100字范文 > 罩面 overlay英语短句 例句大全

罩面 overlay英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-27 16:16:55


罩面 overlay英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on SBS modified asphalt waterproof and cohesive layer in pavementoverlay works;罩面工程中SBS改性沥青防水粘结层的研究

2.The design method ofoverlay of the asphalt pavement using FWD;基于FWD的沥青路面罩面设计方法的探讨

3.Research on the Practical Design Method of Asphalt Pavement Overlay on Existing Cement Concrete Pavement;旧水泥混凝土路面上沥青路面罩面实用设计方法的研究


1.Study On The Rebuilding Of Asphalt Overlay On Old Cement-concrete Pavement旧水泥混凝土路面沥青罩面改造研究

2.A cigarette Burned the finish on the table.香烟烧坏了桌子的罩面漆。

3.A person wearing a mask.带面具(面罩)的人

4.She raised / lowered her veil.她撩起[放下]面罩.

5.To remove one"s mask.脱去自己的面具(或面罩)

6.two-tone reversible cotton woven spread两面用两色棉织床罩

7.reversible woven crinkle cotton spread两面用绉纹棉织床罩

8.half-mask respirator半面罩式呼吸防护器

9.She concealed her identity by wearing a mask.她戴了面罩以免被认出。

10.Do you rent masks and flippers?你出租面罩和蛙鞋吗?

11.The mask was closing on his face.面罩挨到了他的脸上。

12.single-use dust mask只用一次的防尘面罩

13.bag valve mask resuscitator胶囊活门面罩复苏器

14.A pair of leather flaps attached to a horse"s bridle to curtail side vision.马的眼罩系在马勒上缩短侧面视线的一对皮罩

15.blinder:a pair of leather flaps attached to a horse"s bridle to curtail side vision.马的眼罩:系在马勒上缩短侧面视线的一对皮罩。

16.wore a facemask while diving;a skier"s facemask;armed robbers who wore facemasks.开车时带面罩;滑冰者的面罩;戴着面具的持械强盗

17.The veil she was wearing obscured her features.她罩的面纱遮掩了她的面容。

18.a mask to protect the face of the catcher in baseball.棒球运动中保护接球手面部的面罩。



1.According to the properties of pavement diseases and traffic flow composition,cover construction has been taken,and obtained great effect and perfect function,which provide safe and comfortable traffic condition for drivers and passengers.自通车以来,路面出现了不同程度的病害,根据路面病害的特点及车流量组成状况,有针对性地对路面进行罩面施工,取得了较好的效果,完善了路面使用功能,给过往司乘人员提供了安全、舒适的行车环境。

2.Although there are some advantages of standard and methods for design of polyester fibre modified asphalt and America GTM asphalt mixture,there are many problems lying in construction technique,experience,usage in thin-layercover structure.聚脂纤维改性沥青混凝土、美国工程兵旋转压实仪(GTM)沥青混合料设计标准和方法,虽然各有优点,但是对于目前我省的施工工艺、施工经验,在较薄的罩面结构中使用仍存在一些问题,因此在今后的一定时期内仍需要不断改进施工工艺,摸索经验。

3)overlay of pavement罩面


mon diseases of asphalt pavement after surfacecovering treatment and maintenance measures;罩面处治后的沥青路面常见病害及养护维修

2.This paper analyses the three ways of repairing pavement with thecovering of SFRC.分析了钢纤维混凝土罩面修复路面的三种形式,提出了适合工程实际应用的罩面形式、罩面厚度设计方法及罩面接缝设计,并将该研究成果应用于公路路面修复的工程中,可为其他工程应用提供参考。

3.With regard to the technique of repairing pavement with the steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC)covering,the paper has presented thecovering form, joint handling and construction program,serving as a reference for future engineerin分析了混凝土路面损坏的成因 ,对钢纤维混凝土罩面修复路面技术中的罩面形式、接缝处理及施工工艺进行了技术研究。


1.To counter the feature ofoverlaying in thin layer ,this paper introduces the choice of asphalt mixture gradation used in the covering of pavement of Shi-An Espressway.针对薄层罩面的特点 ,介绍了石安高速公路罩面沥青混合料级配的选择方法。

2.A newoverlaying method on old cracked concrete pavement is brought up in this paper.提出一种旧水泥混凝土路面罩面修复的新方法———搭板 +罩面法。

bined with the practice of asphalt rubberoverlaying in thin layer in expressway,this paper introduces mix propertion desidgn and construction of AR-OGFCoverlaying in thin layer.3km橡胶沥青砼薄层罩面实践,对AR-OGFC的配合比设计与施工,使用1年后所存在的问题进行介绍,为其他相关工程提供参考。



大理石石渣罩面水磨石,镶嵌大理石片的水磨石CAS:68038-71-1中文名称:苏云金芽孢杆菌制剂;苏云金杆菌;大理石石渣罩面水磨石,镶嵌大理石片的水磨石;7216杀虫菌;BT生物农药英文名称:bacillus thuringiensis;agritol;bacillus thuringensis;bacillus thuringiensis berliner;bactospein;bactur;bakthane;berliner;biotrol;bitoksybacillin;btb 202;dipel
