100字范文 > 地学效应 geo-scientific effect英语短句 例句大全

地学效应 geo-scientific effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-24 23:09:06


地学效应 geo-scientific effect英语短句 例句大全

地学效应,geo-scientific effect

1)geo-scientific effect地学效应

1.Through the field survey and literature study, connecting contrast analysis of different region, combining the single factor analysis and correlation analysis, sampling rockmine outdoor and characterizing rock indoor, the Southeastern Danxia landform andgeo-scientific effects were comprehensively researched.但绝大部分是从地貌景观资源开发和旅游市场开拓角度出发,而从地质地貌学的角度对其形成机理、发育过程及其地学效应的研究一直是个薄弱环节。


1.Research on Formation Mechanism and Geo-scientific Effects of Danxia Landform in Southeast China中国东南部丹霞地貌形成机理及其地学效应研究

2.Learning,Congestion,Inter-regional Specialization and Industrial Agglomeration学习效应、拥挤性、地区的分工和集聚

3.The effective use of self-regulation of learning in the geography classroom teaching;自主学习在地理课堂教学中的有效应用

4.Key influence of effective stress principle on teaching practices of soil mechanics论有效应力原理在土力学教学中的核心地位

5.Research on Geochemical Characters and Environmental Geochemical Effects of Representative Tailings Impoundments in the Region of Tongling, Anhui Province, China安徽铜陵典型尾矿库地球化学和环境地球化学效应

6.Resources Effects Model of Biogeochemical Remote Sensing along the Coast of South China;华南沿海资源效应遥感生物地球化学模型

7.The Investigation on the AO Effect Ground Simulation Test and Instrumentation of the High Speed Interceptor;高速拦截弹气动光学效应地面模拟测试研究

8.Study of Film Mulching and Chemistry Preparation on Millet in Semi-Arid Areas of Southern Ningxia;宁南旱区谷子地膜覆盖与化学制剂效应研究

9.Conservation of Weed Diversity and Its Ecological Effects in Red Soil Fields on Slopes;红壤坡地杂草多样性保持及其生态学效应

10.Ecohydrogeochemical Effects of Karst Vegetation in Guangxi;广西岩溶植被的生态水文地球化学效应

11.The Mechanical Analysis of Liquid Storage Tank in consideration with the Consolidation Effect of Foundation;考虑地基固结效应的储罐力学性能分析

12.Economic Analysis on the Effect of Agricultural Insurance on Land Use in Agricultural Production;农业保险制度对土地利用效应的经济学分析

13.An economics analysis of the Sheep Flock Effect in China s real estate market and stock market;房地产市场与股票市场羊群效应的经济学分析

14.The Matter State of Inner Earth s Core and its Quantum Effect;对内地核物质的力学状态及其量子效应的研究

15.The Ecological Effect and global Chemical Recycle of the Heavy Metal Lead;重金属铅的生态效应及其地球化学循环

16.Ecological Geochemical Assessment of Heavy Metal Element in Plane East of Hebei冀东平原重金属元素生态效应地球化学评价

17.Analysis of countryside homestead usage right circulating effect"s legal economy analysis农村宅基地使用权流转效应的法经济学分析

18.Razin effect拉金效应(天文学)


geochemical effect地球化学效应

1.This paper discusses the relations between fluid movement and geothermal structure\|calorific effects of fluid movement,geochemical effects of geothermal abnormality, fluid activity\|geothermal transference and their models.本文对流体活动与地温结构的相互作用关系流体活动的热效应、地温异常导致的地球化学效应、流体活动 -地热传输的耦合过程及其模拟进行了研究。

3)Effect of the geodynamics地球动力学效应

4)biogeochemistry cha racteristics in ore deposits矿区生物地球化学效应

5)hydrogeoche-mical effect水文地球化学效应

6)astrogeodynamical effect天文地球动力学效应


国际地球化学和宇宙化学协会国际地质科学联合会(IUGS)所属协会之一。它的宗旨是,加强国际间的学术交流与合作,促进地球化学与宇宙化学的发展。国际地球化学和宇宙化学协会于1967年在法国巴黎正式成立。第一任理事长是美国的英格森(E.Ingerson)。协会每 4年召开一次大会,改选理事会。理事会由理事长、2名副理事长、秘书、司库和8名普通理事组成。协会下设若干工作组、专业委员会,如地球化学勘查工作组;地球化学和健康工作组;同位素地球化学工作组;红土和红土化工作组;地球和行星科学中的热力学工作组;宇宙化学委员会;有机地球化学委员会;天然水地球化学委员会。曾举办"元素的起源和分布"(1967、1977)、"地球化学勘查"(1979)、"应用地球化学方法"(1981)和"水-岩石相互作用"(1983)等多次专题学术讨论会。出版有《陨石中元素丰度手册》(1971)、《水文地球化学和生物地球化学》(1973)等多种著作。协会的刊物有《有机地球化学》,协会还与陨石学会合办《地球化学和宇宙化学学报》。
