100字范文 > 职业主义 Professionalism英语短句 例句大全

职业主义 Professionalism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-08 23:26:48


职业主义 Professionalism英语短句 例句大全



1.Society in Japan experienced a huge transformation in the postwar, the transformation of judicial system evoked the changes of Lawyer professionalism.战后的日本社会经历了巨大的变革,司法制度的变革引发了律师职业主义的变化。

2.There are three kinds of discourses and ideologies about legal profession in modern societies, namely, professionalism, elitism and plebeianism .职业主义、精英主义和民粹主义构成了现代社会关于法律职业的三种话语系统和意识形态。

3.Then the author argues that it is the Guild System, the particular economic structure and the culture of the professionalism that contribute to the success of the Dual .“双元制”的成功有特定的历史和现实条件:健全的行会;特殊的经济结构;“职业主义”文化。


1.On the Concept and Practice of Vocational Education in America Based on the New Vocationlism;论美国基于新职业主义的职业教育理念及实践

2.New Vocationalism and Development of American Contemporary Vocational Education;新职业主义与当代美国职业教育的新进展

3.There are three kinds of discourses and ideologies about legal profession in modern societies, namely, professionalism, elitism and plebeianism.职业主义、英主义和民粹主义构成了现代社会关于法律职业的三种话语系统和意识形态。

4.Lost of the Professional Project: A Review of Richard L.Abel s The Contradictions of Professionalism;资本主义的发展与职业蓝图的落空——评埃贝尔的《法律职业主义的矛盾》

5.Huang Yanpei’s Grand Vocational Education Theory and Its Contemporary Values;黄炎培大职业教育主义及其当代价值

6.Analyzing Huang Yan-pei s thoughts of the "Macro-Vocational Education";浅析黄炎培的“大职业教育主义”思想

7.Private Business: An Ideal Socialist Profession;个体私营:一项高尚的社会主义职业

8.The Socialist Market Economy and Teachers Professional Ethics;社会主义市场经济与教师的职业道德

9.Analysis of the Development of Vocational Education Based on Functionalism功能主义视角下的职业教育发展分析

10.Countryside Vocational Education s Significance for Constructing Socialism New Countryside;农村职业教育对于建设社会主义新农村的意义

11.The Demands of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Socialist Market Economy;职业企业家在社会主义市场经济发展中的作用

12."I"m a journalist. Mine"s a free profession, and I"m here as an independent observer!"我是新闻记者,我的职业是自由职业,我的立场也是自由主义的立场

13.A Correlation Study on Perfectionism, Career Decision-making Self-efficacy and Career Indecision in College Students;大学生完美主义、职业决策自我效能感与职业未决的相关关系研究

14.Discusses the Dewey Pragmatism Education Thought and the Chinese Vocational Education Priefly;浅论杜威实用主义教育思想与中国职业教育

15.On the Construction of New Village and Development of the Village Vocational Education;社会主义新农村建设与农村职业教育发展

16.Discussing the Issues in the Rural Vocational Education and the Construction of Socialist New Countryside;论我国农村职业教育与社会主义新农村建设

17.On Chinese vocational education in the theory of constructionism;试论建构主义学习理论背景下的我国职业教育

18.Construction of the Socialist Harmonious Society and Promotion of the Professionalization of Social Work;构建社会主义和谐社会与社会工作职业化


new vocationlism新职业主义

1.The educational philosophy of "new vocationlism" is introduced so as to explore a new educational reform direction of nursing higher vocational education according to the "new vocationlism".简要介绍了“新职业主义”的教育理念,探讨以“新职业主义”教育理念为指导的护理高职教育的改革方向,提出护理高职教育应重视人的终身发展,以核心技能的培养为中心进行课程、教学法以及教育评价的改革。

3)new vocationalism新职业主义

1.The career education thought came into being in 1970s andnew vocationalism came into being in 1990s hav.产生于70年代的生涯教育思想和90年代的"新职业主义"对"职业主义"进行了反思与重构,并通过全国范围的改革对传统职教体系与模式形成了有力冲击。

2.The "new vocationalism" affords an effective guidance in theory to teaching method which meets the demand for the development of both economy and individual.在新的经济体系下,传统的职业教育理念已很难适应社会的发展,“新职业主义”教育理念的提出,为寻求一种满足经济发展和个人发展需求的教学途径提供了有效的理论指导。

3.The paper analyses the background of "new vocationalism" which emerged in the 1980s from economy,education and politics,discusses the core principles ofnew vocationalism,and expects the trend of American contemporary vocational education.文章从经济、教育、政治三方面分析了美国自20世纪80年代以来兴起的“新职业主义”运动产生的背景;并探讨了新职业主义教育论的核心原则;最后展望了当代美国职业教育的发展趋势。

4)counter-professional principle反职业主义

5)legal professionalism法律职业主义

1.Its main instructive idea islegal professionalism, which includes three cornerstones.律师制度起源于西方,法律职业主义是其主流指导理念。

6)professionalism of Xinfang信访职业主义


