100字范文 > 对抗措施 countermeasures英语短句 例句大全

对抗措施 countermeasures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-13 11:30:35


对抗措施 countermeasures英语短句 例句大全



1.Objective To study the influence of sleep deprivation and society isolation on psychological function of group and explore effective psychologicalcountermeasures.目的研究睡眠剥夺、社会隔离等复合因素对小组心理功能的影响并探索行之有效的心理对抗措施。

2.The limitations of the currently used exercise basedcountermeasures and the scientific rationale for the gravity basedcountermeasures are addressed.本文首先对现用以运动为主对抗措施的局限性以及将来可能采用以人工重力为主对抗措施的科学依据进行了阐述。

3.The weaknesses of these night vision technologies in military applications are analyzed objectively and somecountermeasures are proposed against these weaknesses.全面介绍了目前军用夜视技术和国外在研的夜视技术的发展现状,并且客观地分析了其在军事应用上的弱点,并针对其弱点,提出了一些对抗措施。


1.torpedo countermeasures and deception鱼雷对抗措施与诱骗

2.The Technical Analysis of Infrared counter measures in AEW and the Measures Against Infrared Jamming预警机红外对抗技术分析及其对抗措施

3.Progress of the Countermeasures on Weightlessness Inducing Bone Loss失重导致骨丢失对抗措施的研究进展

4.Research on Foreign Anti-satellite Weapon and its Countermeasures国外反卫星武器技术及其对抗措施分析

5.Effects of Sleep Inertia on Cognitive Functions and Study on Countermeasure of Coffee to Sleep Inertia;睡眠惯性对认知功能的影响及咖啡对抗措施的研究

6.Presently our counter-measures improved and caught up with the attack.不久,我们的对抗措施有所改进,足以应付敌人的攻击了。

7.Researches on the Application Effects of Different Anti-drought Measures on Nectarine不同抗旱措施对油桃作用效应的研究

8.The Comprehensive Interventions in the Management of the Application of Antibiotics综合干预措施对抗菌药物应用的管理

9.Analysis of Faku County’s Present Drought Resistance and Countermeasures法库县抗旱工作现状分析及应对措施

10.The Electronic Confrontation Threatens Confronted By Ship-based Radar And The Reply Channel舰载雷达面临的电子对抗威胁及应对措施

11.A measure or action taken to counter or offset another one.反措施,对抗手段,对策对抗或抵消某手段或行为的策略或行动

12.Physio-ecological Responses of Davidia Involucrate to Water-saving Measures;珙桐幼苗对抗旱节水措施的生理生态响应

13.Cause Analyzation and Countermeasure Influencing theAbilities of Anti-earthquake of Brickwoke;影响砌体结构抗震性能的原因分析及应对措施

14.Effects of Cultural Measure on Resistance and Tolerance to Scleratinia sclerotiorum in Double-low Rapeseed不同栽培措施对双低油菜菌核病抗耐性的影响

15.Countermeasures of Air Defense Radar against ARMs防空雷达对抗反辐射导弹的技术措施研究

16.The Influence of Manganese Based Antiknock on Engine and Releasing Measures含锰抗爆剂对发动机的影响及其缓解措施

17.Discuss on Earthquake Resistance Countermeasures for Residential House in Liyang,Jiangsu江苏溧阳地区民居抗震措施与对策探讨

18.Study on Antiseismic Design Method and Antiseismic Measures of Tailings Dam;尾矿坝抗震设计方法及抗震措施研究



1.This paper gives out the defination of the complicated electromagnetic environment,analyzes the complicated electromagnetic environment which the air defense missiles confronted with,puts forward thecountermeasures from the aspects of anti-electronic reconnaissance technology,anti-jamming technology of guiding system and tactical data fusion technology,discusses the tacticalcountermeasures.给出了复杂电磁环境的定义,分析了防空导弹面临的复杂电磁环境,从反电子侦察技术、导引系统抗干扰技术和战术数据融合技术等方面提出了对抗措施,探讨了战术对抗的方法。

2.Currentcountermeasures against these adverse changes i.迄今已采用过的对抗措施有运动、企鹅服、下体负压、水盐补充、抗荷服、营养、药物及电流刺激肌肉等。

3)counter measure对抗措施,防范措施


5)electronic counter-counter measure (ECCM)电子反对抗措施

6)drastic counter measures严厉的对抗措施


