100字范文 > 可调度性 schedulability英语短句 例句大全

可调度性 schedulability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-16 08:04:48


可调度性 schedulability英语短句 例句大全



1.Real fault-tolerant dual embedded system and investigation ofschedulability;实时双机嵌入式容错系统实现与可调度性研究

2.Research on Forecast of Schedulability About Real-time Process;一种实时任务可调度性预测研究

3.Schedulability Analysis and Simulation for Rate-Monotonic Scheduling Algorithm;单调速率调度算法的可调度性分析与仿真


1.Schedulability test algorithm for periodic tasks with partial order constraint偏序的周期任务间可调度性判定算法

2.Schedulability Test of Scheduling Hard Real-time Period and Sporadic Tasks Unified with EDF PolicyEDF统一调度硬实时周期任务和偶发任务的可调度性判定算法

3.Schedulability Analysis Algorithms for Distributed Hard Real-Time Systems;分布式强实时系统中可调度性分析算法的研究

4.Schedulability Analysis Algorithm for Timing Constraint Workflow Models;时间约束工作流模型的可调度性分析算法

5.Studies on Schedulability Analysis Method of Timing Constraint Petri Nets;时间约束Petri网的可调度性分析方法研究

6.The survey data and statistics data quality were good and reliability was high.本次调查数据代表性较好,可信度高。

7.Adjustment and Control on Biochemical Performance of High Concentration Organic Cyanide Wastewater高浓度有机氰废水可生化性调控研究

8.Grid Resource Scheduling Based on the Grid Resource Reliability;基于资源可靠性的网格资源调度研究

9.Reliability Analysis of UPS System in Electric Power Dispatch Centre;电力调度中心UPS电源的可靠性分析

10.Research of Component"s Scheduling and Scalability Based on VLBCVLBC中组件调度和可扩展性研究

11.On the Possibility of Mediation System in Administrative Proceedings我国行政诉讼调解制度之可行性分析

12.The accuracy offocus-adjustment can exceed half of focus-depth and the accuracy of collimation can exceed10 ̄(-5) rad.调焦精度可高于二分之一焦深,准直性精度高于10 ̄(-5)弧度。

13.The Research of Fuzzy Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Model Based on Credibility Measure;基于可信性测度的柔性工作车间模糊调度模型的研究

14.Study on the Software Reliability of Power Dispatching Automation System;电网调度自动化系统的软件可靠性研究

15.Application Study on Reliability Evaluation of Power Automation Control System;电网调度自动化系统可靠性的应用研究

16.Research on the Algorithm of Operational and Dispatching Reliability of Power Network and Software Implementation;电网运行调度可靠性算法研究及软件实现

17.Study on the Method of Reliability Modeling and Scheduling for the Emergency Response Process;应急响应过程可靠性建模及调度方法研究

18.Environmental Administrative Guidance and the Sustainable Regulation of Forestry;环境行政指导制度与林业可持续性调控



3)Flexibility of Intensity强度可调节性

1.Research on the Transportation Circumscription And theFlexibility of Intensity;交通屏蔽圈及其强度可调节性研究

4)schedulability test可调度性判定

1.The paper introduced the real-time schedule strategy of embedded BACnet gateway, which was based on real-time operating system μC/OS-II Using extended rate monotonic(ERM) algorithm sschedulability test, and it proved BACnet gateway can adopt ERM algorithm to realize the real-time schedule of multi-task.通过扩展速率单调(ERM)算法的可调度性判定,证明BACnet网关是可以采用ERM算法进行多任务实时调度的。

2.A lot of work has been done to investigate their schedulability, and present their correspondingschedulability tests.可调度性判定是实时调度算法的关键问题·单调速率算法RM(ratemonotonic)及其扩展是应用广泛的实时调度算法,大量文献讨论了实时任务在这些算法下的可调度性判定,给出了相应的判定算法·但迄今为止,对这些判定算法的性能分析都是理论上的定性分析或者只是少数几种判定算法之间的简单比较,这不利于实时系统的开发·归纳了RM及其扩展的可调度性判定算法,通过测试平台,系统地测试和分析了各算法的性能和适用场合,讨论了各种条件和实现方式对算法性能和可调度性的影响

3.This paper presents a review of the variousschedulability tests under RM algorithm, starting from the simplest ideal RM scheduling model and then going into the more complicated ones.任务可调度性判定是实时系统调度理论研究的核心问题。

5)schedulability analysis可调度性分析

1.Improvedschedulability analysis algorithm for end-to-end real-time CORBA scheduling model;改进的端到端实时CORBA调度模型可调度性分析算法

2.Schedulability Analysis for Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Systems;容错实时系统可调度性分析研究

3.Firstly, we extend the workflow nets with time constraints and call the new nets Timing Constraint workflow nets (TCWF-nets), then after analyzing the timing property of WorkFlow nets (WF-nets), we proposed theschedulability analysis algorithm of TCWF-nets.首先 ,将工作流网扩展为时间约束工作流网 ,然后分析了工作流网的时间特性 ,并提出了时间约束工作流网的可调度性分析算法。

6)schedulability verification可调度性验证

1.Simplification analysis andschedulability verification of timing constraint workflow model;时间约束工作流模型的简化分析与可调度性验证

2.Workflow modelsschedulability verification is to testify the rationality of Time Constraint Workflow Net (TCWF- Net) schedule and do some simulation experiments to verify the time accessibility for the instances in workflow system.首先基于可调度性定理,设计了时间约束工作流模型的可调度性验证算法,并提出时间约束修正策略。


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
