100字范文 > 利用关系 make use of relation英语短句 例句大全

利用关系 make use of relation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-19 09:21:42


利用关系 make use of relation英语短句 例句大全

利用关系,make use of relation

1)make use of relation利用关系


1.The Study of the Relation of Urban Transport System and Urban Ground Exploiting;城市交通规划与土地利用关系的研究

2.On Urbanization and Intensive Use of Urban Land;城市化与城市土地集约利用关系探讨

3.Using the relationship factor to solve the turning issue of the robotic fish利用关系因子解决机器鱼的转向问题

4.Parsed tree model of XML document based on relation table利用关系表构建XML文档解析的树模型

5.party interested利益关系方利益关系人

6.Who are the key stakeholders driving the use of wireless?谁是驱使无限使用的关键利害关系人?

7.Research siblings identification by Identifiler system and automatic STR genetic利用Identifiler分型系统推断同胞关系

8.use factor利用系数, 利用率

9.Research on the Relationship between Urban Land Sustainable Utilization and Land Use Model城市土地可持续利用与土地利用模式关系研究

10.Relation Between Reasonable Utilization of Energy and Decrease in Production Cost合理利用能源与减少生产成本的关系

11.Land-Use,Stream Order and Stream Water Quality;土地利用、溪流级别与溪流水质的关系

ment on the Relationship between the Exhaustion of Exclusive Rights and the Trade Liberalization Policy;论权利用尽原则和贸易自由化的关系

13.A Study on Coupling Relationship of Land Use Benefits in Ningbo City;宁波市土地利用效益的耦合关系研究

14.Analysis on relation of urban planning and land use planning;城市规划与土地利用规划的关系研究

15.On the Relations in Applying the Cadres Personnel Files;高校人事档案利用中应处理好的关系

16.Relationship between Energy Availability and Athletic Menstrual Cycle Irregularities;可利用能量与运动性月经失调的关系

17.On the Systematic Study of Sustainable Utilization of Mineral Resources;关于矿产资源可持续利用的系统研究

18.Pragmatic Strategies in Mandarin Refusals and Power Relations汉语拒绝的语用策略和权利关系研究


Reciprocally utilizing relationship利用互动关系


1.The social relationship coming from utilization-relation can be induced as environment-utilization-relation,which mainly includes two sorts of relation: the one is the social relations between environment user,the other is the social relations between the government and environment user.作为环境法调整对象的社会关系可以称为环境利用关系,主要包括两个方面:一是各类环境利用人之间由于环境利用而产生的关系;二是由于国家对环境利用的介入而形成的国家和环境利用人之间的社会关系。

4)relation concerning the use of the natural resources自然资源利用关系

5)mining of the land use proximity relation土地利用邻近关系挖掘


1.On the Nature and Interests of Firm;企业的性质及其利益关系研究

2.The speciality of environmental damage determines the complicatedinterests it involves.环境污染损害的特殊性决定了其所涉及的利益关系的复杂性。

3.The government should make full use of its regulating function to harmonize theinterests of all sides,which is the practical need of smooth transition of society and economy and also the prior premise and basis of socialist harmonious society construction.对此,政府作为凌驾于社会之上的公共权力,应充分发挥其调控职能,来协调和整合各方面的利益关系,这是保证经济社会顺利转型的现实需要,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的首要前提和基础。


东北平原农业气候资源利用(见农业气候资源利用)东北平原农业气候资源利用(见农业气候资源利用)默军爵攫戳猛罚胃植和l用2 iyuanl心yong 见农业气候资
