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弹奏 playing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-09 09:25:19


弹奏 playing英语短句 例句大全



1.The article dissertated the transpositionalplaying of the transposition instruments in the orchestra score from different aspects, and expatiated the basic law and method on transpositionalplaying.文章从不同的侧面论述了乐队总谱中移调乐器声部的移调弹奏问题,阐述了移调弹奏的基本规 律和方法。


1.He will be performing on the flute [at the piano].他将吹奏长笛[弹奏钢琴]。

2.She played three solos.她弹奏了三首独奏曲。

3.She"s a wizard at playing harp.她是弹奏竖琴的奇才。

4.Please stop playing that music.请停止弹奏那音乐。

5.He plays the piano with surprising facility.他弹奏钢琴神乎其技.

6.thump out a tune on the piano用力在钢琴上弹奏一曲

7.To sing or play below the proper pitch.低于正常音调唱或弹奏

8.He played the tune from memory.他凭记忆弹奏这支曲子。

9.You don" t practise enough at the piano.你钢琴弹奏练习得不够.

10.He plays the organ in church.他在教堂弹奏风琴.

11.piano player钢琴演奏者钢琴自动弹奏机

12.He played a piano sonata of his own composition.他弹奏了一首自作的钢琴奏鸣曲。

13.The piano player had a firm touch.那个钢琴演奏者的弹奏手法非常稳

14.Paul played the sonata with great finesse.保罗以丰富的技巧弹奏了这部奏鸣曲。

15.The facility of this piece of music makes it a pleasure to play.这首曲子容易弹奏,所以人们都乐于弹奏它。

16.How To Play Harron Etudes--Discussion on the Mistakes in Playing Harron Etudes;如何弹奏《哈农》——论弹奏《哈农》练习曲中的误区

17.Harp not forever on the same string.不要老是弹奏同一根弦(莫老调重弹)。

18.She played the difficult piano concerto to perfection.她将这首难度大的钢琴协奏曲弹奏得完美无缺。


heavy performance重量弹奏

1.The properheavy performance is the key to the sound effects.合理运用重量弹奏 ,是钢琴表现音色的关键。

3)performing skills弹奏技巧

1.The paper,through the music structure and music feeling of "Flute and Drum in the Sunset",analyzes the artistic features of China s traditional music and the way to express music throughperforming skills.本文通过对《夕阳箫鼓》曲式结构、音乐情绪等方面的分析来了解中国传统音乐改编为钢琴曲后的艺术特色及如何通过弹奏技巧来表达乐曲。

4)piano playing钢琴弹奏

1.Based on the theory of modernpiano playing,stressing the importance of the timbre and cantante inpiano playing,this article discusses how to cultivate the students right concept of timbre and cantante in piano teaching,in order to train new talents with bothpiano playing ability and correctpiano playing ideas.以现代钢琴弹奏理念为基础,着重在钢琴弹奏中的音色及歌唱性的重要性方面,就钢琴教学中如何培养学生正确的音色概念和歌唱性的弹奏方面做了一些探讨,以培养出一批既有弹奏能力又具备正确的弹奏理念的新型的人才。

2.Key touching is an essential and fundamental problem inpiano playing.触键问题是钢琴弹奏技术的基本与根本性问题,它直接影响钢琴的音质音色、演奏效果与音乐表现的深度。

3.The regulation and control of mental activity inpiano playing is a problem not to be ignored.钢琴弹奏中心理活动的调节与控制是一个不容忽视的问题,注意力这一心理活动是影响弹奏效果及音乐表现的重要因素。

5)The art of playing弹奏艺术

6)playing ability弹奏能力


弹奏1.犹弹劾奏闻。 2.弹琴演奏。
