100字范文 > 换热 Heat transfer英语短句 例句大全

换热 Heat transfer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-10 06:05:46


换热 Heat transfer英语短句 例句大全

换热,Heat transfer

1)Heat transfer换热

1.Simulation of flow and heat transfer in micro-channels with triangular rough cells;三角形粗糙元的微通道内流动换热的模拟分析

2.Experimental investigations on the local heat transfer coefficient of rotating single circular impingement in a half-limited space;旋转半受限单孔冲击局部换热特性实验

3.Numerical studies of heat transfer in a rotor-stator cavity with different radial positions of pre-swirl inlet;预旋进气位置对转静盘腔换热影响的数值研究


1.LPHP hot water heat exchanger低压-高压热水换热器

2.accumulating type heat exchanger of revolution旋转型蓄热式换热器

3.recuperative air preheater同流换热式空气预热器;蓄换热式空气预热器

4.Thermal exchanger has applied Afla Valve Plate Type Thermal Exchanger from Sweden.换热器采用瑞典阿法拉阀板式换热器。

5.Microfluidic Flow and Heat Transfer in Microchannel Heat Sinks;微管道换热器内微流体的流动与换热

6.Discussion of heat exchange plate micro-distortion characteristics of plate exchanger板式换热器换热板片微变形特性浅析

7.Application of the Heat-pipe Heat Exchanger for Room Ventilation热管换热器在通风换气中的应用研究

8.The type selection of Shell-And-Tube Heat Exchanger and Plate Heat Exchanger管壳式换热器与板式换热器选型参考


10.The Analysis of under Ground Heat Exchanger Equipment Which is Used on Soil Source Heat Pump土壤源热泵地下埋管换热器换热性能的分析

11.Study on the Heat Transfer Characteristics of Ground Heat Exchangers for Ground-source Heat Pumps;地源热泵地下换热埋管传热特性研究

12.Experimental Research on Ground Source Heat Pump with Horizontal Buried Pipes Heat Exchanger in Summer Cooling and Winter Heating;水平埋管换热器地热源热泵实验研究

13.Heat Transfer Enhancement of Phase Change Thermal Storage and Experimental Research on Characteristics of Phase Change Heat Exchanger相变蓄热换热强化及蓄热器性能实验

14.Experimental investigation of heat recovery with thermosyphon heat exchanger热管式通风换热器热回收的实验研究

15.Heat exchanger: Any of several devices that transfer heat from a hot to a cold fluid.热交换器: 亦称换热器。一种将热从热流体传递到冷流体的一些装置。

16.Study on the Heat Transfer Performance of Three-fluid Separate Type Heat Transfer Unit and Heat Exchanger of Heat Pipe;三流体分离型热管换热组件及换热器的传热性能研究

17.Analysis of Auxiliary Heat Dissipation Improvement to GSHPs Ground Heat Exchanger Heat Transfer Effect辅助散热对地源热泵地埋管换热器换热效果改善的分析

18.packed-lantern-ring exchanger填料-灯笼-环换热器


Heat exchange换热

1.Application of virtual instrument technology in research on the characters of heat exchangers;虚拟仪器技术在换热设备性能研究中的应用

2.Development of Exhaust Heat Exchange Muffler for Road Bus;公路客车排气换热消声器的研制

3.Improvement of entrance configuration in plate-fin heat exchanger;板翅式换热器入口结构的改进

3)heat exchanging换热

1.It comprises an electrostatic, heat tube,heat exchanging dust remover.将带有肋片的热管置入静电除尘器中 ,构成静电热管式除尘器 ,使静电力和温度场的作用有机结合 ,以提高除尘和换热效率 。

2.Some experimental studies were carried out to working temperature withheat exchanging of the small separated heat pipes with short canals.根据实验结果,总结了最佳充液率下(25%,按管束总容量计)的蒸发段内部平均沸腾换热系数和冷凝段内部凝结换热努赛尔数综合关系式。

3.Theheat exchanging course of inner boiling,fluxion and coagulate in small separated heat pipes are very different with those in bigger ones.小型分离式热管的内部沸腾、流动和凝结换热过程及其影响因素与大、中型分离式热管有较大的差异 ,为获得其最佳工作参数 ,利用自行设计的带有短管束的试验装置进行了试验研究。


1.1 and changing the procedure ofheat-exchange,etc.根据低温水能量品位情况,确定6~#低温电站气轮机投运与停运条件、提高1~#低温水控制温度、改造换热流程等优化运行方案。

2.theheat-exchange results show that this structure jachet has good rsults.分片式蜂窝夹套在生产中使用、换热效果要比传统的整体结构夹套具有明显的优越性,同时由于分片式结构对设备筒体进行加强补强,提高了应力水平,可以使壁厚减薄,降低成本,值得推广应用。

5)heat exchanger换热

1.A model for heat transfer in a shell-and-tube latent heat storage exchanger has beensolved numerically to predict the performance ofheat exchanger.1前言利用相变材料在发生相变时有很高的潜热释放或吸收的特点,将相变材料作为储热介质用于相变储能换热器中,可以大大地提高热储存的容量。

2.Desulfurization of phase one GGHheat exchanger components scaling of Sanhe Power Generation Limited Liability Company has not only resulted in wet gas being incapable to meet the discharge temperature required,but also caused corrosion on downstream equipment.三河发电有限责任公司一期脱硫GGH换热元件结垢,不仅导致净烟气不能达到设计要求的排放温度,对下游设备也会造成腐蚀,同时增加了吸收塔耗水量,降低了脱硫效率,更严重的是GGH换热元件结垢严重,将引起增压风机出力增加,从而导致喘振,影响机组以及脱硫系统的安全运行。

6)heat exchange热换

1.Some measures have been taken to prolong tapping hole life greatly such as optimizingheat exchange process,changing the structure of tapping hole,improving properties of fettling materials and decreasing tapping temperature and so on.通过采取优化出钢口热换工艺、改变出钢口结构材质、优化补炉料性能、降低出钢温度等措施,提高出钢口寿命。


换热指冷热两流体间所进行的热量传递,是一种属于传热过程的单元操作。换热的目的主要有:①物料的加热、冷却、汽化或冷凝,以达到或保持生产工艺所要求的温度或相态;②热量的综合利用,用待冷却的热流体向待 加热的冷流体供热,以提高热量利用率。换热操作广泛应用于各工程领域,与化学工业的关系尤为密切。在化工生产中,换热在两种流体物料间进行,或在流体物料与载热体间进行。载热体是一类专门用来接受或提供热量的流体,最常用的载热体有蒸汽、水和空气。冷热两流体间的换热通常在换热器中进行。按冷热流体的接触传热方式,换热器分为间壁式、接触式和蓄热式,尤以间壁式换热器的应用最广。换热计算的重点是间壁式换热器的计算。或已知待冷却的热流体质量流量为,温度为T1,要求冷却后温度为T2,则所需换热面积的计算步骤为:①计算热流量: 式中为热流体的比热容;②选择冷却剂及其进出口温度t2和t1,由热量衡算计算出冷却剂的质量流量:式中为冷却剂的比热容;③选定冷热流体的流动条件,计算或测定传热分系数及传热系数K;④由冷热两流体的进出口温度及选定的两流体的流动方式,计算平均温度差 Δtm;⑥根据传热基本方程式(见传热过程)算出传热面积:A=Q/(KΔtm)进行上述计算时,须作出若干选择,而不同的选择会得出不同的结果。设计者须对多种方案进行比较,从中选出一个经济上合理、技术上可行的方案。此外,若换热器对流体的流动阻力有限制,可从流速选择和换热器结构等方面予以调整。还可用传热单元数法进行换热计算。这种方法用于原有换热器的传热性能核算更为方便。
