100字范文 > 句法自治 autonomy of syntax英语短句 例句大全

句法自治 autonomy of syntax英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-23 19:54:05


句法自治 autonomy of syntax英语短句 例句大全

句法自治,autonomy of syntax

1)autonomy of syntax句法自治

1.Then it points out that generative grammarians hold an internalist view on semantics,which is closely related to its internalist view on language and its insistence onautonomy of syntax.以生成语法的发展阶段为顺序,论述了生成语法自诞生以来对语义态度的变化,并认为生成语法坚持语义内在论,生成语法的语义观与其内在语言观和句法自治论存在内在的联系。

2.Autonomy of syntax is a presumption held by transformational generative(TG) grammar."句法自治"是转换生成语言学研究的前提假设之一。

2)syntactic autonomy句法自为

1.Thus,syntactic autonomy is,to a greater degree,restricted by cognitive context.句法自为强调语言内部的自我运行机制,句法的相对独立性则是这一观点的有力证明。

3)syntax self-sufficiency句法自足

4)self-governing by laws依法自治

5)autonomy of private law私法自治

1.The equal protection of jus rerem not only stems from the principle of equality of civil law,but also reflects on the idea ofautonomy of private law,the economic foundation of which lies in the market economy.物权法中的平等保护不但来源于民法中的平等原则,同时也是私法自治理念在物权法中的体现,其经济基础则根植于市场经济的土壤。

2.What the civil law pursuits is not only theautonomy of private law or private autonomy, rather the harmonized coexistence of many different values.私法自治或意思自治并非民法追求的唯一目标。

3.As the opposite of Claim,the Right of Defense is of great importance to the establishment ofautonomy of private law.作为请求权的对立面,抗辩权在构建私法自治空间方面具有重要地位。


1.Privatautonomie Should Be Renamed Autonomy of Establishing Rights;“私法自治”应更名为“设权自治”

2.On Explaining of Traditional Law and Contemporary Law;私法自治理念的传统法和现代法解读

3.On the Relationship Between the Antitrust Law and the Other Laws--from the perspective of the autonomy of private law;论反垄断法与相邻法的关系——以私法自治为视角

4.The Living Space of Private Law Autonomy Under the Statutory of Security Interests;论担保物权法定下的私法自治生存空间

5.The reaseonable returning of the Private method autonomy in the Russian federal civil code;俄罗斯民法典中私法自治原则的理性回归

6.Studying System Structre of Legal Act for the Pringciple of Autonomy of Private Law;从法律行为的制度结构看民法中的私法自治原则

7.Civil Law:Its Paradigm of Trusting and Safeguarding--Duality between Private Law Autonomy and Civil Law Paradigm;略论民法的信赖保护范式——从私法自治到民法范式的二元化

8.The Loss with the Autonomy of Private Law--Take the Soviet Union Civil Law as to Investigate Background;私法自治原则的缺失——以前苏联时期民事立法为考察背景

9.Introducing autonomous principle of private law to criminal law is advantageous to punish the criminals and protect the people;将私法自治原则引入刑法有利于“惩罚犯罪保护人民”

10.The Syllogism, the Autonomy of Private Law and the Philosophical Hermeneutics: A Critique for Dr. Zhu qingyu;三段论、私法自治与哲学诠释学——对朱庆育博士的一个反驳

11.On the Authorized Norm Nature about Autonomy of Private Law--From Angle of Secondary Rule from Harter;论“私法自治”的授权规范性质——一个哈特的次要规则的分析视角

12.Civil Liabilities And Autonomy Of Private Law--On Relationship Between Civil Rights, Obligations And Responsibilities;民事责任与私法自治——兼论民事权利、义务与责任的关系

13.Self-regulation Vs State Compulsion:the PricingDilemma in the Closed Stock Purchase;私法自治与国家强制——闭锁性股权收购中的定价困境

14.On King Term of China Civil Law:study from the Principle of Good Faith对诚信原则“帝王”桂冠的质疑——以私法自治原则为参照

15.The corporation autonomy is a specific manifestation of private law principles in the corporation institutions as well as an inevitable requirement for establishing the modern business institutions.公司自治是私法自治原则在公司制度中的具体表现,是建立现代企业制度的必然要求。

16.Private International Law and International Trade Usoge;国际私法上意思自治与国际贸易惯例

17.Individual Autonomy and State Supervision in Banking Law;银行法中的私人自治原则与国家监管

18.Private Law,Public Law,Rule of Law,Liberty:Commentary and Introduction of Hayek s Legal Thought;私法、公法、法治、自由——哈耶克法律思想评介


syntactic autonomy句法自为

1.Thus,syntactic autonomy is,to a greater degree,restricted by cognitive context.句法自为强调语言内部的自我运行机制,句法的相对独立性则是这一观点的有力证明。

3)syntax self-sufficiency句法自足

4)self-governing by laws依法自治

5)autonomy of private law私法自治

1.The equal protection of jus rerem not only stems from the principle of equality of civil law,but also reflects on the idea ofautonomy of private law,the economic foundation of which lies in the market economy.物权法中的平等保护不但来源于民法中的平等原则,同时也是私法自治理念在物权法中的体现,其经济基础则根植于市场经济的土壤。

2.What the civil law pursuits is not only theautonomy of private law or private autonomy, rather the harmonized coexistence of many different values.私法自治或意思自治并非民法追求的唯一目标。

3.As the opposite of Claim,the Right of Defense is of great importance to the establishment ofautonomy of private law.作为请求权的对立面,抗辩权在构建私法自治空间方面具有重要地位。

6)private law autonomy私法自治

1.Discussion on the Effect of the Theory of Human Nature on the Scope of Private Law Autonomy;论人性论对私法自治范围的影响

2.And the concrete content of "private" autonomy can be cut into two aspects——private law autonomy and autonomy of will,both of them are closely linked to each other while keep difference.自治为私法的基本价值理念,而"私"自治的具体内涵应该包括私法自治、私人自治两方面,前者是指私法相对与公法、社会法的独立地位,而后者则是指私法主体在具体的法律关系中的意思自主。

3.Series of civil law system,which declares the concept ofprivate law autonomy is enough to prove its funda-mental position.民法上一系列制度对私法自治理念的昭示足以证明其基础性地位。


民族自治地方的自治机关指自治区、 自治州、 自治县的人民代表大会和人民政府。自治地方的人民代表大会是地方国家权力机关。自治地方的人民代表大会中,除实行区域自治的民族的代表外,其他居住在本行政区域内的民族也有适当名额的代表。自治地方的人民代表大会常务委员会中,由实行区域自治的民族的公民担任主任或副主任。自治地方的人民政府是地方各级国家行政机关。自治区主席、自治州州长、自治县县长由实行区域自治的民族的公民担任。自治地方的人民政府实行自治区主席、自治州州长、自治县县长负责制。自治地方人民政府的其他组成人员和自治机关所属工作部门的干部,尽量配备实行区域自治的民族和其他少数民族的人员。自治机关同一般地方国家机关的根本区别是,自治机关既行使一般地方国家机关职权,同时依照《中华人民共和国宪法》(民族政策部分)和《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》的规定,行使自治权(见民族自治地方的自治权利)。自治机关执行职务时,使用当地通用的一种或几种语言文字。自治机关在上级机关领导下,按照当地少数民族的意愿,管理本民族、本地区的内部事务。
