100字范文 > 成绩 achievement英语短句 例句大全

成绩 achievement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-26 07:38:22


成绩 achievement英语短句 例句大全



1.Related factors to theachievement of junior high school students;影响初中生学习成绩的相关因素

2.Developachievements and strive for innovation;弘扬成绩 力争创新——写在第八届全国建筑物鉴定与加固学术交流大会前夕和第四届委员会成立之际

3.Discussion onachievement and distance of Chinese hydraulic technological journal;浅析我国水利科技期刊的成绩与差距


1.She had gotten all A"s and B"s on her report card.她的成绩报告单上各门成绩都是A或B。

2.The standard of his work is well below the average of his class他的成绩大大低於班上的平均成绩

3.Performance on exams is highly correlated with performance on problem sets.考试成绩与问题集的成绩有很大关联。

4.A Statistical Analysis on Influence of College Basic Courses Score on Major Courses Score;大学基础课成绩对专业课成绩的影响

5.Using Excel to Make Score Sheet and Score Analysis;用EXCEL制作成绩单及成绩分析

6.Design and Analysis of Checking Students Work;“成绩考核设计”与“成绩考核分析”的研究

7.better than expected performance (better than might have been predicted from intelligence tests).比预期的要好的成绩。

8.Because your grades in English are bad,因为你的英文成绩不好,

9.Alex"s grades were bad.亚历克斯的成绩很不好。

10.He got an F in history.他的历史成绩得了劣等。

11.a straight A student(成绩) 全部甲等的学生

12.Good luck on Sports Day!在运动会上取得好成绩!

13.He got a B in French.他法语成绩得了乙。

14.automatic performance analyzer自动化运动成绩分析器

15.Bob is good at Maths.鲍勃的数学成绩很出色。

16.Officer, how did I do?考官,我的成绩怎样?

17.2 photocopies of transcripts学习成绩单复印件2 份

18.have nothing to show for it在¥方面没有成绩可言



1.Conceptual framework of factors affectingperformance of military pentathlon;影响军事五项运动成绩因素的理论框架

2.Development trend of men decathonperformance both at home and abroad;中外男子十项全能运动成绩发展态势研究

3.A Research on the Factor Analysis and Prediction Model of the Performance of Undergraduate Athletes of Combined Events in China;我国大学生全能运动员成绩的因子分析及预测模型构建


1.Analysis and Comparison of Results of the Two Sessions(06~07) of Teenager s Track and Field Championships in Hainan;海南省06~07年少年田径锦标赛成绩对比分析

parative Research on the Test Results of Mongolian and Chinese Students on the Basis of Health Standard of Students Physique;《学生体质健康标准》测试蒙、汉族学生成绩对比研究

3.Affect sports college entrance examination sports 800m to run the movementresult factor to carry on the analysis;影响体育高考800m跑成绩的因素分析


1.A Gray Correlative Analysis on the Achievements Made by Outstanding Male Decathletes in Current China;我国当今优秀男子十项全能运动员成绩的灰色关联分析

2.An analysis ofachievements in lecturing contest participarted in by thirty-three young and middle-aged teachers and the relevant factors;33名中青年教师讲课比赛成绩及相关因素分析

3.Reasons of badachievements of Hubei Men s Volleyball Team at 2000 National Volleyball League;2000年全国排球联赛湖北男排成绩不佳的原因


1.Forceast the Results and Analysis on the Influence Factors to Partial Ttrack and Field Items of Our Athletes in Olympic Games;对我国部分田径项目在奥运会上比赛成绩的预测与影响因素分析

2.The Study of The Characteristics of the Results Progressing in Men’S Throwing Events of Track and Field Competition of All Previous Olympic Games;对历届奥运会田径男子投掷项目成绩发展变化特征的研究

3.A comparative analysis of theresults of the American and Chinese teenaged athletes at the track & field Championships;中美少年田径锦标赛成绩的比较与分析

6)score[英][sk?:][美][sk?r, skor]成绩

1.Design and realize of student sscore handles sub-System;学生成绩处理子系统的设计和实现

2.In order to strengthen the standard management of course selection andscore management, reduce the workload of teaching managers, improve the accuracy and speed of the processing information, achieve centralized management and decentralized operations, this system is developed for student course selection andscore management based on B/S architecture.为了加强学生选课及成绩管理的规范化,减轻教学管理人员的工作量,增加信息的准确性和信息处理的速度,实现信息的集中管理分散操作,设计开发了基于B/S体系结构的学生选课及成绩管理系统。

3.Result The examination results showed normal distributionof testscores,with the averagescore of 66.结果:考试成绩呈正态分布,平均成绩66。


成绩1.成功的业绩;成效。 2.今亦指工作或学习所取得的成就﹐收获。
