100字范文 > 流行 Epidemic英语短句 例句大全

流行 Epidemic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-07 17:24:22


流行 Epidemic英语短句 例句大全



1.Epidemic Situation of the Health Risk Behaviors among the Middle School Students in Langfang City;廊坊市区中学生健康危险行为流行状况分析

2.AnEpidemic Investigation and Analysis of Nosocomial Infection in Several Hospitals in Qingdao City;青岛市部分医院医院感染的流行病学调查

3.Investigation and control of pulmonary acariasis pathogeny and its epidemic status;肺螨病流行状况的调查与防治


1.avian influenza [avian flu]禽畜流行性感冒〔禽流感〕

2.a pop singer, song, concert流行歌曲歌手、流行歌曲、流行歌曲音乐会

3.This winter, boots will be in fashion .今冬,靴子会流行。

4.Rank first in the hit charts; rank number one on the hit parade名列流行音乐排行榜首

5.Sail up a river, ie against the current向上游航行(逆流行驶)

6.epidemic pleurodynia流行性胸痛,流行性胸肌痛

7.International Epidemiological Association国际流行病学协会(流行病学协会)

8.The pop song is popular in the populous city.这首流行歌曲在人口稠密的城市流行.

9.Obscene language or subject matter.污秽的言行下流话或下流行为

10.An epidemic of such a disease.瘟疫流行这种疾病的流行

11.A pop group plays pop music.流行歌曲明星演奏流行音乐。

12.The style prevails and picks up momentum.这式样很流行, 而且越来越流行。

13.Mamage Fashion Trend--Study of Fashion Trend Communication;经营流行——对服饰流行传播的研究

14.Etymological Study of the Popular Term "PK"--Disussion on Analysis of the Popular Term "PK";流行语“PK”词源研究——评议《流行语“PK”解析》

15.Observing Popular Culture from the Popular Words;从流行语看流行文化——以超女选秀为例

16.A Comment on Popular Factors and Situations of Song of the Country Norm;《菩萨蛮》的流行元素及流行状况述论

17.Popular Music and Modernity -Criticism of Popular Music in China;流行音乐与现代性——中国流行音乐批判

18.Study of SARS epidemic model on prediction and control;测控SARS流行趋势的流行病模型研究



1.Prevalence Tendency of Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis in Fuzhou during 1950—;福州市1950—流行性脑脊髓膜炎流行趋势分析

2.Epidemic Analysis on Meningococcal Meningitis Prevalence Status and Control Effect in Guangdong Province in ;广东省流行性脑脊髓膜炎流行状况与控制效果分析

3.Epidemiological Analysis on HIV/AIDS Prevalence and Trend in Hunan Province;湖南省艾滋病流行现状与流行趋势分析


1.A study on the orgin of clothing tradition andpopularity;论服装的传统和流行产生的根源

2.Environment, individuality,popularity are the major factors that influence people choosing the clothing color and that clothing designers must bear in mind while designing.服装色彩是服装设计的重要内容,环境因素、个性因素、流行因素是影响服装穿着者对服装色彩进行选择的几个主要因素,也是服装设计者在设计服装时所必须考虑的因素。


1.Discussion on thefashion psychology;服装流行的心理探讨——形式法则在着装审美心理中的现象

2.Master the trend andfashion,enhance cultural individualism;把握流行时尚 张扬文化个性

3.Prediction of the Fashion Trend of Fabrics in 2002;2002年服装面料流行趋势预测


prehending the Culture Penetration from the Popularization of Cushion;从抱枕的流行看文化渗透

2.Cause and condition for appearance ofpopular word "Duo Duo";流行语“多多”显现的原因和条件

3.Methods The mumps(popular) situation was investigated in Zhengzhou from to .目的了解某市流行性腮腺炎的流行及预防控制情况。


1.This thesis focuses on how to make use of the phenomena and rules ofvogue to lead the design of sweater collar style.在消费社会中,流行文化是主导消费方向的重要因素,因此,流行现象已经深入的影响到现代社会的方方面面。

2.The author classifies the net-language invogue into ten types and also analyzes its reasons and developing trend.笔者通过对其使用现状的调查分析,将目前在网上流行的网络语言归纳为十大类别,同时分析了网络语言流行的原因和发展趋势。


