100字范文 > 元语言否定 metalinguistic negation英语短句 例句大全

元语言否定 metalinguistic negation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-01 12:23:42


元语言否定 metalinguistic negation英语短句 例句大全

元语言否定,metalinguistic negation

1)metalinguistic negation元语言否定

1.And negation in our natural languages turns out to be so complicated that the traditional unitary account proves ineffective either for negation in general or for the so-calledmetalinguistic negation in particular.无论是对一般的否定现象,还是就所谓的“元语言否定”而言,传统的单一解释模式证明难以奏效。

2.Instead, I will restrict my discussions to a cognitive study ofmetalinguistic negation, a special kind of negation.然而,我的讨论集中在元语言否定,一种特殊的否定,的认知分析上。

3.As an important part of negation and natural linguistic phenomenon,metalinguistic negation has drawn more and more attention of researchers in recent years; however it is noteworthy that much attention has been contributed to describe MN from semantic and cognitive point of view, few endeavors have been made on explaining MN from pragmatic perspective.作为否定的一个重要组成部分和一种自然语言现象,元语言否定近年来引起了研究者们越来越多的关注。

2)A Tentative Study of Metalinguistic Negation试论元语言否定

3)negative language否定语言

1.As a teacher leading students to hold the description ofnegative language is a very important job in the process of teaching.引导学生掌握否定语言的描述方法是教学过程中一项重要工作,文章就高等数学中常用的否定描述提出了一些看法。


1.The Influence of the Acquisition of Formulaic Negatives on Learner s Listening Comprehension Ability;否定语言定式习得对学习者听力理解能力的影响

2.the speech act of contradicting someone.否定某人的言语行为。

3.a linguistic rule for the syntax of grammatical utterances.制定是否合乎语法的语言规则。

4.On the Relationship between Modality and Negation in the English Language;论英语语言中情态和否定的相互关系

5.The pragmatic investigation of the negative sentence of "bu" in children language;儿童语言中“不”字否定句的语用考察

6.On Special Copula--Negation;语言哲学视野中的特殊系词——否定新探

7.The Pronunciation Change of the Negative Character “Wu” in Shaoxing Dialect;绍兴方言否定副词“勿”的语音变异

8.On the Focus of the Judgement whether Compatibility of the Disjucts in Natural Language;自然语言中选言肢相容与否的判定问题

9.A Study on Understanding and Applying the Expressions of the Chinese Negative Meanings for the Foreign Students;留学生的汉语否定言语行为表达的习得研究

10.Non-conventional Indirect Negation: Speech Act as a Pragmatic Strategy非规约间接否定:作为语用策略的言语行为

11.The Negative Words and Their Patterns in Pingli Dialect;陕西平利方言几个表否定的词语及相关格式

12.The Usage of Negative Adverb in Yunnan Dialect and its Teaching in TCFL;云南方言否定副词及在对外汉语中的教学对策

13.On Some Negative Expression in the English and Chinese Languages;试论否定式在英汉两种语言中的表达形式

14.On the Basic Idea of Memphis and Its Design Language;否定与超越——论孟菲斯的基本理念与设计语言

15.The Grammatical Placement and the Semantic Misplacement of the Negators in the Modalized Statements of English and Chinese;英汉语言模态句中否定词的语法位置和语义错位

16.The Translating Process of English Sentences of Double Negation: A Psycholinguistic Case Study英语双重否定句汉译过程的心理语言学个案研究

17.On the Privative Opposition of Nominal Grammatical Category of Chinese and Russian from the Perspective of Markedness Theory从“标记理论”看汉俄语言名词语法范畴的否定对立

18.double negativeph.1. 【语】双重否定


A Tentative Study of Metalinguistic Negation试论元语言否定

3)negative language否定语言

1.As a teacher leading students to hold the description ofnegative language is a very important job in the process of teaching.引导学生掌握否定语言的描述方法是教学过程中一项重要工作,文章就高等数学中常用的否定描述提出了一些看法。

4)language negation语言否定

1.There are many different view points about the essence of naturallanguage negation:negation means"absence,non-existonce"; negation can express various pragmatic meanings;negation is a constituent of thought and sentence which expresses thought,and so on.关于自然语言否定的本质,存在各种不同的看法:否定表示"缺乏,不存在";否定可以表达各种语用意义;否定是思想和表达思想的句子的要素等等。

5)metalinguistic negation元语否定

1.A cognitive-pragmatic analysis ofmetalinguistic negation;元语否定的认知语用分析

2.As a kind of marked negation,metalinguistic negation is usually marked by the double-sentence structure,consisting of a basic negative sentence plus another positive or negative sentence.元语否定作为一种标记否定,它的标记形式一般为由本句和义句构成的复句结构式。

3.Horn divided negative sentence into two kinds:descriptive negation andmetalinguistic negation during 1980s.描绘性否定和元语否定是八十年代荷恩对否定的具体分类。

6)formulaic negative否定语言定式


