100字范文 > 哲学研究路径 the path of philosophical studies英语短句 例句大全

哲学研究路径 the path of philosophical studies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-30 13:50:44


哲学研究路径 the path of philosophical studies英语短句 例句大全

哲学研究路径,the path of philosophical studies

1)the path of philosophical studies哲学研究路径


1.Deficiency of Theoretical Guidelines in Study on Philosophy of Science in China and Suggestions;国内科学哲学研究路径的理论缺失及对策

2.Overview the Research Path and Its Evolvement in the Philosophy of Technology in the Occident;西方技术哲学研究中的路径及其演变

3.Analysis of the Course Path of Trust Study and the Way of Philosophical Thinking;信任研究的学科路径分析及其哲学思路取向

4.The Studies of the Thought of Path Dependence upon the Perspectives of Philosophy of Complexity;复杂性哲学视野下的路径依赖思想研究

5.A decisive choice of prospering the philosophical and social sciences--A report on the establishment of experts in Hebei Province;繁荣发展哲学社会科学的路径抉择——河北省哲学社会科学专家队伍建设研究报告

6.Return to the Original Philosophy of Marxism: a New Attempt to the New Approach to Studies on Marxism;回到原生态马克思主义哲学——创新马克思主义研究路径的尝试

7.Strengthening the Study of Management Philosophy--Concurrently Discussing Branch Philosophy Study:the Way to Philosophic Innovation;加强管理哲学研究——兼论部门哲学研究是哲学创新的必由之路

8.Problem and its Breakthrough of Philosophy of Value--Comments on the Study of Philosophy of Value;价值哲学的困境及其出路——价值哲学研究述评

9.The Science for Philosophy and the Philosophy for Scientific: Historical Materialism;哲学的科学与科学的哲学:唯物史观的致思路径

10.Ethical dilemmas of modernity and its resolution--from the viewpoint of self-conception从自我观看现代性道德困境及其解决路径——以麦金太尔道德哲学思想为学术资源的研究

11.Science and Interpretation: Two Methods of Legal Philosophy Research;科学与诠释:法哲学研究的两种理路

12.From the Question Consciousness to the Mode of the Production of Theory--On the way of improving Marxist philosophy studies;从问题意识到模式化的理论生产——简论改进当代马克思主义哲学研究的路径

13.A Philosophical Meditation on the Developmental Course of Chinese Personality Psychology;中国人格心理学发展路径的哲学思考

14.The Problems and a Way Out on the Studies of Current Chinese Cultural Philosophy;当前中国文化哲学研究的问题和出路

15.A Shift of Way to Philosophy: How Marx Saved "Individual";哲学路径的转变:马克思对“个人”的拯救

16.On the Three Ambiguous paths of Merleau - Ponty Philosophy;论梅洛-庞蒂哲学中的三条岐义性路径

17.Marxist Philosophy in China and Its Innovation Path马克思主义哲学中国化及其创新路径

18.Strategies of Journals to the Developmental Trend of Local Philosophy and Social Science Researches;论学报推进地方哲学社会科学研究的新思路


philosophy research哲学研究

1.Extended culture is one of the objects thatphilosophy researches.大文化是哲学研究的对象 ,通过对大文化的研究解决上述问题 ,提出新的大学发展理念和教学革新思路。

3)philosophical studies哲学研究

1.The mistaken way by which the studies of philosophical history covers or substitutes a creative a- nalysis of the world as the obligation ofphilosophical studies puts an end to the dialogue between philoso- phy and being.用哲学史研究掩盖或搪塞对世界进行原创分析这一哲学研究义务,此类错误做法终止了哲学与存在的对话,使哲学丧失对好奇精神的刺激能力,最终招致社会对哲学的普遍轻视。

4)philosophical research哲学研究

1.An Analysis ofphilosophical research and its trend during globalization;“全球化”语境下的哲学研究及其动势透析

2.The post-Stalin Soviet Marxistphilosophical research witnessed a decline and even deterioration as a result of Krushchev s revisionism,Brezhnev s debates,and Gorbachev s new thoughts bringing the Soviet Union to an disintegration.斯大林逝世后苏联马克思主义哲学研究工作日渐退潮,不到四十年时间就经历了赫鲁晓夫"修正"时期、勃列日涅夫"大讨论"时期黄戈尔巴乔夫"新思维"时期,其间苏联马克思主义哲学在曲折中发展嬗变,最终导致世界上第一个社社会主义国家的解体。

3.The paper generally studies several questions of the construction of economic philosophy,which mainly consists of essence and characteristics of economy,the objects,contents,characteristics,purpose,method of economicphilosophical research as well as subject branches and development orientation of economic philosophy etc.该文对经济哲学构建的几个问题进行了概论性研究,主要包括经济的实质和特征、经济哲学是最高层次的经济理论、经济哲学研究的对象、内容、特点、任务、方法、经济哲学的学科分支、经济哲学的发展方向等。

5)philosophy study哲学研究

1.The study on contemporary foreign philosophy has been one of the most important parts of foreignphilosophy study in China.现代外国哲学研究是我国外国哲学研究的重要组成部分。


1.The paper has made an in-depth analysis of CSSCI-data(-) on thephilosophy studies in China.通过CSSCI收录的哲学论文和引文概况、哲学论文和著作影响力、基金影响力等方面的分析,对哲学研究的发展做出了整体性的把握。


