100字范文 > 公众 public英语短句 例句大全

公众 public英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-15 06:45:45


公众 public英语短句 例句大全



1.Research on promotion thepublic food safety consciousness in Henan food safety example district;河南省食品安全综合示范区公众食品安全意识提升研究

2.Launch the Discussion of Knowledge Education of First Aid to the Public;对公众开展院前急救知识教育的探讨


1.* Strong public support*公众的强力支持。

2.Public Voice公众之声(周刊,印)

3.gazetted general holiday宪报公布的公众假期

4.The facts will be passed on to the public.成果将向公众公布。

5.Public Search Division [Companies Registry]公众查册部〔公司注册处〕

pany that sells shares in itself to the public向公众出售股份的公司

7.Analysis of the Role of "the Public" in "Public Understanding of Science";公众理解科学中的“公众”身份辨析

8.Paying Close Attention to Public Interests and Perfecting the Public Liability Insurance;关注公众利益 健全公众责任保险

9.Public Praises Science;Scientist Fault Public,Media公众盛赞科学,科学家责备公众和媒体

10.The public! the public! how many fool do It take to make up a public ?公众啊公众!究竟需有几个蠢人才够凑成一个公众呢?

11.The community or the people as a whole.公众作为一个整体的社会或民众

12.the public prejudice and social psychology of stereotype.三、公众的成见与从众的社会心理。

13.are now free to everyone.…现免费向公众开放…

14.documents not accessible to the public公众无法接触到的文件.

15.high public profile引起公众人士高度注意

16.Public gallery in the house of commons or house of lord下院或上院中的公众席

17.temporary places of entertainment licence临时公众娱乐场所牌照

18.The public is cautioned against pickpockets提醒公众谨防扒手。


the public公众

1.The main conditions ofthe public participating the sustainable development includes promoting the consciousness and capacity ofthe public" s participation, guaranteeing the right and interests ofthe public" s participation and enlarging the ways and modes ofthe public" s participation .公众参与是实现可持续发展战略最重要的主体保障。

2.Objective:To study the ethical attitude of infertility patients andthe public towards the artificial insemination technology,with the aim of its better clinical application.目的:研究不孕不育者与公众对人工授精技术的伦理态度的差异,促进该项技术更好地在临床应用。


1.This paper takes the questionnaire results in part to analysis the information cognition & information dissemination ofpublics in public emergency.本文通过问卷调查的方式,对突发事件的公众信息认知、公众信息获取途径、公众危机信息教育方式及满意度评价,以及危机爆发期的公众信息需求和现实期望等展开调查,并在大量实证调查数据的基础上对突发事件的公众信息认知与传播现状进行了简要的分析。


5)Public Company公众公司

1.Public Company Financial Reporting Regime in Emerging Markets:Reforms & Revelations;新兴市场公众公司财务报告架构:改革与启示

6)Public Exposure公众照射


