory of science and technology in the Song Dynasty: A discussion on four great subjects in medieval China;宋代科学技术史的计量研究——兼论中国古代四大学科

2.By examining the special position of History of Science and Technology in the system of subjects in China and reflecting on the relationship between the history of astronomy and astrology,this paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of attributing the study of the history of science to either science or history.本文从科学技术史这一专业在国内学科体系中的特殊地位出发,以天文学史研究中与星占学的关系为个案,讨论了将科学史研究归属于科学或归属于历史学的利弊。

3.Through examining some cases, it suggests that there is necessity and great significance of combining anthropology and feminism in studying thehistory of science and technology.从科学编史学的角度出发,结合一定的案例分析,比较研究了人类学和女性主义视野下的科学技术史研究在编史理论与方法上的同和异,认为二者在科学技术史研究中的综合运用,对科学技术史研究以及人类学和女性主义均具有重要意义。

4)the history of agricultural science and technology农业科学技术史

5)Chinese History of Science and Technology中国科学技术史

1.Jcoeph Lee s remarkable achjevements in the study had changed the westerners way of looking atthe east and accerlated greatly the study on Chinese history of science and technology.本文介绍了李约瑟博士的生平及其中国科学技术史研究。

6)history of modern science and technology近代科学技术史


