100字范文 > 动物化 animalization英语短句 例句大全

动物化 animalization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-04 16:54:44


动物化 animalization英语短句 例句大全




1.The branch of paleontology that deals with animal fossils and ancient animal life.古动物学古生物学的分支,研究动物化石和古动物的生活

2.Bryozoa (Fossil)苔藓动物门(化石)

3.Protozoa (fossil)原生动物门(化石)

4.Brachiopoda (fossil)腕足动物门(化石)

5.Porifera (fossil)多孔动物门(化石)

6.materialized labour in kind实物形式的物化劳动

7.animalized cotton动物质化棉,羊毛化棉

8.Kinetics of Material Metabolism during Exercise──Development of Exercise Biochemistry (1);运动时物质代谢动力学──运动生物化学动态之一

9.A newly hatched bird, amphibian, fish, or reptile.新孵化的鸟、两栖动物、鱼或爬行动物

10.evolve from a lower form [into a higher form] of animal life由低等动物进化到高等动物

11.Land animals are believed to have developed from sea animals.陆栖动物据信由海栖动物进化而来。

12.On the Mutual Conversion of Transitive and Intransitive Verbs;论及物动词与不及物动词的互相转化

13.autorich mixture自动富化燃烧混合物

14.movement away from a chemical stimulus.远离化学刺激物的运动。

15.movement toward a chemical stimulus.趋向化学刺激物的运动。

16.physicochemical hydrodynamics物理化学流体动力学

17.animalized cellulose fibre动物质化纤维素纤维

18.The Animal Culture and Cultural Animals in the Documents of Pre-Qin Period试论先秦文献中的动物文化与文化动物


cultural animal文化动物

promising natural animal,cultural animal and other garden factors,reposing personal character and sentiment,life philosophy and ideal pursue are main ways of exp.主要表达手法是采取自然动物和文化动物与其他园林要素融合,点题寓意,寄托品德情操,人生哲理,生活情趣和理想追求。

3)animal culture动物文化

1.Based on philosophy,literary,religious belief and under manners and customs,symbolic significance of Chinese garden animals make shape by absorbing different nationalanimal culture.园林动物象征性是在中国古代得天独厚的哲学思想、文学艺术、宗教信仰及风俗习惯的长期作用下,吸收各民族动物文化之精华形成的。

2.To learn and study idiom by studying the associative meaning of animal, animal image both in English and Chinese idiom as well as the origin of idiom will help to achieve a thorough understanding, a proper command and a solid grasp ofanimal culture in idiom.从动物的联想意义、英汉习语中的动物形象以及习语的来源方面学习和研究习语 ,将有助于到位的理解、恰当的运用并真正领悟习语中的动物文化。

3.Animal culture has close relations with people\"s psychology,religion and daily lives.人们在与动物的长期交往中,创造了丰富灿烂的动物文化。

4)animal evolution动物进化

1.It is popular to think the heredity of animal mtDNA as the strict maternal heredity type, and the analyze of animal mtDNA is used widely as a taxonomy tool in the researches ofanimal evolution.大多数学者认为脊椎动物的线粒体DNA遗传是严格的母系遗传,因而mtDNA分析成了动物进化研究中广泛采用的分类工具,为了和严格母系遗传相一致,以至于"精子线粒体被删除丢失"的说法被人视为存在而得以传播,因为这种说法支持了人类起源于非洲的"非洲夏娃"理论模式。

5)materialized labor物化劳动

1.The paper discusses and presents the doubts on the theory thatmaterialized labor creates value and tries to give answer to the source of the value produced by unmanned work-plants through analysis of many aspects and theories.从马克思主义劳动价值论的一些基本观点如劳动二重性理论、商品二因素分析、价值形成过程和价值增殖过程分析入手,借助于对物化劳动和活劳动的区别的分析、资本的“变” 与“不变”的特性的分析、广义与狭义的生产劳动概念的分析、个别劳动和总体劳动的分析、科学技术不能创造价值的分析质疑物化劳动创造价值的观点,并尝试回答了无人工厂、无人车间的价值源泉问题。

2.Thematerialized labor value theory indirectly equatesmaterialized labor with living labor.物化劳动价值论迂回地将物化劳动等同于活劳动,笼统地说过去的和本期的活劳动是价值的源泉,忽视活劳动的相对有限性和具体的时空规定性,不能正确把握劳动价值论中的"价值"内涵。

3.The introduction of advanced implements, machines and equipments will improve labor productivity, but to believematerialized labor will create value lacks of academic supports.先进的生产工具、机器设备对于提高劳动生产率具有重要作 用,但认为物化劳动创造价值是缺乏理论依据的。

6)Fossil teeth动物化石


