100字范文 > 血管 vascular英语短句 例句大全

血管 vascular英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-07 15:37:59


血管 vascular英语短句 例句大全



1.Effect of intensive lipid lowering by atorvastatin onvascular endothelial function and carotid arterial intima-media thickness in patients with coronary heart disease;阿托伐他汀强化降脂对冠心病患者血管内皮功能及颈动脉内膜中层厚度的影响

2.Effects of homocysteine on the cytoskeleton ofvascular endothelium;同型半胱氨酸对血管内皮细胞骨架的影响

3.Effect of basic fibroblast growth factor on proliferation and expression of osteopontin invascular smooth muscle cells cultured from human arteriovenous malformations;碱性成纤维细胞生长因子对人脑动静脉畸形血管平滑肌细胞增殖和表达骨桥蛋白的影响


1.microangiopathic hemolytic anemia微血管病性溶血性贫血

2.Development of Intravascular Tourniquet (Uniform Balloon Sheathing Canal for Intravascular Hematischesis);血管内止血带(制式血管内止血球囊鞘管)的研制

3.vascular system导管[血管、淋巴管]系统

4.Digital subtraction angiography in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular diseases: an analysis of 304 cases缺血性脑血管病304例血管造影分析

5.pulmonary capillary partial pressure of oxygen肺毛细血管血氧分压

6.The blood coursed through his veins.血在他的血管中流动.

7.vasomotor labyrinthine ischemia血管运动性迷路缺血

8.flow of blood from ruptured blood vessels.破裂血管血液的流出。

9.angiohyalinosis haemorrhagica出血性血管透明变性

10.Blood courses through the veins.血液在血管中循坏流动。

11.The blood courses through the veins.血液在血管里奔流。

12.The affluence of blood to the heart through the blood vessels.血液经血管流入心脏。

13.Of or relating to the blood or blood vessels.血液的,血管的血的或血管的,与其有关的

14.The study of blood and lymph vessels.血管淋巴管学,脉管学对血管和淋巴管的研究

15.of or pertaining to or involving the heart and blood vessels.属于心血管,与心血管有关,或侵袭心血管。

16.Not associated with or supplied by blood vessels.无血管的不与血管相关或不由血管供应的

17.avascular:Not associated with or supplied by blood vessels.无血管的:不与血管相关或不由血管供应的。

18.Of, relating to, or causing constriction of blood vessels.血管加压的血管收缩的,与血管缩小有关的,或导致血管缩小的


Blood vessel血管

1.3-D reconstruction of blood vessel of foreskin in rabbit hypospadias mode;计算机三维重现兔先天性尿道下裂包皮血管

2.Effects of Huoxue Bushen Mixture on skin blood vessel neogenesis and vascular endothelial growth factor expression in hair follicle of C57BL/6 mice;活血补肾合剂对C57BL/6小鼠皮肤血管新生及毛囊中血管内皮细胞生长因子表达的影响

3.Ultrasonography and applied anatomy of the inner blood vessel of the gallbladder bed;胆囊床血管的超声和应用解剖学研究

3)Blood vessels血管

1.Treatment of central type lung cancer with intrapericardial management of blood vessels pneumonectomy;心包内处理血管治疗中心型肺癌

2.Prevention and curation on blood vessels spasm after small vascular (anastomosis) by using papaverine and lidocain;应用罂粟碱和利多卡因预防与治疗微小血管吻合术后的血管痉挛

3.3D reconstruction of blood vessels based on the virtual human;基于数字虚拟人体血管的三维重建


1.Influence of Qingpeng plaster on bloodvessels and mast cells in skin tissue of channel points of nude mice;青鹏膏剂贴敷裸鼠穴区对皮肤内血管和肥大细胞的影响

2.Analysis of diagnosis and treatment on 46 patients with traumaticvessel diseases;创伤性血管损伤的诊治(附46例报告)

3.The Anatomical Feature and Clinical Significance of Vessel Network in Medial Malleolus and Lateral Malleolus;内外踝血管网的解剖及应用


1.Study of Applied Microanatomy ofVessels in Sellar Region for Endoscope-assisted Surgery through Pterion Approach;翼点入路神经内镜下鞍区血管显微解剖研究

2.A pilot study on 3D visualization of vessels using lead oxide and angiography;应用放射造影术进行血管3D可视化研究初探

3.Distribution of vessels in interosseous membrane of rat crura;大鼠下肢骨间膜血管的分布

6)Supplying vessels供血血管


血管血管blood vessel血液运行的管道,分动脉、静脉和毛细血管三种。动脉管壁厚,管径相对细;静脉管壁薄,管径相对粗。
