100字范文 > 阴阳消长 Yin-yang waxing and waning英语短句 例句大全

阴阳消长 Yin-yang waxing and waning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-13 06:49:13


阴阳消长 Yin-yang waxing and waning英语短句 例句大全

阴阳消长,Yin-yang waxing and waning

1)Yin-yang waxing and waning阴阳消长


1.This dynamic change of succeeding each other between yin and yang is known as the waxing and waning of yin and yang.阴阳之间的这种彼此消长的动态变化被称为阴阳消长。

2.Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Insomnia from Yin-Yang Waxing and Waning以阴阳消长脏腑虚实理论辨治失眠症

3.The sign of tai shows three yangs, meaning that winter passes and spring arrives, when the yin shrinks and the yang expands, an auspicious time.卦象符号表示三阳:冬去春来,阴消阳长,有吉亨之象。

4.Reproduction can only be accomplished by consummation孤阴则不生,孤阳则不长

5.the masculine [feminine, neuter, common] gender阳 [阴,中,通] 性

6.Clinical Study on Treating Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands of Yang Deficiency with Yin Pathogens Accumulation with the Decoction of Yang-He-Xiao-Kuai阳和消块汤治疗阳虚阴毒内结型乳腺增生病的临床研究

7.Better control the media: Why are long property data such principles face?媒体时评:房产数据为何是长的这般阴阳脸?

8.Research on Contribution of Residents Consumption to Shenyang Economic Growth;居民消费对沈阳经济增长贡献的研究

9.The Clinical Observation of Xiaokangling Ⅰ Treating Positive Antiendometrial Antibody and Turning Negative;消抗灵Ⅰ号治疗抗子宫内膜抗体阳性转阴的临床观察

10.Effects of Dietary Cation-anion Balance on Heated-stressed Dairy Cows and Ruminant Digestion and Metabolism;日粮阴阳离子平衡对热应激奶牛及瘤胃消化代谢影响的研究

11.The Cultural Origin ofNei JingWith the Reference ofSu Wen;察天人之道 究阴阳消息——从《素问》看《内经》的文化来源

12.Without yin, there would be no yang; without yang, there would also be no yin.(1)没有阴,无所谓阳;没有阳,也无所谓阴。

13.It is impossible to have only the yin without the yang, or vice versa.不能只有阴没有阳,或者只有阳没有阴。

14.The theory "inducing Yang from Yin, inducing Yin from Yang" and clinical application“从阴引阳,从阳引阴”理论及临床应用

15.Discussion on Doctrine of Yin-Yang Sleep and Dream from the Medicinal Classical Theroy to Scientific Frontline从阴阳二十五度论中医阴阳睡梦学说

16.The sun"s first rays would smite down through the gloom of the temple and the long alley of the temple pillars.太阳最初的光线会穿透庙宇的阴暗处和庙中列柱之间的长廓。

17.The Study of the Comparing the Decline of the Status of Luoyang with the Growth of the Status of Kaifeng in the Period of Middle and Late Tang and Five Dynasties;中晚唐五代洛阳开封地位消长对比研究

18.A Study on the Growth and Decline Law of Citrus Red Spider in Fields in Mianyang;绵阳市柑桔红蜘蛛田间消长规律研究初报


yin grows while yang is generating阳生阴长


1.The Deliberation in the Relation between TheYin-yang Physique Theory in The Yellow Emperor s Internal Classic and Theory of Human Nature;对《黄帝内经》阴阳体质学说人性论哲学基础的思考

2.An Early History of the Jing-Mai Doctrine:Qi,Yin-Yang and Mystic Numbers;经脉学说的早期历史:气、阴阳与数字

3.Wavelet Analysis Theory in the Perspective of Yin-Yang Philosophy;“阴阳”哲学视角下的小波分析理论

4)Yin and Yang阴阳

1.The substance manifestations ofYin and Yang in traditional Chinese medical science;中国传统医学中阴阳的物质体现(英文)

2.On The Theory of ZhuXi sYin and Yang In The Research About ZhouYI Can-Tong-Qi;论朱熹《周易参同契考异》的阴阳观

5)Yin Yang阴阳

1.Yin Yang--order parameter of human body system;阴阳——人体系统序参量解读(一)

2.Jing is a fundamental structure of Qihua which can t express any defference of future life at stage of Jing;Yin Yang expresses the evolution regularity of life which has defferent nature;five elements expresses a team of natural number which under five elements and it contral life to evolute at five stages.阴阳,表达生殖之精依靠气化,演化出的具有某些相对的可比较属性。


1.Explanation to the Discipline of Pro.Xia Guicheng’sYinyang Taiji and Eight Diagrams Figure and Menstrual Cycle Evolution;夏桂成教授阴阳太极八卦图与月经周期演变规律诠释

2.Some Issues Concerned with the Conception ofYinyang;关于阴阳概念中的几个问题

3.On the Absorbing of the Theory on YinYang and the Five Elements by Dong zhongshu’s Political Philosophy;试论董仲舒政治哲学对阴阳五行说的吸收


阴阳消长阴阳消长 阴阳消长 阴阳学说术语。指阴阳对立双方处于不断消长变化之中,此盛彼衰,此消彼长,在绝对的消长中维持相对的平衡。如四季气候从寒冷转暖变热,即是“阴消阳长”的过程,从炎热转凉变寒,即是“阳消阴长”的过程。人体生理上平旦至日中阳气渐盛,为“阴消阳长”,日中至黄昏,阴气渐盛,为“阳消阴长”。病理上表现为“阴虚阳亢”、“阴盛阳衰”等。《素问·阴阳应象大论》:“阴胜则阳病,阳胜则阴病;阳胜则热,阴胜则寒。”
