100字范文 > 双重结构模型 the Dual Structure Model英语短句 例句大全

双重结构模型 the Dual Structure Model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-17 08:36:49


双重结构模型 the Dual Structure Model英语短句 例句大全

双重结构模型,the Dual Structure Model

1)the Dual Structure Model双重结构模型


1.The New Trend of the Research of Self-esteem Structure--Dual Self-esteem Model;自尊结构研究新趋向——自尊的双重结构模型

2.Double Features of Industrial Structure and Analysis Model;产业结构的“双重性”及其分析模型

3.On the Structure Model of Civil Code--From the Double Perspectives of Legal Relationship and Adjustment Object;民法典结构模型新探——法律关系与调整对象的双重视角

4.Institutional Transformation and Changes in Stratification Structure--Continued Reproduction of the Pattern of Relative Relations among Social Strata;制度转型与分层结构的变迁——阶层相对关系模式的“双重再生产”

5.The Dual Principal-Agent Theory:Logical Starting Point,Theoretical Model and Governance Implication双重委托代理结构:逻辑起点、理论模型与治理要义

6.A Study of Heavy NP Shift in the Ditransitive Construction;双及物结构与重型名词短语移位研究

7.CFD wind loading analysis on twin-girder-structured cranes典型起重机双箱梁结构的CFD风载研究

8.Reconceptualization of Self-schema;自我图式的重构:从两极模型到双变量模型

9.On the Discovery of the Model of Double Helix Structure;试论发现DNA双螺旋结构的模型方法

10.The Structure Model and Construction of Double Type Teaching Staff in Secondary Vocational Schools;“双师型”中职师资结构模式及队伍建设

11.Reconstruction to cultivation mode for the service-oriented talents under double pressures双重压力下服务型人才培养模式的重构

12.Construction of Double-qualified Teachers under the Mode of Studying While Working;工学结合模式下“双师结构”型教师队伍建设

13.Shaking table model test of a multi-tower connected structure双塔连体结构的模拟地震振动台模型试验研究

14.Selection of the Model of Agriculture Insurance in China under the Dual Binary Economic Structure双重二元经济结构下我国农业保险模式的选择

15.New Economy Tide & China Rural Society Transition;新经济浪潮与中国乡土社会结构双重转型

16.Optimum Design and Research on the Steel Structure for the Large Double Girders Truss Crane大型双梁桁架门式起重机结构设计及优化研究

17.Design and study on steel structure for large-scale double-girder-truss cranes大型双梁桁架门式起重机钢结构设计与研究

18.Research on the Universal Architecture and the DGM Model of the Configurable MPMS Packet Switching Fabric可重构MPMS分组交换结构的通用架构与DGM模型


dual pore structure model双重孔隙结构模型

3)double model structure双模型结构

1.Development of RBF neural network withdouble model structure and its application to atmospheric and vacuum distillation units;常减压蒸馏装置双模型结构RBF神经网络建模及其应用

4)double structural model双重结构模式

5)double-layer structure model双层结构模型

6)double helix model双螺旋结构模型

1.The paper analyzes the motivation of SC evolution in the viewpoint of outsourcing, summarizes the different outsourcing models as CM, CDM and ODM, discusses the features and structure of the models and develops adouble helix model to describe the dynamics of outsourcing models.从供应链外包的角度对供应链结构演化的动因进行了研究,归纳了供应链外包的CM、CDM和ODM模式,讨论了不同模式的特点以及相应的供应链结构,并将外包战略与查理·范恩的双螺旋结构模型联系起来,构建了一种描述供应链外包模式演化的双螺旋结构模型。


