100字范文 > 电子储存环 Electron storage ring英语短句 例句大全

电子储存环 Electron storage ring英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-04 22:46:54


电子储存环 Electron storage ring英语短句 例句大全

电子储存环,Electron storage ring

1)Electron storage ring电子储存环

1.Because of photon stimulated desorption, a lot of gases will be desorbed from vacuum chamber in electron storage ring.在同步辐射电子储存环中,由于光电解吸的作用,将解吸大量的气体,而储存的束流电子与气体分子的碰撞将引起电子的散射,导致束流寿命的减小,因此残余气体成分成为衡量一个电子储存环真空系统性能的重要的指标。

2.In electron storage ring, the distortion of closed orbit and dispersion, due to inaccuracies of magnets manufacture and misalignment, will cause a series of negative effects, such as tune-shift, distortion of optic function, decrease of dynamic aperture, and decrease of luminance et al.电子储存环中,由磁铁元件制造误差和安装误差导致的闭合轨道和色散函数的畸变,通常会引起一系列的负面效应,介绍了以合肥光源储存环为模型,用响应矩阵的奇值分解法对闭合轨道和色散函数进行校正的可行性研究结果。


1.Study on Beam Polarization and It"s Applications on Electron Storage Ring电子储存环上束流自发极化的研究及应用

2.The ions trapped by beam potential well can cause beam instability in e lectron storage rings.在电子储存环中,由于被束流势阱俘获的离子会引起束流不稳定性。

3.positron electron tandem ring accelerator正负电子串列存储环型加速器petra

4.Heavy Ion Synchrotron and Cooler-Storage-Ring in Lanzhou千兆电子伏重离子加速器——兰州冷却储存环

5.Electron Equilibrium Orbit Adjustment and Closed Orbit Correction in Hefei Electron Storage Ring合肥储存环电子束平衡轨道的调整及闭轨校正

6.Safe Usage Countermeasure for Mobile Storage Media Under E-Government Environment电子政务环境下移动存储载体安全使用对策

7.Dynamic calibration of storage electronic pressure test instruments in application environments存储式电子测压器应用环境下动态校准

8.semipermanent electronic storage半永久性电子式存储器

9.proton electron positron storage ring质子 电子 正电子贮存环

10.Research on Structure Design and Finite Element Analysis of the Vacuum Chamber for the Electron Positron Collider s Storage Ring;正负电子对撞机储存环真空室结构设计与有限元研究

11.Particle Dynamics Study of Hefei Light Source Storage Ring;合肥光源储存环粒子动力学问题研究

12.Layout of photon absorbers in the SSRF storage ring上海光源储存环光子吸收器布局设计

13.The Storage Management Subsystem (SMS) is an operating environment that automates the management of storage.存储管理子系统是一个使存储管理自动化的操作环境。

14.Modify Storage for Deleted Files and E-mail修改删除的文件和电子邮件的存储

15.Storage Allocation for Deleted Files and E-mail为删除的文件和电子邮件分配存储

16.electronic computer and stored program automatic drafter电子计算机和存储程序自动绘图器械

17.electronic mailbox device for receiving and storing electronic mai接受、储存电子邮递的装置.

18.The Latest Development of Electron Trapping Materials电子俘获光存储材料的最新研究进展


hadron electron storage ring强子电子存储环

3)electron-positron storage ring电子-正电子储存环

4)electron positron storage ring电子正电子储存环

5)Electronic saving电子存储

6)Storage ring free electron laser储存环自由电子激光


