100字范文 > 焚烧 incineration英语短句 例句大全

焚烧 incineration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-25 13:17:24


焚烧 incineration英语短句 例句大全



1.Research on SO_2 production duringincineration processing of Changzhou acid tar;常州酸焦油的无害化焚烧处理方法探索

2.Chlorination transformation and volatilization of heavy metals inincineration of municipal solid waste;垃圾焚烧过程重金属的氯化转化与挥发

3.Control Status and Research Progress of the Pollution in Municipal Solid Waste Incineration;垃圾焚烧污染控制现状及研究进展


1.boiler-incinerator composite锅炉焚烧炉联合装置

2.Burn a person in effigy.焚烧某人的肖像以泄恨。

3.burn dead leaves, waste paper, rubbish, etc焚烧枯叶、 废纸、 垃圾等

4.And he burned the high place and beat it into dust and burned the Asherah.他将邱坛焚烧,打碎成灰,并焚烧了亚舍拉像。

5."as fire burning a wood, and as a flame causing fire on the mountains,"火怎样焚烧树林,火焰怎样烧着山岭。

6.Experiment on low air ratio combustion of a medical waste incinerator医疗垃圾焚烧炉低空气系数燃烧实验

7.Adjustment on combustion of the municipal refuse incineratorSLP250二段式垃圾焚烧炉的燃烧调整

8.The Combustion Control of Firebox in Solid Waste Incineration with Retort Pyrolysis Gasification;干馏热解气化焚烧炉燃烧室的燃烧过程控制

9.Disposal: Incineration in an incineration plant mainly produces water and carbon dioxide. Heating value is equivalent to 1 kg of oil.处置:在焚烧炉中焚烧生成水和二氧化碳,热值相当于1千克油

10.Research and Design of Automatic Start-up/Shutdown of Incineration of Waste Power Plant垃圾焚烧发电厂焚烧线顺控自启停的研究与设计

11.Specification for marine incineratorsGB/T10836-1989船用焚烧炉技术条件

12.and that which is over of the flesh and of the bread is to be burned with fire.剩下的肉和饼,你们要用火焚烧。

13."But if any of the flesh of the offering is still unused on the third day, it is to be burned with fire."但所剩下的祭肉,到第三天要用火焚烧。

14.Nearby, smoke billowed from a burning village.附近一个焚烧中的乡村正在冒烟。

15.The deposed dictator was burned in effigy by the crowd.群众焚烧退位独裁者的模拟像

16.It was the fire that continued to burn, not individual dead bodies.是火持续不断地焚烧,不是每个尸体。

17.He has burned among Jacob like a flame of fire; It consumes all around.祂像火焰四围吞灭,在雅各中间焚烧。

18.re-afforest the area that was burned during the fighting.重新在被战火中焚烧的地方造林。



1.To measure PAHS in the off-gas byburning activated carbon waste gas by gas chromatograph;气相色谱法测定活性炭废气焚烧尾气中的多环芳烃

2.An implementation study onburning medical wastes in a centralized disposal manner in Quanzhou City;泉州市医疗废物集中焚烧处理的实施研究

3.Theburning and smelting of gold-loaded carbon;载金炭焚烧及治炼的生产实践


1.Progress in bio-fuel combustion in circulating fluidized bed boiler;循环流化床锅炉焚烧生物质燃料的研究进展

2.Research of integrating wet sludge drying with combustion in circulating fluidized bed;湿污泥循环流化床干化焚烧一体化研究

3.The effects of gas flow rate,combustion temperature and different ratios of steam on chlorine removal from medical wastes were examined on medical wastes incineration process.通过研究不同气氛、不同时间下医疗废物中氯的析出变化,考察了气体流速、焚烧温度和不同比例的水蒸气对医疗废物中氯析出的影响。


1.Based on an analysis of fuel characteristics and combustion mechanisms of straw residues from paper mills,aburning system for straw residues was designed,and technical measures that must be taken in the design of residues feeding system,burning equipment,heating surfaces and flue gas cleaning system were proposed.在分析麦草造纸行业废弃物的燃料性质和燃烧机理的基础上,设计了麦草废弃物的焚烧系统,并提出了其进料系统、燃烧设备、受热面及烟气处理系统等设计中应采取的措施。

2.Utilizing boiler waste gas for vaporization and concentration of waste water,burning of offal,the method not only deal with waste water skillfully,but also depress boiler dust efficiently.先用废烟气蒸发浓缩 ,再焚烧 ,既巧妙处理了废水 ,又降低了锅炉烟尘 ,是一种低成本、低耗能以废治废双达标的方


1.SCADA system emulator in a kind of garbageincinerator model;一种垃圾焚烧处理模型中SCADA系统的仿真

2.This paper presents the distribution pattern of dioxins in collected ash of different craftwork stages of wasteincinerator with isotopic dilution and high resolution gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.采用同位素稀释法、高分辨气相色谱/质谱检测垃圾焚烧主要工艺段捕集灰中的二英。

3.But MSW incineration would bring secondary pollution if MSWincinerator runs out of order,especially dioxins,as restricts MSW incineration promotion and utilization.城市生活垃圾(Municipal Solid Waste,简称MSW)焚烧处理在垃圾处理方法中所占比重越来越大。

6)setting on fire焚烧

1.Setting on fire or catalytic combustion was suggested for the VOC waste gas difficult to recycle.介绍了几种从 VOC废气中回收溶剂的方法 ,并分析其优缺点和适用范围 ;对回收有困难或不经济的含 VOC废气 ,建议采用焚烧法或催化燃烧法进行处理。


