100字范文 > 塑化 plasticization英语短句 例句大全

塑化 plasticization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-15 16:31:16


塑化 plasticization英语短句 例句大全



1.Influential factors onplasticization of resin by suspension method;悬浮法PVC树脂塑化的影响因素

2.Simulations of Three-Dimensional Flow Fields in Metering Section of Screw During Plasticization Process;塑化过程螺杆计量段三维流场的数值模拟

3.Effect of inducedplasticization in unplasticized PVC processing;UPVC加工中的“诱导塑化”作用


1.Study on the Effect of Screw Parameters on Plastizing Uniproducing Energy Consumption of Injection Molding Machine;注塑螺杆构型对塑化能耗影响的研究

2.Application of Microwave Heating in Rotational Molding;微波塑化工艺在滚塑成型中的应用研究

3.Research on Evaluation Method of Plasticizing Capacity and Energy Consumption of the Screw in Injecting Molding Machine;注塑机螺杆塑化能力及能耗评价方法的研究

4.Study on the Properties of Ethylenebisformamide Plasticized Starch;乙二撑二甲酰胺塑化热塑性淀粉性能研究

5.Study on preparation of polyurethane-terminated for low temperature plastify type PVC plastisol低温塑化型PVC塑溶胶用封端聚氨酯的研制

6.Effect of Activated Gangue on Plasticizing Efficiency of Plasticizers活化煤矸石对减水剂塑化效果的影响

7.general rules for tests for thermal ageing properties of thermoplastics in the form of sheet by means of ovens热塑性塑料热老化试验法通则(烘箱法)

8.testing method for vicat softening point of thermoplastics热塑性塑料软化点 (维卡) 试验方法

9.testing methods for thermosetting plastics热硬化性塑料试验方法

10.plastics solidification of radioactive waste放射性废物塑料固化

11.Study of Ageing and Crystalline Behaviors in the Injection Molding Process for Thermoplastics;注塑加工中热塑性塑料老化特性和结晶行为的研究

12.Chuisu, plastic sacks, packaging tapes processing manufacturing, chemical raw materials retail.吹塑,塑料编织袋,打包带加工制造,化工原料零售。

13.It is assumed that plastic deformation stems from the localization of shear strain.岩样的塑性变形假设根源于塑性应变局部化。

14.Test method for Vicat softening point of thermoplasticsGB/T1633-1979热塑性塑料软化点(维卡)试验方法

15.a thermoplastic derived by polymerization from compounds containing the vinyl group.一种热塑性塑料,由含乙烯基的化合物聚合而成。

16.Visual Machine Development and Process Study on Rotational Molding;可视化滚塑设备的研究以及滚塑工艺的开发

17.The Development of Parametric CAD System of Plastic Bottle and Its Blowing Mold;塑料瓶及其吹塑模具的参数化CAD软件开发

18.Auto Thin Case Injected Plastic Part Tilting Distortion & Manufacturing Process Optimization Research;汽车薄壳注塑件翘曲变形及注塑工艺优化研究



1.Progress inplasticizing characteristic improvement of domestic PVC;国产聚氯乙烯塑化性能改善技术进展

2.Three-dimensional isothermal material flows of a cross law fluid in the channel of metering section of injection molder duringplasticizing process are simulated by using POLYFLOW software.采用CROSS模型表示聚氯乙烯(PVC)的黏度特征,使用POLYFLOW软件数值模拟了塑料注射成型机螺杆计量段螺槽中熔体在塑化过程的三维等温流场,求解和分析了3条参考直线、yz截面和xy截面上不同时刻螺槽中的压强场、速度场、剪切速率场和黏度场,数值计算的结果表明:在螺棱附近区域物料的剪切速率大,物料剪切稀化作用增强,物料黏度减小。

3.How to put these characteristics into the practical application to conduct the design of the mould and theplasticizing system of the injection molding m.介绍结晶性塑料在注塑过程中的塑化特点、取向与结晶的关系及其对制品性能的影响,注塑参数对结晶性塑料塑化、取向、结晶的影响。



1.This article reviews the thermoplastic modification of method to put into theplasticizer,and has probed into the mechanism of starch plastification further.淀粉具有良好的生物降解性能,但淀粉分子中含有大量的羟基,存在较强的氢键,使得淀粉不宜直接用熔融法热塑挤出加工,因此淀粉的塑化是淀粉塑料生产的关键。


6)workability agent增塑[塑化]剂


