100字范文 > 元素 element英语短句 例句大全

元素 element英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-08 11:05:09


元素 element英语短句 例句大全



1.Determination of impurityelements in pure copper by constant current electrolysis-ICP-AES;恒电流电解-ICP-AES法测定纯铜中杂质元素

2.Simultaneous Determination of 14 Elements in Vegetables by ICP-MS with Microwave Digestion;微波消解ICP-MS法同时测定蔬菜中14种元素

3.Determination of 16 mineralelements and acrylamide in barley tea samples produced in three different regions of China;不同产地大麦茶中16种元素及丙烯酰胺含量分析


1.proper nilpotent element真幂零元素,根元素

2.A trace element.痕量元素,微量元素

3.Of, relating to, or being an element.元素的关于元素的,与元素有关的或作为元素的

4.key coding element location关键字编码元素单元

5.Button element found with no view element. Please nest button elements inside view elements.发现不带视图元素的按钮元素。请将按钮元素嵌套在视图元素中。

6.Os(atomic No76)(一种金属元素) 锇

7.And element X=A is nilpotent.元素X=A是幂零的。

8.A %1 element was missing a required %2 child element.%1元素缺少需要的“%2”子元素。

9.Element "{0}" has invalid child element "{1}".元素“{0}”有无效的子元素“{1}”。

10.Illegal child element of %1. Child not mapped.%1 的子元素非法。未映射子元素。

11.Unsupported element type %1 found. Element skipped.发现不支持的元素类型 %1。忽略该元素。

12.Only Choice elements are allowed in a DeviceSpecific element.设备特定元素中只能包含选择元素。

13.actinide chalcogenide锕系元素硫族元素化合物

14.The element cannot contain child element. Content model is empty.元素不能包含子元素。内容模型为空。

15.A collection of all elements whose parent is the current element父级为当前元素的所有元素的集合

16.The element "{0}" has invalid child element "{1}". Expected "{2}".元素“{0}”有无效的子元素“{1}”。应为“{2}”。

17.The water is formed from oxygen element and hydrogen element.水由氧元素和氢元素组成。

18.Water is composed of the elements hydrogen and oxygen.水是由氢元素和氧元素组成的.



1.A Preliminarry Discussion on the Analysis Methods for Inorganic Elements Used in the National Investigation Program of Soil Pollution;全国土壤污染状况调查样品元素分析测试技术探讨

2.To Measure Variety Elements in the Soil and Mud by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrographic;X射线荧光光谱法测定土壤及底泥中多种元素

3.Concentration and distribution ofelements in coals from DPR Korea;朝鲜煤中元素含量及分布

3)Chemical elements元素

1.The distribution and abundance of chemical elements in different parts of Navel orange in Fengjie County, China;奉节脐橙不同器官元素含量分布特征

2.study on the features of the contents,distributions and accumulations of 11 chemical elements in soils and vegetations was carried out in each of the subalpine meadow zone ,the mountain five-flowered herbosa meadow zone and the evergreen coniferous forest meadow of the Mountain Meadow Natural Reserve in Mt .本文研究了各生态带土壤和植被中11种化学元素的含量、分布及生物积累特征。

3.he contents of twenty four chemical elements of several main soil types in the Taklamakan Desert areas were measured and obtained the natural element background values of the soils for those chemical elements.本文通过对塔克拉玛干沙漠地区几种主要土壤类型中24种化学元素含量的分析测定,搞清了土壤中各种元素的自然含量水平和分布特征,填补了塔克拉玛干沙漠地区土壤元素背景值的空白,同时探讨了影响本地区土壤元素背景值的各种因素。


1.Releasing ofAs in Coal and FlyAsh of Chongqing Power Plant under Organic Acid Conditions;重庆电厂炉前煤及飞灰中As元素在有机酸作用下的淋滤行为

5)simple element素元

1.The definition and some properties of the quotient ring,the unit and thesimple element of Gauss integral ring are discussed,element numbers of the quotient ring of Gauss integral ring is researched,and the forms of unit and two forms ofsimple element are given.讨论了高斯整数环中商环、单位和素元的定义和若干性质,对高斯整数环商环中元素的个数问题进行了研究,并给出了单位和两种素元的表达形式。

2.In light of thesimple element of the Gauss Domain Z={a+bi|a,b∈ Z}, this paper constructs for the first time, the form such as 4n+3 for the element based on integer.对于 Gauss数环 Z[i]={ a+ bi| a,b∈ Z}中的素元 ,给出了其整数中的素元形式为可表成 4 n+ 3的素数 ,非整数素元为其范数 N( α)为一素数的形

6)prime elements素元

1.In this paper,we introduce the concepts of points,prime elements and spec- trums in generalized frames which are generalizations of the corresponding concepts of frames in the sense of category,and show that any generalized frame is a complete, complete,Cartesian closed category.本文在frame的范畴形式推广——广义frame上引进点、素元与谱空间的概念,并且证明任意广义frame都是完备、余完备的Cartesian闭范畴。

2.In this paper,some sufficient conditions ofprime elements for domain  R r ={a+bri|a,b∈Z,n∈N} are obtained and a new characterizadtion onprime elements with prime number and the necessary condition for domain  R r  to be a unigue factorization domain are given.给出了形如Rr ={a+bri|a ,b∈Z ,r∈N}的整环中素元的几个充分条件 ,并刻划了Rr 中素数P为素元的特征及该类环为唯一分解环的必要条


