100字范文 > 烧炉 combustion英语短句 例句大全

烧炉 combustion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-05 19:08:13


烧炉 combustion英语短句 例句大全



1.A series of technical measures are taken at the blast furnace to increase the air temperature,such as using cold air that comes from the stove,distributing the fume in the stove reasonably,using of fume waste heat recovery technology,auto-maticcombustion and enriched oxygencombustion technology.对高炉采取了一系列技术措施来提高高炉风温,通过应用热风炉冷风和烟气的合理分配、烟气余热回收技术以及自动烧炉和富氧烧炉等技术,并对风温提高后的配套设施进行了改造,厂高炉平均风温达1167℃,改善了高炉技术经济指标,节能降耗效果显著。

2.The paper summarize the oxygen enrichedcombustion technology of hot stove in Baosteel,i.对宝钢热风炉富氧烧炉技术进行了总结。


1.boiler-incinerator composite锅炉焚烧炉联合装置

2.electric-oven pig-roasting factory使用电烧炉的烧猪厂

3.town gas oven pig-roasting factory使用煤气烧炉的烧猪厂

4.Freeman-Nichols roaster弗里曼-尼科耳型焙烧炉

5.fluosolid lime calciner沸腾式石灰渣焙烧炉

6.gas-pulverized coal fired boiler气体煤粉混合燃烧炉

bustion furnace for elementary analyzer微量元素分析用燃烧炉

8.An incinerator for refuse.垃圾焚化炉用以处理废物的燃烧炉

9.bottom two way fired pit炉底双侧烧嘴均热炉

10.coal-burning (or wood-burning) stoves.烧煤的(烧柴的)炉子。

11.double ended boiler双炉门式锅炉两面燃烧式锅炉

12.CO firing waste heat boiler一氧化碳燃烧废热锅炉

13.a fire burning in the hearth在炉床里燃烧的火.

14.The wood was smoldering in the fireplace.木柴在壁炉中闷烧。

15.This furnace burns gas.这个炉子烧的是煤气。

16.The flames licked the sides of the fireplace.火焰卷烧着壁炉边缘。

17.The gas fire has been burning away all night.煤气炉烧了一整夜。

18.Our furnace burns oil.我们的暖气炉烧油。


stocker-fired boiler炉排焚烧炉

3)roaster gas焙烧炉炉气

4)floor firing furnace炉底燃烧炉

5)Combustion furnace燃烧炉

1.The paper presents the engineering design and equipment selection for the after-heat recovery facilities from the aspects of process,points for drawing out the blowing-air and combustion furnace system control.从工艺流程、吹风气引出位置、燃烧炉系统控制等方面阐述了吹风气余热回收装置的设计、选型 ,介绍了目前此装置在中小氮肥厂运行的成功经验和存在的问题 ,提出了所存在问题的解决方

2.By means of combined processing controller with industrial control computer to automatically supervise and administer oven for pellet production the control functions included temperature control of combustion furnace top, temperature control of combustion furnace outlet, moisture control of oven outlet, and complement water control are achieved.利用过程控制器与工业控制计算机相结合对球团烘干炉进行自动监控 ,通过充分利用过程控制器的高可靠性和工业控制计算机的灵活性 ,实现了燃烧炉炉顶温度控制、燃烧炉出口温度控制、烘干炉出口水分控制、补水控制等控制功能。

3.4 BF of TISCO have adopted air and gas double preheating facilities with auxiliary combustion furnace, which is one of new technologies of using low calorific gas to obtain high temperature blast.太钢 4号高炉热风炉采用带有附加燃烧炉的空、煤气双预热设施 ,是一项使用低热值煤气获得高风温的新技术 ,2 0 0 0年 11月 2 6日正式投产至今 ,一直运行良好 ,效果显著 ,风温由原来的 10 2 0℃左右提高到115 0~ 1170℃ ,为使用 10 0 %的低热值 (30 0 0 k J/ m3左右 )的高炉煤气达到 12 0 0℃左右的风温开辟了一条新

6)caustic soda furnace烧碱炉

1.A new clean coal-based liquid state fuel-coal water slurry is reported and it′s application oncaustic soda furnace is also discussed.介绍了新型低污染煤基液态燃料——水煤浆特性及在烧碱炉上的应用。


