100字范文 > 结构鉴定 structure identification英语短句 例句大全

结构鉴定 structure identification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-14 02:44:20


结构鉴定 structure identification英语短句 例句大全

结构鉴定,structure identification

1)structure identification结构鉴定

1.Isolation andstructure identification of bioactive fraction AM105-Ⅱ from marine actinomycete;海洋放线菌活性组分AM105-Ⅱ的分离与结构鉴定

2.Chemical studies on minor components of shengjimycins Ⅱ. Structure identification of shengjimycin A_0, B_3 and C_2;生技霉素小组分的研究 Ⅱ.生技霉素A_0、B_3和C_2的结构鉴定

3.Extraction andstructure identification of an anti-tumor matter from bank of Ailanthus altissima;椿皮中一种抗癌成分的提取与结构鉴定


1.Authentication and Reinforcement for Concrete Structure after Fire;混凝土结构火灾灾后结构鉴定与加固研究

2.Structural Identification of New Flavones from Leaves of Prunus Pseudocerasus Lindl;樱桃叶中新黄酮类化合物的结构鉴定

3.Structure Identification of Hydroxybenzene Compound from Geum Aleppicum Jacq.;草本水杨梅中酚类化合物的结构鉴定

4.Isolation and Structural Determination of Chemical Constituents from the Red Alga Laurencia;凹顶藻Laurencia化学成分的分离及结构鉴定

5.Preparation and Structural Analysis of High Molecular Weight Schizophyllan;高分子量裂褶多糖的制备与结构鉴定

6.Structure Identification for Phoxalone and the Optimization of Its Fermentation Conditions;福鸽霉素结构鉴定及其发酵条件优化

7.Study on Purification Technology and Structure of Polysaccharides from Beer Yeast啤酒酵母多糖的纯化工艺及结构鉴定

8.Three New Steroids from Reineckia carnea吉祥草中三个新甾体皂苷的结构鉴定

9.Synthesis and Structural Analysis of κ-carrageenan Derived Oligosaccharide Neoglycolipidsκ-卡拉胶寡糖脂的合成及其结构鉴定

10.examine(a building,etc)to make sure its structure is in good conditio检查(建筑物等)(鉴定其结构状况)

11.examination of the condition of a house,etc(房屋等的)结构状况检查,查勘,鉴定.

12.Dissertation Identification of Human Novel Genes and Protein Sequence Motifs;人类新基因识别与蛋白质结构域鉴定

13.Research on Methods of Evaluating the Reliability of Existing Structure;现役建筑结构可靠性鉴定方法的研究

14.The Seismic-Resistance Performance Evaluation Index System of Existed Long-span Steel Structures;既有大跨度钢结构抗震鉴定指标体系

15.Study on Purification, Identification and Structure of Stomach Protease from Nemipterus Virgatus;金线鱼胃蛋白酶纯化鉴定及结构研究

16.Damage Authentication and Reinforcement Research for Steel Structure after Fire钢结构火灾损伤鉴定与加固方法研究

17.Identification of the Conclusions of the Review of Maritime Litigation Mode论海事诉讼鉴定结论审查模式的构建

18.Purification and Determination of the Structure of Epimedium Polysaccharide淫羊藿多糖的纯化及其结构初步鉴定


structural identification结构鉴定

1.Isolation andstructural identification of phenylethanoid glycosidesfrom Corallodiscus flabellata;石胆草中苯乙醇苷的分离与结构鉴定

2.Study on Isolation, Purification, Structural Identification and Antitumor Activity of Polysaccharides from Agaricus Blazei Murill;姬松茸多糖的分离纯化、结构鉴定及抗肿瘤活性研究

3.Extraction, Isolation, Structural Identification of Active Elements from Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bunge and the Pharmacology and Clinical Application of Ruyuankang;丹参有效成分的提取、分离与结构鉴定及乳源康制剂的药理和临床应用研究

3)structure elucidation结构鉴定

1.Research advances of purifying andstructure elucidation of protein;蛋白质提纯和结构鉴定研究进展

2.Isolation andstructure elucidation of four compounds from brown alga Leathesia nana;小粘膜藻4种化合物的分离和结构鉴定

3.The isolation If these compounds and the application of chemical and spectral methods in theirstructure elucidation are introduce本文对国内外有关鼠李科达玛烷型三萜皂甙的类型、结构以及物理性质的研究进行了综述,并对此类化合物的分离以及化学反应和波谱方法在其结构鉴定中的应用作了较详细的介绍。


1.Preparation, structuralidentification and bioactivity of 22,23-dihydroazadirachtin A;22,23-二氢印楝素A的制备、结构鉴定及生物活性

2.Isolation andidentification of organic acid from Zantedeshia aethiopica;马蹄莲中有机酸的分离与结构鉴定

3.Separation and Identification of Sulforaphane Hydrolyzed from Glucosinolate in Broccoli Seed;西兰花种子中硫苷酶解产物萝卜硫素的提取分离与结构鉴定

5)structure determination结构鉴定

1.After re-crystallization,GC-MS,UV-Vis,NMR,IR were processed for analysis andstructure determination.方法:采用水蒸气蒸馏法从市售中药山奈中提取出山奈挥发油,经重结晶后,采用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)、紫外-可见光谱(UV-Vis)、红外光谱(IR)、核磁共振波谱(NMR)等方法进行分析和结构鉴定。

2.Separation by Simulated Moving Bed Ion-exchange Chromatography and Structure Determination of Taxus Polysaccharides;本文研究了红豆杉总多糖的提取、脱色、分离、红豆杉单多糖(PST-1)的模拟移动床(SMB,Simulated Moving Bed)离子交换色谱分离工艺以及PST-1的结构鉴定。

6)structural elucidation结构鉴定


