100字范文 > 患者 Patient英语短句 例句大全

患者 Patient英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-28 06:01:07


患者 Patient英语短句 例句大全



1.Investigation on the needs of outpatients in the deparhnent of private medical center for service attitude and the service quality;特需门诊患者对护士服务质量的需求调查分析

2.Investigation on Psychosomatic Symptoms of SARSPatients at Different Stages;SARS患者入、出院及目前心身症状的调查研究

3.Curative effect of music treatment on improving anxiety in operative patients;音乐疗法对手术患者焦虑心理的影响及分析


1.Hysterics and obsessives患者与强迫观念症患者

2.One affected with paranoia.偏执狂患者,多疑症患者

3.A person affected with paralysis.瘫痪病者,麻痹患者患麻痹症的人

4.The ascending aorta was involved in 34 of these patients and the descending aorta in 31.这些患者中,有34名患者升主动脉受累,31名患者降主动脉受累。

5.Method: [1]57 patients after successful cardioversion with AF in to was studied.方法:[1] 57名房颤成功复律患者入选,男性患者39名,女性患者18名。

6.Family members of those infected have also gotten sick.患者的家人同样也患上这种病,

7.This patient developed severe hepatitis with hepatic decompensation.该例患者患了重症肝炎,肝脏失代偿。

8.The patient is suffering from severe concussion following a blow to the head患者头部受击後患严重脑震荡

9.Analysis of diseased behaviors of venereal patients and the nursing care对性病患者患病行为的分析和护理

10.Four victims of very serious mental illness:四种患有严重的精神疾病的患者:

11.A person affected with hypochondria.疑病症患者一个患有疑病症的人

munication between Physicians and Patients Play A Important Role on Improving End-of-life care in ICU;ICU临终患者医疗护理中的医患沟通

13.Analysis of the status of TB infection in HIV/AIDS patients in Hubei ProvinceHIV/AIDS患者肺结核患病调查分析

14.How to identify tuberculosis cases in a prevalence survey如何在患病率调查中确诊结核病患者

15.The patient convalesced nicely.患者顺利地康复了。

16.The patient expired early this morning.那个患者是凌晨断气的

17.Extensive tests have been carried out on the patient.对患者进行了多次试验.

18.The doctor reported the patient fit and well.医生说患者情况良好.



1.Health Education Investigation and Strategy to 264 patients with Liver Cirrhosis;264例肝硬化患者健康宣教调查与对策

2.Investigation and Analysis onPatients Cognition towards Hospital Pharmacists Job;关于患者对医院药师工作知晓情况的调查分析

3.Study onPatients Right to Medical Records.;论患者对病历资料享有的权利

3)patient doses患者剂量


1.Drug Repercussion ofInpatients in Psychiatric Hospital;精神专科医院住院患者退药情况浅析

2.Analysis of Drugs Used byInpatients Undergoing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Our Hospital in ;我院口腔颌面外科住院患者用药分析

3.Investigation of the Utilization of Antibiotics inInpatients;住院患者抗菌药使用现状调查

5)Senile patient老年患者

1.Analysis of risk factors influencing morbidity and motality after pancreaticoduodenectomy in senile patients;37例老年患者胰十二指肠切除术手术风险因素探讨(附6例死亡病例分析)

2.Analysis of mycotic superinfections and the use of antimicrobials in senile patients;老年患者二重真菌感染与抗菌药物应用分析

3.Administration of esmolol during operation decreased the consumption of fentanyl in senile patients and its safety;艾司洛尔降低老年患者全身麻醉中芬太尼用量及安全性探讨

6)Tumor patients肿瘤患者

1.Perioperative nursing experience of tumor patients applying PICC catheter;肿瘤患者使用PICC导管的围管期护理体会

2.OBJECTIVE: To analyse the influence of using Traditional Chinese Medicine of fortifying the spleen and supplemet Qi to improve the quality of life of tumor patients of later period.目的:分析健脾益气中药对晚期肿瘤患者生存质量的影响。

3.Objective:To investigate the clininal problem of tumor patients during operation:to observe the occurrence of phase II block and to study the effect on recovery of muscular relaxant with acetyl-cholinesterase inhibitor.目的 探讨肿瘤患者在全麻手术中使用去极化肌松药(depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs)Ⅱ相阻滞(phase II block)的发生情况及发生Ⅱ相阻滞后使用抗胆碱酯酶药(anticholinesterase agents)拮抗对肌松恢复有无影响。


