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提取物 extract英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-04 17:55:32


提取物 extract英语短句 例句大全



1.Development with questions and suggestions for medicinal plantextract industry in China;我国植物提取物行业科技发展现状、问题及建议

2.Application of the megranate skinextract in soy sauce preservation;石榴皮提取物在酱油贮藏中的应用

3.Experimental study of protection animals skin of three wild hamamelidaceae plantsextract;3种金缕梅科植物提取物对动物皮肤防护研究


1.Such an extract in a solution of alcohol.酒精提取物酒精溶液中的提取物

2.The chloroform extract was the most active.在各提取物中氯仿提取物活性最强。

3.dyewood extract木本植物染料萃取物,植物染料提取物

4.Study on Extraction Techniques of A rctium lappa,Giycine max(L) Merrill,Allium sativum牛蒡、大豆、大蒜提取物提取工艺的优化

5.The insoluble portion of an extract.提取物中不溶解的部分

6.hemlock bark extract北美铁杉树皮提取物

7.Study on the Bioactivities of Plant Extracts Against Lasioderma Serricorne;植物提取物对烟草甲的生物活性研究

8.An alkaloidal extract or tincture derived from this plant and used in medicine.颠茄碱从此种植物中提取的一种生物碱提取物或酊剂,用在药物中

9.Studies on Extraction Process of Chidan Pill and Pharmacodynamics of Extract;赤丹丸的提取工艺及提取物的药效学研究

10.The Compare Research of Ingredient of Ginger Extraction with Different Distilling Methods;不同提取方法生姜提取物中成分的比较研究

11.Optimization of the Extracting Technique of Deoxyschazandrin and Study on Antibacterial Effect of Schisandra Fruit Extract;五味子甲素提取工艺及提取物抑菌作用研究

12.Study on the Quality Criteria, Extraction Technology, Purification Technology of Herba Artemisiae Scopariae茵陈质量标准及其提取物提取纯化工艺研究

13.Multi-index synthetic study on extracting technology for the extract of Senecio cannabifolius Less.多指标综合研究返魂草提取物的提取工艺

14.Optimization of extraction and purification of Rhizoma Chuanxiong extract for injection注射用川芎提取物提取纯化方法的优选

15.Study on extraction and antimicrobial activity of extracts from physalis alkekengil l. var. francheti(mast.) makino锦灯笼宿萼提取物的提取及其抑菌作用研究

16.Study on extraction process in the extract of Squilla Oratoria口虾蛄乙醇提取物的分离提取工艺研究

17.Additionally the extract contains substances, which act against cramps.这种提取物还含有抑制月经痛的物质。

18.a candy that is flavored with an extract of the horehound plant.用苦汁薄荷植物提取物调味的糖果。



1.Bioassay on the herbicidal activity ofextracts from Erigeron canadensis;小飞蓬提取物除草活性的生物测定

2.Study on the antimicrobial activities ofextracts from Amebia euchroma(Royle)Johnst with different solvents;紫草不同溶剂提取物抑菌活性研究


1.Study on the antimicrobial effects of spiceextractions;香辛料提取物抑菌作用的研究

2.Study on the Anti-microbial Effect of the Extraction Oldenlandia diffusa(Willd) Roxb;白花蛇舌草提取物的抑菌作用研究

3.Observation on Acute Toxicity Test to Fish and Mouse with the Extraction of Solanum xanthocarpum;黄果茄植物提取物对鱼类和大鼠急性毒性试验的观察


1.Influence of Glelitsia sinensis Lamextractive on the regulation of cancerous gene and telomerase activity of human hepatocarcinoma cell;皂荚提取物对人肝癌细胞相关癌基因表达的调控作用及端粒酶的影响

2.Empirical study of acute toxicity on Folium Sennaeextractive;番泻叶提取物的急性毒性实验研究

3.Experimental study on anti-tumor effect ofextractive from Celastrus orbiculatus in vivo;南蛇藤提取物体内抗肿瘤作用的实验研究


1.Study on Anti-tumor Effect ofExtractions from Roots of Actinidia deliciosa;美味猕猴桃根提取物的体内抗肿瘤作用研究

2.The Toxicity Comparison Experiment of theExtractions from Fructus Xanthii;苍耳子不同提取物的毒性比较实验

3.It discussed the inhibition of the extractions from Semen SinapisAlbae on BPH.本文综述了良性前列腺增生(BPH)的发病机理、药物治疗概况以及白芥子(Semen Sinapis Albae)的药学研究概况;报道了白芥子主要成分的提取、分离和含量测定,白芥子提取物抑制前列腺增生的试验研究,以及白芥子提取物对细胞生长因子、雄激素受体(AR)表达的影响的研究结果。

6)water extract水提取物

1.Experimental studies on anti-inflammatory activity of thewater extract from Radix et Caulis Ilicis Asprellae;岗梅水提取物抗炎作用的实验研究

2.Anti-tumor effect of the Asterwater extract in vivo;紫菀水提取物体内抗肿瘤作用

3.5),water extract and solvent-extractable organic compounds of PM2.5)及其水提取物和有机提取物对大鼠肺泡巨噬细胞的细胞毒性和DNA的损伤作用。


八角茴香提取物CAS:84650-59-9中文名称:八角茴香提取物英文名称:Star anise, Illicium verum, extract; Star anise,Illicium verum,extract
