100字范文 > 黑洞自转 black hole spin英语短句 例句大全

黑洞自转 black hole spin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-20 05:33:52


黑洞自转 black hole spin英语短句 例句大全

黑洞自转,black hole spin

1)black hole spin黑洞自转

1.A new approach of detecting theblack hole spins in binaries was proposed based on the coexistence of two mechanisms of extracting energy from the rotating black hole: Blandford-Znajek(BZ) and magnetic coupling(MC).基于旋转黑洞能量提取的两种机制,Blandford-Znajek(BZ)和magnetic coupling(MC)的共存模型,提出计算黑洞自转的一种新方法。

2)rotating black hole旋转黑洞


1.Late-time Tail of Dirac Particles Around the Rotating Black Hole;旋转黑洞时空中Dirac粒子的晚期拖尾

2.The Mechanisms of Extracting Energy from Rotating Black Holes and Its Application in Astrophysics;旋转黑洞的提能机制及其在天体物理中的应用

3.The Schwarzschild radius is now known to be the radius of a non-rotating black hole, but was not well understood at that time.史瓦西半径就是现在知道的非旋转黑洞半径,但是在那时不是很好理解。

4.Such spinning black holes are known as Kerr Black Holes.这种旋转的黑洞被称为克尔黑洞。

5.Most black holes tend to be in a consistent spinning motion.大多数黑洞通常都在不断旋转。

6.Rotating black holes are known as Kerr black holes, which can indeed have ring-shaped singularity.旋转的黑洞被称为科尔黑洞,它们其实呈现为一个环形的整体。

7.Schwarzschild black holes have 0 spin (they are not rotating) and 0 charge.希瓦兹凯尔德黑洞旋转和电荷都为零(它们不发生旋转)。

8.Properties of black holes are indeed be defined by its mass, charge, and spin.黑洞的性质真正在定义上包括质量、电荷及旋转。

9.What is happening to space-time around a rotating object that is much more massive than the Earth-a black hole,say-should be more obvious.那些质量比地球大得多的旋转物体的周围时空中这种效应更为显著,比方说黑洞。

10.The matter keeps within the Event Horizon until it has spun into the centre where it is concentrated within the core adding to the mass.它们保持在事界的范围之内,最后旋转进入中心,在内核中被压缩,增加了黑洞的质量。

11.mis motion absorbs various matter and spins it within the ring (known as the Event Horizon) that is formed around the black hole.运动中不同的物质被吸收,在绕黑洞形成的圆环内(称为事界)参加旋转。

12.Amplification of Magnetic Field in Accretion Disk and Transition of Spectral States in Black Hole Binaries黑洞吸积盘中磁场的放大及黑洞双星的谱态转变

13.Rapid Rotation of Sunspot Associated Flares and the Rotation of the Magnetic Fields in the Evolution of the Sunspot;引发耀斑的太阳黑子快速旋转与黑子演化中磁场的旋转运动

14.Numerical Simulation of Level Swirling Flow of Inner Energy Dissipation Discharge Tunnel with Shaft Inlet竖井进流水平旋转内消能泄洪洞的数值模拟

15.Dark caves of carpet shops, big man, Turko the terrible, seated crosslegged smoking a coiled pipe.黑洞洞的地毯店,身材高大的可怕的土耳克[5]盘腿而坐,抽着螺旋管烟斗。

16.To revolve or cause to revolve.旋转旋转或引起旋转

17.First, the black dog turned his key and jumped around the room.首先,那只黑狗旋转他的钥匙,绕着房间蹦蹦跳跳,

18.The Spontaneous Radiation of the Staionary Black String of Unlimited Charged Revolve;无限长带电旋转的稳态黑弦的自发辐射


rotating black hole旋转黑洞

3)black hole黑洞

1.Routing algorithm defense againstblack hole attacks in MANET based on mobile agent;MANET环境中抵御“黑洞”攻击的路由算法

2.The energy of scalar particles in a generalized spherical symmetric evaporating chargedblack hole;广义球对称带电蒸发黑洞周围时空中标量粒子的能量

3.Entropy of the scalar field in general accelerating non-stationaryblack holes with electric charge and magnetic charge;一般加速带电带磁的动态黑洞中标量场的熵

4)black holes黑洞

1.In this method,the adjustable matching threshold is used to greatly reduce the number ofblack holes,improving fuzzy matching for control parameters with the prescribed fuzzy similarity.该算法匹配阈值可变,采用调整匹配阈值的方法大幅降低黑洞数量;在满足一定模糊相似度的前提下,实现了带控制参数的模糊匹配,模糊程度可控。

2.Global solutions of advection dominated accretion- flows (ADAFs) aroundblack holes are presented.对黑洞径移主导吸积流(ADAF)的整体解作了研究。

3.The damage to the constant speed of Hawking s radiation done by motion layer aroundblack holes is expounded and it is the important reason for the latter to remain undetectable.本文论述了黑洞周围运动层对霍金辐射恒定速度的破坏,是后者至今仍无法探测到的重要原因。


1.A entire study of the spacetime metric and entropy of the system containing ablackhole;中心黑洞体系球对称度规及熵的整体研究

2.The entropy of ideal gas which collapses to ablackhole by self-gravitating is studied.讨论了理想气体自引力坍缩时的熵,得出与黑洞的熵相近的结论,从而说明了黑洞熵的起源。

3.These security problems wereblackhole, denial of service (DoS), routing table overflow, impersonation, power consumption and information disclosure.针对MANET路由安全的重要性及其脆弱性,从不同角度对MANET的路由层或其它相应层面造成的安全攻击,分类综合出目前网络面临的六大类型的路由安全威胁,即黑洞问题、拒绝服务(DoS)、路由表溢出、伪装欺骗、能源耗竭及信息泄漏。

6)IT black holeIT黑洞

1.The appearing of "IT black hole " with the development of the information, makes IT management become one of the hot issues of enterprises instantly , and the key link of the IT manage is whether IT goal of the company conforms with its strategic objective.伴随信息化的发展而出现的“IT黑洞”,使得IT治理成为当下企业的热门话题之一,而IT治理的核心环节是公司的IT目标是否与战略目标相一致。

2.The paper briefly analyzed the question of “IT black hole” and reasons that they appeared in the course of Constructing ERP,and put forward a way to solve these questions.简析了ERP建设中的“IT黑洞”问题及其产生原因,提出了六西格玛法(以下简称6σ法)与ERP集成的解决思路。


旋转-旋转式扫描系统旋转-旋转式扫描系统影像学术语。CT设备的类型之一。扫描方式为旋转-旋转式(rotate-rotate,R/R)的CT设备。扫描时X线管和排列成扇形的探测器阵列做同步旋转,属第三代CT机,可用于全身CT检查,是70年代后期以来临床应用的主流机型之一。X线管为旋转阳极,发射大角度扇形线束,探测器多为氙气电离室或为固体探测器,阵列规模通常在数百甚至上千。扫描时间1~4秒。通常具有靶扫描、靶重建、动态扫描、三维成像等特殊程序和多种重建算法、测量分析功能。旋转-旋转式设备在扫描过程中探测器是连续工作的,利用率高,但不能同时进行校准。所获取的每一幅投影轨迹剖面图都是由整个探测器阵列同时采集的信息构成的,个别探测器出现误差便可能使反投影后的重建图像上出现环形伪影(ring artifact)。该型机不具备体积采样能力。
