100字范文 > 女性主义音乐批评 feministic criticism of music英语短句 例句大全

女性主义音乐批评 feministic criticism of music英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-06 16:01:59


女性主义音乐批评 feministic criticism of music英语短句 例句大全

女性主义音乐批评,feministic criticism of music

1)feministic criticism of music女性主义音乐批评

2)feminist criticism女性主义批评

1.New reflections on thefeminist criticisms of Lord of the Flies;《蝇王》女性主义批评的新思考

2.A lot of research has been devoted to the stream of consciousness novels of Virginia Woolf while it is to be explored how she is of a starting point of "feminine writing" andfeminist criticism.作为意识流小说大师的弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫已被学术界广为研究与认可,但作为女性写作和女性主义批评先驱的伍尔夫仍待进一步研究。

3.Moreover, in these two poems, there are quite a few similarities in view of thefeminist criticism.本论文从女性主义批评的角度对两部作品进行详尽分析,从而表现出勃朗宁对生活在当时男权社会中的女性的同情和支持——她们在思想上和身体上被禁锢,受到压抑,可是并没有因此自我放弃,相反,她们以自己的方式在男权社会为生存而斗争着。


1.A Study of Beloved from the Perspective of Black Feminist Criticism;黑人女性主义批评视野中的《宠儿》研究

2.Virginia Woolf: The Pioneer of Feminist Criticism;弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫:女性主义批评的先驱

3.The Dialectic of the Enlightenment and Ecofeminist Criticism;《启蒙的辩证法》和生态女性主义批评

4.Twenty Years of Chinese Feminist Literary Practices: A Review;中国女性主义批评实践的回望

5.Feminist Criticism Comparative Study of Liu Siqian and Dai Jinhua刘思谦、戴锦华女性主义批评比较研究

6.An Eco-feminist Approach to the Metaphorical Relation Between Nature and Women;自然与女性之隐喻的生态女性主义批评

7.Three Traitresses: a Feminism Criticism on "Quiet Flows the Don;三个叛逆的女性——《静静的顿河》的女性主义批评

8.Feminist literary criticism and Taiwans women writers;从女性主义文学批评谈到台湾女作家

ment on the American Feminist Drama under the Post-criticism Perspective评美国女性主义戏剧的后学批评视角

10.Western Feminist Literary Criticism: Its Theoretical Backgrounds and Critical Philosophies;西方女性主义文学批评:理论背景及其批评理据

11.Aesthetic Criticism:Original Form of the New Age Feminist Literary Criticism;审美批评:新时期女性主义文学批评的原初形态

12.Interpreting the Connotation of Woman From Feminism Perspective;女性主义文学批评视阈下女性含义的阐释

13.Alteration of Localized Chinese Feminist Criticism in New Times;新时期以来女性主义文学批评的流变

14.Studies of the "Puzzledom" of Chinese Feminist Literary Criticism;中国女性主义文学批评“困境”探析

15.Feminist Approach to Rhetorical Criticism:Theories and Operation;修辞批评的女性主义范式:理论与操作

16.Chinese American Women s Iiterature and Post-colonial Criticism;美国华裔女性文学与后殖民主义批评

17.Dream of the Red Chamber and Feminist Literary Criticism;《红楼梦》与女性主义文学批评引论

18.On the Chinese Contemporary Feminist Literature Criticism;论当前中国女性主义文学批评的问题


feminist criticism女性主义批评

1.New reflections on thefeminist criticisms of Lord of the Flies;《蝇王》女性主义批评的新思考

2.A lot of research has been devoted to the stream of consciousness novels of Virginia Woolf while it is to be explored how she is of a starting point of "feminine writing" andfeminist criticism.作为意识流小说大师的弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫已被学术界广为研究与认可,但作为女性写作和女性主义批评先驱的伍尔夫仍待进一步研究。

3.Moreover, in these two poems, there are quite a few similarities in view of thefeminist criticism.本论文从女性主义批评的角度对两部作品进行详尽分析,从而表现出勃朗宁对生活在当时男权社会中的女性的同情和支持——她们在思想上和身体上被禁锢,受到压抑,可是并没有因此自我放弃,相反,她们以自己的方式在男权社会为生存而斗争着。


1.Feminism is a rising power of criticism of the twentieth century.女性主义批评是2 0世纪文学论坛中颇具颠覆型的革命。

4)feminist literary criticism女性主义批评

1.Doris Lessing (1919--), who has special experience, strong conscience for the society and great sense of literary mission, is not only a distinguished English novelist but also a representative writer of modernfeminist literary criticism of the twentieth century.本论文选用了《金色笔记》作为研究对象,尝试把女性主义批评理论和叙述学原理有效结合,从叙述角度、小说结构和女性角色个人体验等多方面的分析来揭示菲勒斯中心文化对女性的统治和压抑以及莱辛如何在创作中解构菲勒斯中心的父权二元对立思想体系,从而构建新型女性话语。

5)Western feminist literary criticism西方女性主义文学批评

biningWestern feminist literary criticism and Chinese women s specific gender situation in particular historical background,China s feminist literary and its criticism is a non-feminist movement and a "cultural criticism",and continues to establish and develop its own system of feminist criticism.中国女性主义文学及其批评在特定的历史情景下“中西结合”,结合西方女性主义文学批评及中国女性的性别境遇而得到产生和发展,是一种非女权运动而产生的“文化批评”,不断建立并形成自己的女性主义批评体系,但由于上路时间短,仍有许多工作尚待完成。

6)feminist literary criticism女性主义文学批评

ments on the Feminist Literary Criticism in Taiwan;中国台湾女性主义文学批评略论

2.Studies of the "Puzzledom" of Chinese Feminist Literary Criticism;中国女性主义文学批评“困境”探析

3.A Response of the Mainland China to the Western Feminist Literary Criticism中国大陆对西方女性主义文学批评的回应


女性1.人类两种性别之一,与男性相对。常用为妇女的通称。 2.女子的性格﹑性情。
