100字范文 > 武陵 Wuling英语短句 例句大全

武陵 Wuling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-08 19:39:59


武陵 Wuling英语短句 例句大全



1.Constructing the Big Tourism ofWuling & Promoting the Big Development of Economy;构建武陵大旅游,促进经济大发展

2.Investigation and analysis of current situation of college students sport activities inWuling impoverished mountain areas;对武陵贫困山区大学生体育活动现状的调查与分析


1.Once a time there was a fisherman whose native land was called Wuling, in the Taiyuan Period of Time of the Jin Dynasty [265-420], China.晋太元中,武陵人捕鱼为业。

2."There was once a native of Wuling, who lived on fishing. One day he rowed up a stream, and soon forgot how far he had gone.“武陵人捕鱼为业,缘溪行,忘路之远近。

3.Epidemiological Investigation of Porcine Circovirus Disease Infection in Pigs in Wulin Mountainous Area;武陵山区猪圆环病毒病流行病学调查

4.Study on the Strategy of Ecological Touring Agriculture for WuLingYuang District;武陵源区生态旅游农业开发战略研究

5.Studies and Innovation on Traditional Tujia Furniture in the Wuling Region;武陵地区的传统土家族家具研究创新

6.On the Development Thinking of Rural Economic for Tujia Minority Region in Wuling Mountain;武陵山土家族地区山村经济发展思考

7.On Ecological Wisdom of Dwelling Houses of Wulingshan Miao Nationality;试论武陵山区苗族民居中的生态智慧

8.On Strengthening Regional Cooperation in Wuling Area;整合资源,加强武陵地区区域合作研究

9.A Ponderation on Adjustment of Rural lndustrial structure of the Wuling Mountain Area;对武陵山区农村产业结构调整的思考

10.Shennong-Where Ancient Wuling Area Clan Originated in;神农氏族发源武陵地区的人类学考察

11.History and Present Conditions of Vocational School Education in Wuling Region;武陵地区职业技术教育的历史与现状

12.A Study of The Marketing Model of Stocked Village Tourism in Wu-ling Mountain Area;武陵山区民族村寨旅游营销模式研究

13.The Excavation on the Site at Wulingzhongzui,Wanzhou District in the City of Chongqing;重庆市万州区武陵中嘴遗址发掘报告

14.Influences of Infrastructural Facilities on the Economic Development in Wulin Mountain Areas;基础设施对武陵山区经济发展的影响

15.Study on the Variation of Traveller Flow of Yellow Dragom Cave in Wulingyuan and its Effects;武陵源黄龙洞客流变化及其影响研究

16.A Research on the Further Development Mechanism of Tourist Resources in Wuling Mountaineous Area;武陵山区旅游资源深度开发机制研究

17.A Comparative Study on the Physical Condition of College Students in Wulin District;武陵山区大学生体质现状的比较研究

18.The Study on the Development of High-quality Tourism Products of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie张家界武陵源风景名胜区精品化研究



1.Analysis and Countermeasure of Water Pollution ofWulingyuan World Natural Heritage;武陵源世界自然遗产地水环境污染分析及其对策

2.Water Environment Study ofWulingyuan Scenic Zone;武陵源风景名胜区水环境调查

3.Protection Zoning System of Natural Heritage——A Case Study onWulingyuan Famous Scenic Sites of China;自然遗产地保护分区模式探讨——以武陵源风景名胜区为例

3)Wuling mountain area武陵山区

1.The agriculture resources characteristics of theWuling mountain area and sustainable utilization strategy;武陵山区农业资源特点及其可持续利用战略

2.Breeding Strategy and Objectives of Hybrid Rice in Wuling Mountain Areas;武陵山区杂交水稻育种目标与策略初探

3.A Study on the Development of Tourist Industry in Wuling Mountain Area During Building All-round Well-off Society;全面建设小康社会背景下的武陵山区旅游业开发

4)Wuling Liquor武陵酒

1.Application of Amylosa Enzyme in the Distilled Grains ofWuling Liquor;阿米诺酶在武陵酒回糟生产中的应用

2.Investigation on Technical Innovation ofWuling Liquor武陵酒生产工艺创新剖析

5)Wuling mountain武陵山

1.This paper had made a deep research to the current situation of Chinese herbal medicine resource ofWuling mountain area.对武陵山各地中草药资源现状研究。

2.By using the method of sampling,mathematical statistics,interview investigation and documentary,this paper investigates current condition of sports population in rural areas,finds out existing problems for sports development inWuling mountains.运用分层抽样法、数理统计法、走访调查和文献资料调研,探索武陵山贫困地区(湘、鄂、渝、黔4省市边区)农村体育人口的现状,找出武陵贫困地区农村体育运动发展存在的问题,为制定当地体育发展规划提供依据。

6)Wuling Mountain region武陵山区

1.Vegetation Restoration Communities in the Soil Erosion Watershed of Wuling Mountain Region:Their Family and Genera Composition and Geographic Element Analysis;武陵山区小流域植被恢复群落组成与地理成分

2.Optimization of spatial organizations inWuling Mountain region;武陵山区空间组织的优化研究

3.Tourist resources in Wuling Mountain Region are very rich, which makes a good foundation for the development .武陵山区的旅游资源极为丰富,开发也有一定的基础,且当地政府和人民具有强烈的旅游扶贫致富愿望,然而在开发过程中存在着低水平重复开发、掠夺开发和破坏环境等一系列问题。


