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有机体 Organism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-21 12:41:46


有机体 Organism英语短句 例句大全



1.Library - A GrowingOrganism;图书馆是一个生长着的有机体

2.This article briefly expounded the organism ideology about tending of woods in Germany, the conception of forest organism and the earth organism,and introduced the characteristics of different afforesting methods, which included whole cutting, shelterwood cutting, selective cutting and economic forest on natural law, advocated the afforesting method which used economic forest on natural law.简要阐明了德国森林抚育的有机体思想及森林有机体和地球有机体的概念,同时介绍了皆伐、伞伐、择伐、自然规律经济林不同育林方法的特点,并提倡使用自然规律经济林的育林方法。

3.Actually,Hegel s ethic is persistent,whose ethics is an organism of ethic including objective ethic,subjective ethic and Absolute ethic.在他那里,伦理学是客观伦理、主观伦理和绝对伦理构成的“一个伦理有机体”。


1.A monoploid cell or organism.单倍体细胞或有机体

anic theory of society社会有机体说 社会有机体说

3.social organismic theory社会有机体说社会有机体说

4.An organism having haploid cells.单倍体一种具有单倍体细胞的有机体

5.an organism or cell having only one complete set of chromosomes.仅有一组染色体的细胞或有机体。

6.To determine the taxonomic classification of(an organism).确定(有机体的)类别等级

7.relating to or tending toward organicism.关于或趋向于有机体的。

8.The organism learns by experience.有机体从经验中学习。

9.An octoploid organism.八倍体一个八倍体的生物有机体

10.The genetic constitution of an organism or a group of organisms.遗传型一个有机体或一组有机体的基因组织

11.An organism with more than two sets of chromosomes.多倍体生物具有两套以上染色体的有机体

12.an organism or cell having more than twice the haploid number of chromosomes.有多于单倍体两倍染色体的细胞或有机体。

13.Having properties associated with living organisms.有机的拥有同活的有机体相联系的性质的

14.the permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism.一个有机体或有机体的一部分的所有有生命的活动的最终完结。

15.He proposes to recreate living organisms inside a computer.……,他打算在计算机内创建一些有机体。

anic semiconductor gas transducer /sensor有机半导体气体传感器

17.An organism having a euploid chromosome number.整倍体具有整倍体染色体数的有机组织体

18.(of non-living objects) the state of being free of pathogenic organisms.没有病源机体的状态。


organic ligands有机配体

3)organic ligand有机配体

1.Effects oforganic ligands on accumulation and fractionation of rare earth elements REEs in wheat;有机配体对稀土元素在小麦体内积累和分异的影响

2.Cadmium chloride and sodium sulfide were employed as raw materials to prepare hydroxyl coated and size tunable CdS nanocrystal in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol(ME) asorganic ligand.以氯化镉和硫化钠为原料,2-巯基乙醇(ME)为有机配体,成功制备了粒径可控的、表面富有羟基的CdS纳米晶。

3.dpV(Ox)) and severalorganic ligands in solutions were studied by 1H, 13C, and 51 V NMR spectroscopies and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry under the condition of nearly physiological pH value.应用~1H,~(13)C和~(51)V多核NMR技术和电喷雾质谱等谱学手段研究草酸双过氧钒配合物与吡啶、4-甲基咪唑、咪唑等有机配体的相互作用。

4)organic crystal有机晶体

1.Growth of biologicalorganic crystals modulated by monolayer and self-assemble monolayer;单分子膜和自组装单分子膜调控生物有机晶体生长

2.Carbon black as conducting particles andorganic crystal was added.采用炭黑为导电粒子,双组分聚氨酯为基体,并添加有机晶体,制备具有强PTC强度的非晶聚合物PTC涂料。

3.The first experiment of growing theorganic crystals of MNBA-Et (4 ′nitrobenzylidene-3 ethylcarbonylamino- 4 - methoxyaniline ) by the Czochralski method from the melt sare repolted in this paper.用引上法第一次从熔体中生长了有机晶体4′-硝基亚苄基-3-丙酰胺基-4-甲氧基苯胺(MNBA-Et)。

5)organic gas有机气体

1.Relationships between the structures and the anesthetic activities oforganic gas;有机气体麻醉活性的构效关系研究

2.Relationships between Quantitative Structures and Activities of Organic Gas;有机气体麻醉活性的QSAR研究

3.The adsorption capability of activated carbon C40/4 for someorganic gases,such as acetone,toluene and methylene dichloride,was studied using micropore filling theory.用微孔填充理论研究了活性炭C40/4对丙酮、甲苯、二氯甲烷有机气体的吸附性能,测试了该活性炭对3种有机气体在不同温度下(288。

6)organic system有机体系


有机体分子式:CAS号:性质:即生物(1iving things)。指自然界中由有机物组成的、具有生命活动的物体,通常包括动物、植物和微生物三大类。有以下基本特征:主要由核酸、蛋白质等生物高分子物质构成;不断进行新陈代谢;能进行生长、发育和繁殖;对外界环境能作出有效反应;有遗传、变异功能;具有高度适应性等。地球上的有机体具有巨大的多样性,是人类赖以生存的物质资源,也是生物圈持续发展的基础。至今已发现和命名的动物约150万种,植物约30万种,微生物约15万种。而实际存在的物种估计有600万~3000万种。
