100字范文 > 相关性分析 correlation analysis英语短句 例句大全

相关性分析 correlation analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-17 18:10:15


相关性分析 correlation analysis英语短句 例句大全

相关性分析,correlation analysis

1)correlation analysis相关性分析

1.Time Change Regulation of Environmental Air Quality and Correlation Analysis in Tianjin;天津市空气质量时间变化规律及相关性分析

2.Acorrelation analysis on coronary artery colcification and coronary heart disease;冠状动脉钙化与冠心病的相关性分析

3.Correlation Analysis of Risk Factors in Patients with Post-menopause Osteoporosis;绝经后骨质疏松症患者危险因素的相关性分析


1.The RAPD Analysis and Correlation Analysis on Tomato Inbred Lines and Hybrid Progenies F1;番茄亲本与F1的RAPD分析及相关性分析

2.Association of Epstein-Barr Virus and Rheumatoid ArthritisEB病毒与类风湿关节炎的相关性分析

3.Associative Analysis on Osteoarthritis of the Knee Joint and Intra-Articular Pressure(IAP)、Femur-Tibia Angle(FTA);膝关节骨关节炎与关节内压、胫股角相关性分析

4.Relative Analysis between the Hepatic Oval Cell and Primary Hepatic Carcinoma肝卵圆细胞与原发性肝癌相关性分析

5.Correlation between the level of serum uric acid and acute cerebral infarction血尿酸水平与急性脑梗死相关性分析

6.Analysis of the correlation between allergic rhinitis and deviation of nasal septum变应性鼻炎与鼻中隔偏曲相关性分析

7.Analysis on the Correlation of Traits between Parents and Parent-child of Three-line Japonica粳稻三系亲本亲子间性状相关性分析

8.Study on the correlation between corneal curvature and age,sexual角膜曲率与年龄及性别的相关性分析

9.Distribution and Correlation between ABO and Rh Blood Groupsabo和Rh血型分布及其相关性分析

10.Static IO Analysis in DFT/ADG Software;自动微分软件中的IO相关性分析技术

11.Analysis of Factors Related to Age-related Macular Degeneration年龄相关性黄斑变性的相关因素分析

12.Evaluation Of Hemodidalysis Sufficiency And Analysis Of Relative Influence Factors影响血液透析充分性的相关因素分析

13.Newconcepts suchasthe data flexibility, the data flexibility analysismethods, and some other related ones are presented.提出数据柔性、据柔性分析等相关概念。

14.The path analysis of correlation of the quantitative character in castor蓖麻主要数量性状相关性的通径分析

15.Analysis on Correlativity between Savings and Investment and Capital Liquidity;储蓄与投资相关性及资金流动性分析

16.Clinical Analysis of Aortic Aneurysm Associated Chronic Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation;主动脉瘤相关性慢性DIC的临床分析

17.Thinking the Therapy of Age-related Macular Degeneration;年龄相关性黄斑变性治疗的比较分析

18.Analysis on RAPD Genetic Polymorphism of HIV Related Oral Candida SpeciesHIV相关性口腔念珠菌RAPD多态性分析


relativity analysis相关性分析

1.Relativity analysis of the plasma and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid IL-4 level of senile asthmatic patients;老年性哮喘患者血浆和支气管灌洗液IL-4相关性分析

2.Atom structure radius and atom radius of therelativity analysis;原子结构半径与原子半径的相关性分析

3.The Relativity Analysis between the Sustainable Development of Enterprises and the Voluntary Accounting Policy Changes;企业可持续发展与自愿性会计政策变更的相关性分析

3)correlative analysis相关性分析

1.Assay of 5 components in compound Wurenchun capsules andcorrelative analysis of content variation in different batches;复方五仁醇胶囊中5种成分的含量测定及其含量变化的相关性分析

2.A new method called DEA method basedcorrelative analysis is proposed to comprehensively evaluate the eight companies′ efficiency.选取国内较有影响力的八家寿险公司作为研究对象,提出了基于相关性分析的DEA组合评价方法,该方法综合了相关性分析和DEA两种方法的优点。

4)correlation[英][,k?:r?"le???n, ,k?r-][美][,k?r?"le??n, ,kɑr-]相关性分析

1.According to recording datum that the accelerator was maintained past ten years,we apply the methods ofcorrelation and curves regression to observe the relationship of faulting parts with linac systems,the period of running and maintaining expends.通过统计的维修故障记录数据 ,使用相关性分析和曲线拟合的方法 ,观察器件故障与直线加速器系统、运行时间、维修耗费的关系 ,发现了一些器件故障以及维修耗费的特点 ,并提出了相应的应对措

2.Objective To study thecorrelation between parameters about the sperm motility.方法进行了 190份健康受试者精液全自动分析 ,并对其各运动性参数 :直线速度 (vsl)、曲线速度 (vcl)、平均路径速度 (vap)、直线性 (lin)、前向性 (str)、摆动性 (wob)、侧摆幅度 (alh)、平均移动角度 (mad)、鞭打频率 (bcf)、精子密度、精子活动率间进行相关性分析。

5)relative analysis相关性分析

1.The time delay of the data collector will greatly affect the precision of integrated data processing results which refers to the timerelative analysis required for flight tests.机载数据采集器的时间延迟,对飞行试验中要求进行时间相关性分析课题的综合数据处理结果的精度有很大的影响,深入分析数据采集器的时间延迟,给出时间延迟的修正方法,是飞行试验测试技术的重要研究课题。

6)analysis of correlation相关性分析

1.Meantime,the relation between various parameters of cake quality and texture was further confirmed by usinganalysis of correlation with software SPSS,i.同时利用SPSS软件相关性分析进一步确认了蛋糕品质与质构各参数之间的联系,即硬度值和咀嚼性与蛋糕品质成负相关,弹性、回复性和黏聚性与蛋糕品质成正相关。


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