100字范文 > 意义缺失 lack of sense英语短句 例句大全

意义缺失 lack of sense英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-25 09:00:32


意义缺失 lack of sense英语短句 例句大全

意义缺失,lack of sense

1)lack of sense意义缺失

1.With an attitude of practicality,gentlemen in ancient China used to think sensibly and behave prudently,thus destined to suffer from the fate which bore thelack of sense.君子“现世性”的立身态度,“求用性”的入世行为,以及“感悟性”的思维方式,造成了君子及由君子衍生的传统知识分子的人生必然面临“意义缺失”的命运。


1.Vocal But Not Meaningful--Deficiency in Meaning in the Sound and the Fury有声缺义:论《喧哗与骚动》中的意义缺失

2.Significance of Monosome 7 or Deletion of the Long Arm of Chromosome 7单体7或7号染色体长臂缺失的意义

3.Possibility,Significance and Defect of “Rewriting” and “Rereading”;“重写”“重读”的可能、意义及缺失

4.In regard to law meaning, the direct reason of lack for credit is the imperfection of the law of the real right .就法律意义而言,信用缺失的直接原因是物权法的缺失。

5.Study on the negative Expressions and Clinical Significances of p14~(ARF) and p16~(INK4a) Proteins in Lung Cancer;肺癌p14~(ARF)、p16~(INK4a)蛋白表达缺失及其临床意义研究

6.The Clinical Significance of the Detection of Homozygous Deletion of p16 Gene in Pleural Effusion;胸水p16基因纯合性缺失的检测及其临床意义

7.Realizations and Absences of the Interpersonal Meaning in HongLouMeng and Its English Version;《红楼梦》及其英译本中人际意义的再现与缺失

8.On the Economic Significance of Security Interests and the Defects of the Chinese Bankruptcy Law;论担保物权的经济意义及我国破产法的缺失

9.Detection and Significance of Loss of Heterozygosity on 8p22 in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia慢性粒细胞白血病8p22杂合性缺失的检测及意义

10.Study on Representation and Absence of Scarlett"s Feminist Consciousness from the Perspective of the Interpersonal Meaning by the Comparison of English and Chinese Versions从人际意义探讨中英文本《飘》的女性意识再现于缺失

11.Before expatiating the phenomena of lack for credit,it is signification to discuss the origin of credit.在阐述我国信用缺失的现象之前,探讨信用的起源很有意义。

12.Significance of loss of heterozygosity chromosome 1 in hepatocellular carcinoma肝癌1号染色体等位基因杂合性缺失及临床意义

13.Isolation and Cloning of the DNA Fragments Related to the Cardia Carcinoma and the Studies on Their Clinical Significance;人贲门癌相关缺失基因片段的分离克隆及其临床意义的研究

14.Mitochondrial DNA Deletions in Guinea Pigs Associated with Age-related Hearing Loss(presbycusis);豚鼠听觉器官线粒体DNA缺失在老年聋发病中的意义

15.Clinical Significance of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Gene Insertion/Deletion Polymorphism;血管紧张素转化酶基因插入/缺失多态性临床意义

16.Study of the Homozygous Deletion and Protein Expression of P16、P15、PTEN Genes in Gestational Trophoblastic Disease;妊娠滋养细胞疾病P16、P15、PTEN基因缺失及蛋白表达的意义

17.The loss of Expression and significance of PTEN in hepatocelluar carcinoma and the effects of PTEN gene transfer in cell line HHCC;PTEN在肝癌中表达缺失的意义及其体外转染对HHCC作用的研究

18.Reasons and Strategies of the Loss of Students Subject Position in Meaningful Accepting Study;有意义接受学习中学生主体地位缺失原因及对策探析


lack of life meaning生命意义的缺失

3)Poetic shortage诗意缺失



6)absence from semantic item义项缺失


