100字范文 > 文学史观 view of literary history英语短句 例句大全

文学史观 view of literary history英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-24 07:41:35


文学史观 view of literary history英语短句 例句大全

文学史观,view of literary history

1)view of literary history文学史观

1.The paper summarizes the study of hisview of literary history,his theory of personality and his literary theory of aesthetic sentiment.本文将对其文学理论研究作出一番综述,共三点:一、对其文学史观的研究综述;二、对其“性灵论”的研究综述;三、关于审美情趣的研究综述。


1.Philosophy in Literature:Theory of Literature History and Construction of Literature History“文学的哲学”:文学史观与文学史的建构

2.Study on Historical Conception in the History Works of Chinese New Literature from 1950s to 1980s;1950-1980新文学史著作文学史观念研究

3.Yuwen Suoan’s View on the History of Chinese Literature and Research Methods宇文所安的中国文学史观及文学史研究法

pilation and Concept of Literature History --Investigation on Practice and Theory of Zhan Antai’s Compiling of “History of Chinese Literature”;文学史编纂与文学史观念——詹安泰《中国文学史》编纂实践与理论考察

5.The Structure of Chinese Literature History under Chinese Multi-ethnic Literature History View;中华多民族文学史观下中国文学史之结构

6.On the Ideas of the Literature History in the Preface of the Brief History of Chinese Literature by Qian Zhong-shu;论钱钟书《中国文学小史序论》中的文学史观

parative Study on Wang Guowei and Hushi"s View and Research to the History of Chinese Literary王国维、胡适文学史观与文学史研究方法比较论

8.A History of Modern Chinese Fiction: Constructs Pattern, Viewpoint of the History of Literature and Criticism Standards;论夏志清《中国现代小说史》的文学史建构方式、文学史观和批评标准

9.On Theory Construction of Chinese Multi-ethnic Literature History View;关于中华多民族文学史观的理论建设

10.“Retelling” and Constructing:Hu Shi’s New Views of Literary History;“重述”与建构——论胡适的文学史观

11.Question About the Concept of Chinese Literary History on the Developing Theory of Human Nature;“人性发展论”的中国文学史观质疑

12.On the Contribution of Dramas and Novels in QinDynasty to the Development of Literary View;试论清代戏曲、小说对文学史观的贡献

13.Tracing the Growth Ring --On the Viewpoints of Literary History;寻找大树生长的年轮——文学史观论

14.The Construction of HU Shi about the New Literary History;“破坏性重述”──胡适新的文学史观的构筑

15.On the Historical Views and the Period-divisions of the Chinese Literary History;论中国文学史的史观与分期、前沿问题

16.Relation of Chinese Literature with World Literature: Principles in Compiling History of World Literature;中国的世界文学史写作与世界文学观

17.Literature Talking to History: Research on Literary Historical Conception;文学对历史的言说——关于文学历史观的设想

18.“Text” of Oral History;口传的历史“文本”——黎族民间文学概观


concept of literary history文学史观

3)literature history view文学史观

1.The significance of establishment of Chinese multi-ethnicliterature history view include many aspects,such as perfecting knowledge structure,supplementing the history writing,advance academic base,enriching the scientific idea.中国文学研究界只有普遍具备了中华多民族文学史观,才能真正开辟有效协调国内多民族文学关系的健康局面,才能真正走上亲近与尊重国内各个兄弟民族文学的康庄道路。

2.As a scholar in the early 20th century, overseas influence played an important role in the formation of hisliterature history view, enlightenment consciousness, nationality consciousness, world consciousness, literature noumenon consciousness and researcher main body consciousness are among hisliterature history view characteristics.作为成长于20世纪初的一代学者,外来影响作为“他者之镜”、“他山之石”在郑振铎文学史观的构成中起了很大作用,启蒙意识、民族意识、世界意识、文学本体意识、研究者主体意识成为其文学史观的主要特质,也使其文学史著作具有了长久的生命力。

4)Historical viewpoint of literature and historiography文学史观与史学

5)concept of literature history文学史观念

1.The article,focusing on the practice and concept of “History of Chinese Literature” compiled by Zhan Antai,studies his achievent and the theoretical features shown by his book, then sums up a reasonableconcept of literature history.文章以詹安泰《中国文学史》(先秦两汉部分 )编篡实践与文学史观为中心 ,考察了其诗骚研究实绩和其主编的《中国文学史》所展现出来的理论特色 ,并由此总结出其相当科学合理的文学史观

6)historical conception of literature文学历史观


民生史观中国近代革命家、思想家孙中山的社会历史观。它是孙中山从革命民主主义的立场出发,接受美国社会学者威廉关于人类解决生存问题是社会进化的定律的思想,并加以改造和发挥而成的。民生史观认为民生就是人民的生活,社会的生存,国民的生计,群众的生命,是社会进化的重心。民生问题是社会进化的原动力,而社会进化又是历史的重心。民生史观还认为,人类历史是不断进化的,民权革命是历史进化势所必至的世界潮流,社会历史的发展,"断非一二因利乘便之人之智力所可转移"。所有这些,都是民生史观中包含的积极的合理的因素。但是,民生史观把"人类求生存"的"本性"和"欲望"作为社会发展的动力,对"民生"作了抽象的脱离具体社会内容的超阶级超历史的理解,甚至说"夫心也者,万事之本源也",因而陷入了历史唯心主义。孙中山的民生史观十分强调互助,认为"互助"是人类不同于其他"物种" 的"人性" 即"人的天性";社会国家是互助之体,道德仁义是互助之用。它用抽象的超阶级的互助论,反对马克思主义的阶级斗争学说,认为"阶级战争不是社会进化的原因",而是"社会当进化的时候,所发生的一种病症"。它断言:中国只有大贫小贫之分,而无阶级的对立;认为"师马克思之意则可,用马克思之法则不可";认为中国的落后状况,可以"预防"资本主义、避免阶级斗争和社会革命。民生史观中的这些内容反映出资产阶级革命家的软弱无力和不切实际的幻想。
