100字范文 > 内在逻辑原则 the principle of internal logic英语短句 例句大全

内在逻辑原则 the principle of internal logic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-29 03:28:28


内在逻辑原则 the principle of internal logic英语短句 例句大全

内在逻辑原则,the principle of internal logic

1)the principle of internal logic内在逻辑原则

1.It also believes that the study of Chinese psychological history should observethe principle of internal logic from the view of cultural psychology.中国心理学史研究的外在逻辑原则难以适应中国心理学史发展的要求,从文化心理学的角度来看,研究中国心理学史应该坚持内在逻辑原则。

2)the principle of external logic外在逻辑原则

1.This paper holds thatthe principle of external logic has hampered the research progress of Chinese psychological history.中国心理学史研究的外在逻辑原则难以适应中国心理学史发展的要求,从文化心理学的角度来看,研究中国心理学史应该坚持内在逻辑原则。

3)logic principle逻辑原则


1.Contradicting or disregarding the principles of logic.不合逻辑的与逻辑原则相悖的或不顾逻辑原则的

2.On the Two Basic Principles of Wittgenstein s Logical Philosophy;维特根斯坦逻辑哲学的两个基本原则

3.The fourth principle is probably the most self explanatory and logical of all.第四条原则可能是所有原则中最具逻辑性的。

4.Rule of Representation: Fold knowledge into data so program logic can be stupid and robust.表示原则:将知识叠入数据以求逻辑质朴和健壮。

5.The branch of logic that deals with the general principles of the formation of knowledge.方法论研究知识形成的一般性原则的逻辑分支

6.On Design Principles of Site Business Logic Function Based on .Net;基于.net的网站业务逻辑函数设计原则初探

7.The Inner Logic of Metaphor and the Reflected Economical Principle of Language;隐喻的内部逻辑及其所体现的语言经济原则

8.On Constitutionalism Logical Relating to Local Fiscal Autonomy: Analysis of the Subsidiary Principle;地方财政自主的宪政逻辑——辅助原则的分析进路

9.An Analysis on the Logic of Forming Mechanism and the Establishment of Regulating Principles of the Nongovernmental Credit;民间信用生成逻辑的解析及疏导原则的确立

10.Criticism on Logical Positivism s Picture of Science and its Proposition;对逻辑实证主义科学观及其原则的分析

11.Hegel s Approach and Principle in Constructing the Categorical System of Logic;黑格尔建构《逻辑学》范畴体系的方法和原则

12.LCU Design Principle and Realization of the Main Logic Protection of Longtan Hydropower Station龙滩水电站LCU设计原则及主要保护逻辑的实现

13.From "Verification Principle "to "Falsification Principle";由“证实原则”到“证伪原则”——兼论波普对逻辑实证主义意义标准的批判

14.posit-else logical structure断定-否则逻辑结构

15.if-else logical control structure如果-否则逻辑控制结构

16.Analogy --he Original Type of Ancient China Logic;推类逻辑:中国古代逻辑的原型(上)

17.The Developmemt of Logic: from Milesian School to Heraclitus--Also Comment on the Earliest Evidence of " the Consistency of History with Logic;从米利都学派到赫拉克利特的逻辑进展——兼论“历史和逻辑相一致”原则的最早体现

18.On Economic Logical Basis of Analytic Hierarchy Process--Principle of Hierarchy of Economic Thinking;论层次分析法的经济逻辑基础——兼论经济思维层次性原则


the principle of external logic外在逻辑原则

1.This paper holds thatthe principle of external logic has hampered the research progress of Chinese psychological history.中国心理学史研究的外在逻辑原则难以适应中国心理学史发展的要求,从文化心理学的角度来看,研究中国心理学史应该坚持内在逻辑原则。

3)logic principle逻辑原则

4)Inner Logic内在逻辑

1.ZOU Tao-fen and Sanminlism ——concurrent on the inner logic in the Zhou Tao-fen s investigation;邹韬奋与三民主义——兼论邹韬奋研究的内在逻辑

2.TheInner Logic of Suicide Terrorism自杀性恐怖主义的内在逻辑

3.Analysis on theInner Logic of Suicide Terrorism解析当代自杀性恐怖主义的内在逻辑

5)Internal logic内在逻辑

1.Internal Logic and Limitation on Establishment of Deposit Insurance System and Development of Small and Medium Commercial Banks in China建立存款保险制度与发展中小商业银行的内在逻辑和中国局限

2.Academic circles have studied LIU Shao qi s thoughts about two kinds of educational institution from many sides and have acquired great achievements, but there have been rare researches on the internal logic of the deepening development of his thoughts about it.但对他的两种教育制度思想深化发展的内在逻辑却研究不足。

3.Its past history, present reality and future tendency expose the internal logical relation between capitalism and socialism.全球化的历史、现实和趋向都揭示了社会主义与资本主义的内在逻辑联系。

6)inherent logic内在逻辑

1.Oninherent logic and essential characteristics of corporation strategy;略论企业战略的内在逻辑与本质特征

2.Different as they are,behind them there exists one common feature: aninherent logic clue from "confirmation" to "rectification of name.从历史上看,自从1908年的《钦定宪法大纲》以来,先后颁布的众多中国宪法尽管千姿百态,但是,在这些宪法文本的背后,却包含着一个共同的特征:从确认到正名的内在逻辑线索。

3.From theinherent logic of the moral education,the text analyses the current situation of the substantial results that is deficient in the university moral education.文章从德育的内在逻辑的分析入手,对当前的高校德育工作实效性欠缺的现状进行逻辑上的解读,从德育教育的“知道———内化———体道”的关系中,对当前的德育工作从现实和理念层面的分析中,寻求实现德育实效性的有效途径。


