100字范文 > 篮球运动 Basketball英语短句 例句大全

篮球运动 Basketball英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-18 08:27:07


篮球运动 Basketball英语短句 例句大全



1.Investigation and Analysis of theBasketball Athletic Injury of University Student s in Shandong;山东省高校大学生篮球运动损伤的调查分析

2.On acquisition of basketball players psychological superiority through training;浅谈篮球运动员心理优势感的训练获得

3.Trying to talk about the training of consciousness of techniue and strategy in basketball;试论篮球运动技战术意识的培养


1.a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop.篮球运动中的投篮得分。

2.shoot at the basket(篮球运动中的)投篮

3.a basketball player who is dribbling the ball to advance it.控球前进的篮球运动员。

4.On the Development of College Players Basketball Consciousness;论大学生篮球运动员篮球意识的培养

5.The Basketball Sport inside Continues to Rise Function that Jump to a Cricket;篮球运动中连续起跳对篮板球的作用

6.How to Develop Basketball Players "Basketball Consciousness;浅谈如何培养篮球运动员的“篮球意识”

7.On Developing Basketball Awareness in Basketball Games浅谈现代篮球运动中“篮球意识”的培养

8.Xiao Wang devoted herself(or her life)to basketball.小王致力于篮球运动。

9.I like basketball very much.我非常喜欢篮球运动。

10.I want to be a basketball player.我想当一名篮球运动员。

11.The fundamental of basketball includes shooting, passing and catching, rebounding, etc.篮球运动中最基本的东西包括投篮,传接球,篮板球等。

12.Thoughts on the Development of Our Country s Basketball Sport in the Blending of Basketball Cultures Between China and the West;中西篮球文化交融中我国篮球运动发展的思考

13.The principle of ankle joint and its prevention of basketball athlete in university;篮球运动员拼抢篮板球的技术及训练方法

14.How to Raise and Train Basketball Athlete s Basketball Consciousness;试论篮球运动员篮球意识的培养与训练

15.Basketball development trend from perspective of evolution of basketball rule;从篮球规则的演变看篮球运动的发展趋势

16.Basketball Player how to Cultivate and Train Basketball Consciousness;篮球运动员如何加强篮球意识的培养与训练

17.Try on Theory Influence Basketball Athlete Spell Backboard Recovery Factor of Ability;试论影响篮球运动员拼抢篮板球能力的因素

18.The Influence of the Revision of the Basketball Rules on Basketba ll Games Development;论篮球规则的修改对篮球运动发展的影响


basketball game篮球运动

1.On thebasketball game from the perspective of time and space;从时空的视角谈篮球运动

2.Problems existing in the development of universitybasketball game in China and their solutions suggested;我国高校篮球运动发展存在的问题分析

3.Investigation, prevention and cure of students" injury inbasketball game at higher vocational colleges高职院校学生篮球运动损伤状况调查与防治

3)basketball sport篮球运动

1.Analysis of all Factors of Influence the Development of Basketball Sport in China;影响中国篮球运动发展的诸因素分析

2.Problems existing in physical stamina training forbasketball sport in China and countermeasures against the problems;我国篮球运动体能训练存在的问题与解决对策

3.Research On the Strategies and Functions of Basketball Sport;篮球运动的本质和战术特征及其功能的研究

4)basketball sports篮球运动

1.Analysis on effect ofbasketball sports brings upon fitness education;篮球运动对健康教育影响的探析

2.On the psychology train ofbasketball sportsman in physical education teaching;在体育教学中对篮球运动员进行心理训练之管见

3.By investigating and analyzing injury condition,injury time,injury season,injury sorts and injury reasons ofbasketball sports injury of P.对近两年来宜宾学院体育教育专业学生篮球运动损伤的基本状况、损伤时段、损伤季节特征、损伤种类、损伤原因等多方面进行调查,并对调查数据进行初步分析与探讨。

5)Basketball movement篮球运动

1.Research and Studies on the School Basketball Movement in Kashi Xinjiang;新疆喀什地区学校篮球运动开展现状与影响因素的研究

2.This article explains the five contradictions that promote basketball movement dialectically from the philosophy angle.从哲学角度辩证地阐释推动篮球运动发展的五对矛盾:继承与创新、生产与消费、运动与静止、整体与个体、普及与提高。

3.This paper carries on a research of principle of physical training in basketball movement.掌握篮球运动身体训练的原则是教练员进行科学训练的基础。



