100字范文 > 通航 navigation英语短句 例句大全

通航 navigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-26 21:32:03


通航 navigation英语短句 例句大全



1.Wave height acquisition test system of ship modelnavigation and its application;船模通航波高采集测量系统及其应用

2.Research on the influence of unsteady flow produced by operation of TGP onnavigation Ⅱ:Reach between TGP and Gezhouba project;三峡水利枢纽工程非恒定流通航影响研究 Ⅱ:三峡—葛洲坝两枢纽区间

3.Research on the influence of unsteady flow produced by operation of TGP onnavigation Ⅰ:Upper and lower access channels;三峡水利枢纽工程非恒定流通航影响研究 Ⅰ:上、下引航道


1.Navigation and postal communications between north and south have been resumed.南北通航通邮业已开始。

2.The Risk & Strategy of Direct Ship Transportation Across the Taiwan Straits on Safety of Navigation Circumstance两岸直航船舶航行台湾海峡通航风险与对策

3.Appraisal Study on Navigation Risk at the Junction of North Channel and Main Channel of Tianjin Port天津港北航道与主航道交汇水域通航风险评估

4.Research and Analysis of the Safety of Navigation of Tonggu Channel in Shenzhen Port;深圳港铜鼓航道通航安全分析与研究

5.Study on Navigation Specification of the Sea-route with 250 000 Tons Level in Tianjin Port;天津港25万吨级航道通航标准的研究

6.Study on the Traffic Ability and Saturation of Xiashimen Channel;虾峙门航道通航能力及饱和度的研究

7.Study on Safety of Channel Environment on Zhoushan Waters;舟山海区航道通航环境安全评价研究

8.By ordinary air mail,please请给我寄普通航空信

9.admiralty notices to mariners航行通告《英版航海通告》

10.Air Traffic Management Division [Civil Aviation Department]航空交通管理部〔民航处〕

11.Telecommunications Unit [Civil Aviation Department]航空通讯组〔民航处〕

12.AACS (Airways and Air Communications Service)航路与航空通讯联络处

13.AVB (Avionics Bulletin)《航空电子学通报》

14.A journey through outer space.航空,航行通过外层太空的航行

15.availability of notice to mariners航海通告有效性能取得的航海通告

16.Aeromobile Centre [Civil Aviation Department]航空流动通信中心〔民航处〕

17.Aerofixed Centre [Civil Aviation Department]航空固定通信中心〔民航处〕

18.Air Traffic Control Centre [Civil Aviation Department]航空交通控制中心〔民航处〕


Navigation circumstance通航环境

1.Located at the island sea area with complicated natural conditions and several cross fairways,Yangshan deepwater port has its own remarkable characteristics in navigation circumstance.洋山深水港区地处自然条件复杂的岛屿海域,多条主要航路交叉,其通航环境具有显著的特征。

3)accept in water transport通航验收

4)Navigable river reach通航段

5)navigation capacity通航能力

1.Test and research of improvingnavigation capacity between the Three Gorges Project and Gezhouba Project;提高三峡—葛洲坝两坝间通航能力试验研究

2.As the throughput volume repidly grows rapidly in the Ningbo-Zhoushan port,the Xiashimen channel is faced with growing pressure in terms of itsnavigation capacity.随着宁波—舟山港吞吐量的迅速增长,虾峙门航道通航能力将面临越来越大的压力。

6)navigation standard通航标准


