100字范文 > 降压 hypotension英语短句 例句大全

降压 hypotension英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-15 19:17:11


降压 hypotension英语短句 例句大全



1.Effects of nitroglycerin and nicardipine on cerebral oxygen metabolism during controlledhypotension in brain tumor operation;硝酸甘油、尼卡地平控制性降压对颅脑手术患者脑氧代谢的影响

2.Effect of Hypotension Induced with Esmolol and Nitroglycerin on the Blood Gas and Hemodynamics;艾司洛尔复合硝酸甘油用于全麻术中降压的临床观察

3.The clinical observation of controlled-hypotension induced by combination of nitroglycerin and Labetalol in patients undergoing severe orthopedic operations;硝酸甘油复合拉贝洛尔控制性降压的临床研究


1.Evaluation of antihypertensive effect of Zhenjujiangya tablet after twice administration both at morning and noon by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring珍菊降压片早、中二次投药的降压效果

2.A step-down transformer can reduced a voltage to whatever value is desired.降压变压器能把电压降到所需的任何值。

3.unite nsen aqueous醋酸绿藜安 -降压药

4.triple action skid control brake system三级降压防滑制动系统

5.Undervoltage (Voltage Drop).欠电压(电压降低)。

6.hydraulic elevator液压电梯;液压升降机;水力提升机;水压升降机

7.electrohydraulic coil lifter电动液压式带卷升降台

8.carcass hydraulic rail dropper油压路轨屠体降落器

9.drooping voltage generator电压下降特性发电机

10.hydraulic backstop以液压升降的篮球架

11.fuel pressure warning light燃料压力下降警告灯

12.voltage drop compensation directional relay压降补偿式定向继电器

13.low bearing oil pressure alarm轴承油压下降警报器

14.steering control valve pressure loss characteristic转向控制阀压力降特性

15.The barometer began to fall.气压计的读数开始下降.

16.The voltage had been reduced in stages.电压一直在逐步地降低。

17.hydraulic lifting platform液压式装修升降平台

18.hydraulic plunger elevator液压柱塞直顶式升降机



1.Research ondepressurization and augmented injection of petroleum sulfonate;石油磺酸盐降压增注试验研究

2.EOR throughdepressurization and augmented injection with surfactant;利用表面活性剂降压增注提高采收率技术

3)antihypertensive[英]["?nti,hɑip?"tensiv][美][,?nti,ha?p?"t?ns?v, ,anta?-]降压

1.Extraction and Isolation of Effective Constituent of Antihypertensive from Dioscorea Cirrhosa Lour. and Research the Influence to Blood Pressure and Heart of Active Constituent;薯莨降压有效成分的提取分离及其对血压和心脏的影响

2.The preliminary pharmacological tests on dogs showed that (2) exhibited someantihypertensive activity and calcium antagonistic activity.对部分目标物进行了麻醉狗血压初步测定实验及钙拮抗活性实验 ,结果表明化合物 (2 )有一定降压及钙拮抗活性 。


1.Post-decompression Technical Characteristics of Volleyball;降压后排球的技术特征分析

2.Based on the theory of non-equilibrium thermodynamics a new mathematical modelfor bubble growth in a superheated liquid during rapiddecompression was built up.文献[4-7]研究表明降压对汽泡生长起着重要作用。


1.Experimental study onhypotensive and sedativeeffects of Xinnaojing Tablet;心脑静片降压镇静作用的实验研究

2.Research of Material Bases on Antifebrile and Hypotensive Effects of Flos Chrysanthemi;菊花解热、降压作用的物质基础研究

3.The Zhenjuhypotensive tablet is composed of 3 Chinese herbs(flos chrysanthemi indici,pearl layer powder,and rutin) and 2 antihypertensive drugs(clonidine and hydrochlorothiazide),and is widely used as an antihypertensive agent in the clinical practice in China.珍菊降压片是由中药野菊花、珍珠层粉、芦丁三味中药和可乐定、双氢克脲噻组成的中西药复方制剂,是临床治疗高血压病的常用药物之一。


1.Our design: Current Model DC-DCBuck Converter mainly aims at this market requirement.本文所设计的电路:电流模式DC-DC降压芯片,正是针对这一市场需求设计的高效低成本芯片。


