100字范文 > 技术素养概念 the concept of technology literacy英语短句 例句大全

技术素养概念 the concept of technology literacy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-17 18:00:43


技术素养概念 the concept of technology literacy英语短句 例句大全

技术素养概念,the concept of technology literacy

1)the concept of technology literacy技术素养概念

2)the concept of technology技术概念


1.A concept discrimination on emerging technology, new technology, high technology and new and high technology;新兴技术、新技术、高技术及高新技术概念辨析

2.Study on Concept, Mechanism and Related Problem of Soft-Technology;软技术概念、作用机理及相关问题研究

3.Multifold Faces of Technological Determinism and MultifoldSignifications of Technology Concept;技术决定论的多种面貌与技术概念的多重含义

4.Information Technology I helps students understand technical concepts underlying current and future developments in information technology.信息技术I帮助同学了解信息技术当下和将来发展中的技术概念。

5.The Study of Concept Mining in Information Retrieval System Based on Concept Lattice;基于概念格的检索系统中概念挖掘技术的研究

6.On concept and classification of competitive aerobics dancing technology innovation论竞技健美操技术创新的概念与分类

7.Subject Portal; Concept, Architecture and Key Technologies学科信息门户:概念、结构与关键技术

8.Research on Conceptual Modeling Technology of Mission Space and It"s VV&A;任务空间概念建模技术及其VV&A研究

9.The Study of Critical Technique of Conceptual Process Planning;概念工艺规划原型系统关键技术研究

10.Research of Integration Technique Related Weapon System Conceptual Design;武器系统总体概念设计集成技术研究

11.Research on Key Technologies of LCA-based Product Conceptual Design;基于LCA的产品概念设计关键技术研究

12.Research on the Key Technology of Concept Lattice in Data Mining;数据挖掘中概念格关键技术应用研究

13.Product Conceptual Design of Mobile Phone Game Based on Kano Analsysis;基于Kano分析技术的手机游戏概念设计

14.Labor & Technology Education: A Concept to be Clarified;劳动技术教育:一个需要廓清的概念

15.Study on conceptive evolution and process of technology integration;技术整合的概念演进与实现过程研究

16.Opportunistic Digital Array Radar and Its Application Technology Analysis机会数字阵雷达概念与应用技术分析

17.Development and Key Techniques of Automotive Body Concept Design System车身概念设计系统的开发及关键技术

18.Opinions on Effect of Jungle from the Definition of Technology从“技术”的概念定义看“丛林效应”


the concept of technology技术概念

3)conceptualization of science literacy科学素养概念

4)technological literacy技术素养

1.A report about Americantechnological literacy,namely Technically Speaking:Why all Americans need to know more about technology,are reviewed in this paper.本文评述了美国的一份关于技术素养的报告——《从技术角度讲:为什么全体美国人需要更多地了解技术》。

2.The second chapter defines three core concepts respectively,“technology”,“technology education”and“technological literacy”.第二章分别对“技术”、“技术教育”和“技术素养”三个核心概念进行了界定。

5)technology literacy技术素养

1.The Research on Technology Literacy in Chemical Curriculum for High School;基于技术素养的高中化学教材研究

2.The international technology education displays its independent characteristics and its concepts are changing from the traditional industrial arts training to contemporarytechnology literacy educa tion.研究发现,国际技术教育正呈现出新特点,其概念内涵正在从传统的工艺训练转向当代的技术素养教育,追求平衡且统一的课程框架、倡导多样的课程实施策略并持续创新,正成为国际中小学技术教育的共同特点。

6)conception reinforcement technology概念加固技术


