100字范文 > 不可替代 Irreplaceable英语短句 例句大全

不可替代 Irreplaceable英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-11 13:36:20


不可替代 Irreplaceable英语短句 例句大全



1.Specialized teachers are not only science and cultural basement and subject knowledge system but also they are experts on learned innovation and educational knowledge, besides their position is as irreplaceable as a doctor and a lawyer.20世纪世界许多国家先后由原来的对教师量的急需转向对教师质的需求,出路是必须变教师的职业化教育、准专业化教育而为严格的专业化教育!专业化教师既具广博的科学文化基础、系统的学科知识,又应是学术创新与教育知识方面的专家,应具有像医生、律师一样的专业不可替代性。


1.irreplaceable use value不可替代的使用价值

2.a rare incommutable skill.稀罕、不可替代的技巧。

3.The Discussion on the Replaceable Character and Irreplaceable Character about Teacher Profession;试论教师专业的“可替代性”和“不可替代性”

4.A person, unlike a machine, is not replaceable.人和机器不同,是不可替代的。

5.Call in Question to the Thoery of Enterprises Core Ability Substitution;企业核心竞争力“不可替代”说质疑

6.The Irreplaceable Departmentalization in Administrative Organizations在行政组织中科层制具有不可替代性

7.It has taken full effect that anything else could not substitute in neoteric industry and coast defense.在近代工业和海防上发挥了不可替代的作用。

8.On the Necessity of the Folk Culture in Modern Designing Ideas;论本民族文化在现代设计理念中的不可替代性

9.It has a non-subtitute advantage in the fied of cut metals.它在金属少无切削加工中有着不可替代的优势。

10.So far no substitutive material has been found to match its properties.其优越性在同类产品中有不可替代的作用。

11.Nevertheless, I always believe that Hong Kong still has incomparable advantages.但是,我始终认为香港具有不可替代的优势地位。

12.not interchangeable or able to substitute one for another.不可互换或者不能用另一个来替代。

13.About Force Majeure Principles and Chang eable Situation Ones;不可抗力规则不能替代情势变更规则

14.But taking over legacies and using them as examples must never replace our own creative work; nothing can do that.但是继承和借鉴决不可以变成替代自己的创造,这是决不能替代的。

15.The teapot have lose Its proper lid but this one will do Instead茶壶盖儿不见了, 但这个可代替使用

16.The teapot has lost its proper lid but this one will do instead.茶壶盖儿不见了, 但这个可代替使用.

17.No contestant may be replaced by another in an individual title match.个人组别的比赛不可使用替代的选手。

18.The teapot have lose its proper lid but this one will do instead.茶壶盖儿不见了,但这个可代替使用。



1.Four Characteristics,Non-Substituability of Historic and Cultural Resource in Gansu Province;论甘肃历史文化资源的四大特点及不可替代性



5)Res non fungibiles不可替代物

6)irreplaceability analysis不可代替性分析

1.Applications of systematic conservation planning andirreplaceability analysis to regional planning;系统保护规划和不可代替性分析在区域规划中的应用


