100字范文 > 无创伤 noninvasive英语短句 例句大全

无创伤 noninvasive英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-01 23:14:04


无创伤 noninvasive英语短句 例句大全



1.Several different measurement methods for invasive glucose concentration monitoring,near-noninvasive glucose concentration measuring,andnoninvasive glucose concentration evaluating are described.从直接接触式的血糖浓度临床检测方法,以及市面上的各种微创式可随身携带的血糖浓度检测仪的测量技术,到近期正在研究的无创伤血糖浓度检测技术的描述,着重论述了目前国内外正在研究尚没应用于临床的无创伤血糖浓度检测的各种技术原理和方案,并对各种无创伤血糖浓度测量技术的工作原理和存在的临床应用问题进行分析,同时展望了血糖检测技术未来的发展之路。

2.Advancement in the field ofnoninvasive blood glucose measurement is briefly introduced in this paper.对人体血糖无创伤检测技术及其进展进行了综述,介绍了有关的基础研究结果。

3.This review will discuss the valueofnoninvasive technique including CTA, MRA, an ultrasound for imaging the carotids, and identifythe benefits such as better delineation of stenosis, visualization and measurement of entire vessel and calcified walls of plaque.本文将评价无创伤的 血管检查技术对颈动脉病变的价值,包括血管超声检查,CT血管造影,磁共振血管造影等。


1.Objective Introduce a means to collect fingertip pulse wave in an unscarred means.目的介绍脉搏波信号无创伤采集系统应用。

2.Studies on the On-line Non-invasive Automatic Monitoring Technique of Plant Water Potential;植物水势在线无创伤自动监测技术研究

3.MR cerebrospinal fluid imaging technique is non-radiating and convenient.结论:MR脑脊液成像是一种新的无创伤,快捷的成像技术。

4.The Tilt Test System Based on Continuous Noninvasive Measurement of Beat-to-beat Blood Pressure;基于无创伤逐拍动脉血压测量技术的倾斜实验系统

5.Tissue Optics Basis and Application in Non-Invasive Sensing of Blood Glucose Concentration with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy;近红外无创伤血糖浓度测量方法的组织光学基础及应用研究

6.In Vivo Measures of Key Parameters for Cochlear Implantation;人工电子耳蜗植入所需关键参数的无创伤性测量研究

7.The Pretreatment Methods of Data in the Study of Non-Invasive Measurement of Human Blood Glucose Concentration with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy;近红外无创伤人体血糖浓度检测中的数据预处理方法

8.KJV] For he breaketh me with a tempest, and multiplieth my wounds without cause.[新译]他用暴风伤害我,无缘无故加添我的创伤。

9.There is no alleviating of your injury; Your wound is grievous.19你的损伤无法医治,你的创伤极其严重。

10.The scars of poverty have undoubtedly left their mark.贫困给心灵造成的创伤毫无疑问地留下了烙

11.Nay, not without a wound in the spirit shall I leave this city.不,我无法不带着精神上的创伤离开此城。

12.Noninvasive Measurement of Intracranial Pressure with Flash Visual Evoked Potentials Used to Monitor Craniocerebral Injury;无创颅内压监测仪用于颅脑损伤的临床研究

13.Study on the Noninvasive Brain-edema Monitor in DAI;脑弥漫性轴索损伤无创脑水肿动态观察的研究

14.Application of wireless trunk communication system to rescue severe trauma无线集群通信系统在创伤急救中的应用

15.Our wounds will continue to fester and never heal.就永远无法修复自己的创伤,伤口会继续溃烂,永不愈合。

16.Noninvasive Ventilatory Support in the Management of Acute Lung Injury after Thoracic Trauma by Acomplex Critical Ventilator;大型呼吸机无创通气治疗胸部外伤所致急性肺损伤临床观察

17.Invasive and sequential non-invasive mechanical ventilation in flail chest combined with pulmonary contusion有创与无创序贯性机械通气联合治疗连枷胸合并肺挫伤

18.GFAP+ astrocytes hhd no changes and there were no VIM+ astrocytes surrounding wounds in postmortem groups.死后脑干损伤组GFAP+星形胶质细胞无改变,创缘及创周无VIM+星形胶质细胞出现。



1.We have made the latestnon-invasive hemorheometer according to high sensitivity sensor and computer technology, combined with micre assay technique.我们以copley教授“血液—血管”器官理论为基础,分析综合了影响 血液粘度的多种因素,利用国外先进传感器及计算机技术,结合微量法测定红细胞 压积和纤维蛋白原的方法,通过大量实验,建立比较完善的模拟关系,研制了新一 代无创伤血液流变仪,与N6型锥板粘度计对照,结果准确可靠。


1.Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis is a long-term aim of modern human gnetics.无创伤性产前诊断是人类遗传学发展的长期目标,从的外周血中分离胎儿细胞及游离DNA、RNA使之成为可能。

4)aseptic wound无菌创伤

5)Noninvasive measurement无创伤检测

6)non-invasive evaluation无创伤估测


