100字范文 > 碳源 carbon source英语短句 例句大全

碳源 carbon source英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-17 07:29:01


碳源 carbon source英语短句 例句大全

碳源,carbon source

1)carbon source碳源

1.The research situation of denitrifying denitrificationcarbon source;反硝化脱氮碳源研究现状

2.Application of polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis to analyze biological phosphorus removal systems fed with differentcarbon sources;不同碳源强化生物除磷系统的PCR-DGGE分析

3.Effect of different typescarbon sources on phosphorus release in enhanced biological phosphorus removal process;不同碳源类型对生物除磷过程释放磷的影响


1.The Carbonation of Carbon Source and its Choice in the Carbon Coating Treatment of LiFePO_4LiFePO_4表面碳包覆方法中碳源的碳化及碳源选择

2.Study on Estimation Method of Carbon Emission to Energy Carbon Sources in China;我国能源类碳源排碳量估算办法研究

3.On the modification of the carbon-coated LiFePO_4 materials by different carbon sources用不同碳源对LiFePO_4的碳包覆改性

4.Effect of C, N sources and m_C/m_N ratio on the phosphate solubilization of Aspergillus niger ML2 and ML4不同的碳源、氮源及碳氮比对微生物溶磷的影响

5.Study on the Effects of Different Carbon Sources and Nitrogen Sources of Pleurotus eryngii碳源和氮源对杏鲍菇菌丝生长的影响

6.Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes from Carbon Black by Three Different Methods;以炭黑为碳源经由三种方法制备碳纳米管

7.A Study on Estimation Method of Carbon Emission in Industry Branch;我国工业部门碳源排碳量估算办法研究

8.Model and effect of slow-release organic carbon-source materials on carbon release and denitrification缓释有机碳源材料释碳模型与生物脱氮效应

9.Synthesis of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes using alcohol as carbon source Mo-Co/MgO as catalysts乙醇做碳源Mo-Co/MgO做催化剂合成单壁碳纳米管

10.Properties of Mesoporous Carbon Molecular Sieves Prepared with Different Carbon Sources不同碳源制备的介孔碳分子筛的性能研究

11.Autotrophism A type of nutrition in which the principal source of carbon is inorganic (carbon dioxide or carbonate).自养:主要碳源是无机物(二氧化碳和碳酸盐)的一种营养方式。

12.This study is about carbon and nitrogen nutrient sources utilization.通过试验探讨茶树菇对碳源和氮源的利用。

13.Research on Effects of Carbon and Nitrogen Resource and Other Components of Medium on VB_(12) Production;碳源、氮源及其他条件对VB_(12)发酵影响的研究

14.The Research on Effects of Carbon and Nitrogen Resource on Zhongshengmycin Production;碳源和氮源对中生菌素发酵影响的研究

15.Removal of Nitrate in Source Water by Biological Denitrification with Solid Carbon Source;固体碳源生物反硝化去除水源水中的硝酸盐

16.Influence on Submerged Culture of Lentinula Edods in Carbon-nitrogen and Their Ratio;碳源、氮源及其比例对香菇液体深层培养的影响

17.Study on Influence on the Growth of Pathogenic Fungus of Black Spot Disease of Araliaceae in Different Carbon and Nitrogen Sources不同碳源、氮源对刺五加黑斑病菌生长的影响

18.Effect of Different Carbon and Nitrogen Sources on Xiangwei Mushroom Mycelia不同碳源、氮源对香魏菇菌丝体生长的影响测定


carbon sources碳源

1.The operation model of two-stage SBR for phosphorus and nitrogen removal without outercarbon sources;两级SBR无外加碳源除磷脱氮的运行模式

2.Advances in the polluted water denitrification by using additionalcarbon sources;污染水体脱氮工艺中外加碳源的研究进展

3.Effect ofcarbon sources on TiC powder by self-propagating high temperature synthesis;碳源对自蔓延高温合成TiC粉末的影响

3)carbon resource碳源

1.Effects ofcarbon resource on bamboo degradation by a white-rot fungus Coriolus versicolor;碳源对白腐菌降解竹基质的影响

2.The bulbs augmentation influenced by thecarbon resources PP_(333) and GA_3 during the low lily tissue culture;不同碳源及PP_(333)、GA_3对山丹组培苗鳞茎增大的影响

3.Developingcarbon resource with two-stage complete mixing ferment process两级完全混合发酵工艺开发碳源试验研究


1.Screening ofC-sources and N-sources for mycelial growth of Pleurotus tuber-regium and its antimicrobial effect;虎奶菇菌丝生长的氮源和碳源筛选及其抑菌作用

2.It was proved in our test that the optimumC-source,N-source,temperature,pH and water content of the media were fructose,yeast powder,28~32℃,4.大白口蘑(Tricholom a gigan teum)菌丝生长的最适碳源是果糖,最适氮源是酵母粉,最适温度28~32℃,最适pH4。

3.The effects of d ifferentC-sources on sc lerotium yield and am ino ac ids inPleurotus tuberRegium,an ed ib le fungus,were stud-ied w ith grey-system-theory.运用灰色系统理论,探讨不同碳源对虎奶菇菌核产量和各类氨基酸含量的影响,结果表明:淀粉和玉米淀粉的2个处理其关联度最大,分别为0。


1.Through flask culture,research Lentinula edods submerged culture optimum fermentation time,the optimumcarbon,nitrogen and optimum best qualitycarbon and nitrogen ratio.通过摇瓶培养,研究香菇液体深层培养最适发酵培养时间、最适碳源、最适氮源及最佳碳源与氮源质量配比。

2.The results indicated that types of explant,categories ofcarbon source,conditions of light and concentrations of BA had distint effects on formation of test-tube tubers of Sinningia speciosa plantlets.对大岩桐试管块茎形成的若干因素进行了研究,结果表明,外植体类型、碳源种类、光照条件以及BA浓度对大岩桐试管块茎形成具有明显影响,以叶为外植体比项芽更有利于块茎的形成;食用白糖可代替蔗糖促进块茎的形成,从而可以大大降低生产成本;全光照条件更有利于块茎的形成;而BA则会抑制大岩桐试管块茎的形成。

3.Physiological characteristics of utilization ofcarbon about five endophytes in Cymbidium Lianpan Tang et Wang were studied.对分离自莲瓣兰根内的5株内生真菌利用碳源的生理学特性进行研究,方法是三点种植实验,培养5d,测量碳源培养基上内生真菌菌落直径,同时,进行液体培养5d,将菌丝过滤,烘干至恒重,计算菌丝干重。

6)extracellular carbon sources外源碳源

1.The effects ofextracellular carbon sources and intracellular storage polymer utilization on the simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) in aerobic granular sludge have been researched.研究了好氧颗粒污泥利用外源碳源和胞内储存物质对同步硝化反硝化(SND)的影响。


