100字范文 > 生物药剂学 Biopharmaceutics英语短句 例句大全

生物药剂学 Biopharmaceutics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-04 22:25:58


生物药剂学 Biopharmaceutics英语短句 例句大全



1.Characteristics of biopharmaceutics and significance of preparation in attendants of Chinese herbal extracts;中药提取物伴生物质的生物药剂学特性及其制剂学意义


1.Basic Research on Biopharmaceutic and Pharmacokinetic Characteristics of Oxymatrine;氧化苦参碱生物药剂学与药物动力学基础研究

2.The Preliminary Study of the Bio-pharmaceutics of Oral Antibiotic Compound Preparation;口服抗生素复方制剂的生物药剂学基础研究

3.Preliminary Biopharmaceutical and Pharmacokinetic Research about Bergenin;岩白菜素的生物药剂学和药代动力学基础研究

4.Research on Improvement Dosage Form of Chinese Medicine Complex Prescription under the Guidance of Biological Pharmacy;以生物药剂学为指导的麻黄汤剂型改进的探索

5.Studies on the Effects of Borneol on the Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics of Rifampicin;冰片对利福平药物动力学及生物药剂学影响的初步研究

6.Studies on Biopharmaceutics of Ultra-fine Powder of Huanglian Jiedutang;黄连解毒汤超细微粉的生物药剂学研究

7.Human embryonic stem cell labeling and in vivo biopharmaceutical characters胚胎干细胞标记及其体内生物药剂学特点

8.Effects of Compound Compatibility on Biopharmaceutical Characteristics of Panaxnotoginseng Saponins复方配伍对三七总皂苷生物药剂学性质的影响

9.Biopharmaceutical Considerations in the Design of Colon-Specific Drug Delivery Systems Activated by Colonic Microflora结肠菌群激活性结肠定位给药系统设计的生物药剂学思考

10.Study on Biological Characterization, Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of Anticancer Drug as Liver-target Nanoparticles;肝靶向纳米制剂的生物特性及药动、药效学研究

11.An agent or a preparation used to destroy parasites.杀寄生物药一种用于杀死寄生物的药剂或配剂

12.Biological Characteristics of Ustilaginoidea Virens (Cke) Tak and Fungicides Screening;稻曲病菌生物学特性及药剂筛选的研究

13.Biological Characteristics and Screen of Chemical Fungicide of the Pathogen Causing Basal Stem Blight on Dianthus caryophyllus香石竹立枯病菌的生物学特性与药剂筛选

14.Biological Characteristics of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc in Coptis chinensis Franch and Screening on Its Controlling Fungicides黄连白绢病生物学特性及防治药剂的筛选

15.The medical or pharmacological study of the dosages of medicines and drugs.剂量学对药物剂量的医学或药理学研究

16.Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese medicine Yinpian, proprietary Chinese medicines, antibiotics, chemical medicine preparations, biochemical drugs retail.中药材、药饮片、成药、生素、学药制剂、化药品零售。

17.Identification, Biological Characteristics and Infection Process of Colletotrichum Gloeosporioides and Fungicide Selection;山药炭疽病病原鉴定、生物学特性、病害循环及药剂筛选研究

18.The Relationship of Usage and Dosage of Inhalations with Adverse Drug Reactions and Effect of Pharmaceutical Care吸入药物使用方法、剂量与发生不良反应的关系及药学服务效果


biopharmaceutical characteristics生物药剂学性质

1.Impacts ofbiopharmaceutical characteristics on oral drug absorption;口服药物吸收中的生物药剂学性质

3)Biopharmaceutical classification system生物药剂学分类

4)evaluation of biopharmaceutics生物药剂学评价

5)Biologic agent生物药剂



