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尾流 wake英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-27 23:04:02


尾流 wake英语短句 例句大全



1.Concentration field in nearwakes;岛屿尾流近区浓度的分布特性

2.One-dimensional wavelet transformation analysis on specialty of scattered light from shipwakes;尾流散射光性质的一维小波变换分析

3.An overview in the research of the optical properties of air bubbles in thewake;气泡尾流光学特性研究的发展评述


1.the motorboat"s wake capsized the canoe.独木舟被汽船尾流打翻。

2.aircraft wake turbulence avoidance防止飞机进入前机尾流

3.The perfectly geometrical simulation module model of warship wake was established.建立了较完备的尾流仿真模型,给出了尾流空穴模型和机动目标尾流的正确描述。

4.The study for the wake model of wind turbine and the wake effects on the performance of wind turbine风力机尾流数学模型及尾流对风力机性能的影响研究

5.The basic theory of the wake survey measurement is the following.尾流测量的基本理论如下。

6.Optimization of Fire Position for Wire-Guiding+Wake Homing Torpedo线导+尾流自导鱼雷射击阵位优化研究

7.Numerical Simulation and Validation of Wake Field of Submarine with Stern Appendage带附体潜艇尾流场的数值模拟与验证

8.Study of persistence of bubble characteristics of a surface ship wake水面舰船尾流气泡特征的持续性研究

9.Is drafting a sure way to overtake an opponent?利用尾流是超越对手的绝对机会么?

10.The Study of Wake Bubble Distributing Characteristics Based on Optical Characteristics;基于光特性的尾流气泡分布特性研究

11.Analysis of Frequency-domain FAR Detection Performance for Aircraft Wake Vortex飞机尾流的频域CFAR检测性能分析

12.incision and drainage of appendiceal abscess阑尾脓肿切开引流术

13.Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Effect of Trailing Edge Blowing on the Flow of the Wake;尾部喷气对尾迹区流动影响的实验和数值研究

14.Analysis of the Scattering Characteristic for the Hypersonic Flow Field with Near Wake Region of Sphere高超声速圆球绕流流场及其近尾尾迹流场电磁散射特性分析

15.Experimental Study for Wake Vortices of an Impinging Jet in Crossflow横流冲击射流尾迹涡结构的实验研究

16.It"s a social get together over a cocktail.大家一边喝鸡尾酒,一边互相交流。?

17.To dip bow and stern alternately.上下颠簸船头或船尾轮流扎进水

18.propulsion by means of the discharge a jet of fluid toward the rear.通过向尾部喷出流动物而推进。



1.Numerical Simulation of Bubble Distribution Characters in Ship′s Far Field Wakes;舰船远场尾流气泡分布特性的数值模拟

2.Multiple Scattering of Laser Beam Propagating in Ship Wakes光束在尾流气泡中传输的复散射效应

3.Influence of Bubbles Number Density on Measurement of Beam Attenuation in Ship Wakes气泡数密度对尾流光束衰减测量的影响

3)wake flow尾流

1.PIV measurement ofwake flow of an airfoil near free surface and the POD analysis;近自由表面翼型尾流速度场的PIV测量及POD分析

2.An investigation on determination of proper towing distance between the autoboat and the dumb ship by numerical simulation on thewake flow of the propeller;由推进器尾流计算确定动力艇合理牵引间距研究

3.The result indicates that the flow field is much more complex than normal case;the airforce whichwake flow acts on the extendible cone change significantly during the scparation,the value provides reference to the driving force design of extensible framework.研究表明,展开过程中,流动情况较普通喷管更复杂,尾流作用在延伸锥上的气动力变化剧烈,其数值对展开机构的驱动力设计提供了依据。


5)stream end流尾

6)Jet-wake structureN射流尾流


尾流运动物体后面或物体下游的紊乱旋涡流,又称尾迹。流体绕物体运动时,物体表面附近形成很薄的边界层涡旋区。如果物体是象建筑物或桥墩那样的非流线型物体,流动将从物体后部表面分离,并有涡旋断续地从物体表面脱落。这些薄边界层或分离流涡旋区将顺流而下,在物体后面形成紊乱的、充满大大小小旋涡的尾流。如果物体是钝体,尾流能保持很远距离,并对处于尾流中的其他物体产生影响。在远离物体下游处,尾流可用边界层理论进行分析。以下只限于讨论低速湍性尾流。附图所示为圆柱后面的平面湍性尾流流型。其中虚曲线表示尾流边界。从图上可以看出,由于物体的阻滞作用,尾流中速度将"亏损"(即减小)。从速度分布看,尾流象是反过来画的射流,而且在远离物体的下游处,尾流的亏损速度(用Δū表示)分布也具有相似性,即 ,式中Δū为最大速度亏损;b为尾流宽度的一半;y为纵坐标。但是,尾流与射流根本不同。尾流的对流加速度比射流大得多。由边界层方程推出的尾流方程也不一样。H.施利希廷根据混合长和相似性等假设,求出平面湍性尾流的解。其主要结果如下:①尾流宽度同到物体的距离的平方根成正比;②亏损速度分布为:Δū/Δū=[1-(y/b)3/2]2;③尾流中心最大速度亏损同上述距离的平方根成反比。当这一距离很大时,尾流速度亏损可以忽略。对于三维物体后面的尾流可作类似的分析。在高速尾流中应当考虑流体的可压缩性影响。在高超声速尾迹中则发生一系列物理化学现象,其分析方法根本不同。参考书目谢象春著:《湍流射流理论与计算》,科学出版社,北京,1975。
