100字范文 > 灾变链式理论 chain-styled theory of the disaster英语短句 例句大全

灾变链式理论 chain-styled theory of the disaster英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-29 11:21:36


灾变链式理论 chain-styled theory of the disaster英语短句 例句大全

灾变链式理论,chain-styled theory of the disaster

1)chain-styled theory of the disaster灾变链式理论

1.On the basis of thechain-styled theory of the disaster, the text discusses briefly chain-styled mechanism of the development, burst, continued character and staged character.本文在灾变链式理论的基础上,简要论述了灾变链式关系的发生发育机理与延续性以及阶段性。

2)Chain-styled mechanism of the disaster灾变链式机理

3)Catastrophe theory灾变理论

1.The process of analyzing the buckling of elastic structures by catastrophe theoryis studied in this paper.就如何利用灾变理论分析弹性结构的屈曲问题作了初步探讨,利用灾变理论对有某些缺陷(如荷载偏心杆件初弯扭横向作用力等)的结构屈曲性质和特性进行了较为深入的探讨,力图为结构稳定的更深层次研究开辟一条新路。

2.As a mathematical tool of analyzing nonlinear systems in the case of the dynamic characteristic jumping, catastrophe theory has been used to assess the steady state stability,transient stability,and voltage stability in power systems,including simple power systems[1,2.灾变理论作为分析非线性系统动态特性发生跃变的一种数学工具,已被用于电力系统静态稳定、暂态稳定和电压稳定分析。


1.Study on Self-Organized Criticality、Fractal and Theory of Disasters;自组织临界性、分形及灾变理论研究

2.Trend Analysis of Drought and Waterlogging in Kaifeng Based on Gray Catastrophe Theory基于灰色灾变理论的开封旱涝趋势分析

3.The most popular alternative to catastrophism is the gradualistic approach.最著名的灾变论的对立理论就是渐变论。

4.The Temporal and Spacial Prediction Theoretical Model of Landslides Catastrophe Process and Its Application;滑坡灾变过程时空预测理论模型及应用

5.Assessment of Pollution Disaster Risk in Near-shore Coastal Waters Based on Catastrophe Theory基于突变理论的近岸海域环境灾害风险评价

6.Assessment model of drought and flood disasters with variable fuzzy set theory可变模糊集理论在旱涝灾害评价中的应用

7.Application of Gray System Theory on Disastrous Year Forecast of Winter Strong Low Temperature and Frost灰色系统理论在冬季强低温霜冻灾变年份预测中的应用

8.Risk Analyzing on Pollution Disaster in Near-shore Waters Coastal in Yingkou Based on Catastrophe Theory基于突变理论的营口近岸海域环境灾害性风险分析

9.Applying Disaster Medicine Theory in Medical Rescue in Earthquake Relief灾难医学理论在抗震救灾医疗救援中的应用

10.On the Disaster Basis for the Theory of Division Harness and Classified Governance of Forest Fires森林火灾分区分类施治理论的灾害学基础

11.Discourses on Celestial Omens and Disastrous Occurrences in the Political Context of the Northern Song;北宋政治变革中的“天文灾异”论说

12.Review of theory and practice in disaster nursing education灾难护理教育的理论与实践研究进展

13.Exploratory analysis of theoretical basis for integrated natural disaster risk management综合自然灾害风险管理理论依据探析

14.To establish paroxysmal catastrophe social defending system in China and to manage catastrophe;我国突发性灾变社会防范机制的建立与灾变处理

15.Yet the movie"s depiction of the fallout from climate change stretches reputable science to apocalyptic proportions.然而,影片所描述的气候变化的后遗症把著名的科学理论夸张成天大的灾难。

16.It seems catastrophism is an unstable theory with serious problems concerning the magnitude of the event and its repercussions.看来,灾变说是一个极不牢固的理论,涉及到有关事件及其反馈的幅度等严重问题。

17.Theory Research and Practice on Eastsea Geohazard Regionalization in China;东海灾害地质分区研究的理论与实践

18.Theoretical Framework and Positive Study of Disaster Economy of China;中国灾害经济:理论构架与实证研究


Chain-styled mechanism of the disaster灾变链式机理

3)Catastrophe theory灾变理论

1.The process of analyzing the buckling of elastic structures by catastrophe theoryis studied in this paper.就如何利用灾变理论分析弹性结构的屈曲问题作了初步探讨,利用灾变理论对有某些缺陷(如荷载偏心杆件初弯扭横向作用力等)的结构屈曲性质和特性进行了较为深入的探讨,力图为结构稳定的更深层次研究开辟一条新路。

2.As a mathematical tool of analyzing nonlinear systems in the case of the dynamic characteristic jumping, catastrophe theory has been used to assess the steady state stability,transient stability,and voltage stability in power systems,including simple power systems[1,2.灾变理论作为分析非线性系统动态特性发生跃变的一种数学工具,已被用于电力系统静态稳定、暂态稳定和电压稳定分析。

4)chain-styled theory链式理论

1.Based onchain-styled theory for tunnel water disaster prevention;基于链式理论的隧道水灾害治理

5)chain-styled phases of the disaster灾变链式阶段

6)gray catadysm theory灰色灾变理论


