100字范文 > 让步 concession英语短句 例句大全

让步 concession英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-10 11:27:36


让步 concession英语短句 例句大全



1.The first base was that Zhang Wen-tian changed his former thought,the second base was that Mao Ze-dong made aconcession on the matter of right or wrong about the political route,the third base was that they respected and helped each other.其中张闻天 思想的转变是他们合作的思想基础,毛泽东在中央政治路线是非问题上的让步是他们合作的政治基础,而他们在人格上互相尊重、工作上互相帮助、生活上互相照顾,是他们合作的情感基础。

2.This paper gives a general introduction of adverbial clauses of conce ssion,and put forward a few special kinds of adverbial clauses ofconcession,a nalyzing its structure,function and usage so that it can be of some guidance to English learners in their study.本文首先对英语中的让步状语从句进行了概括,继而提出几种特殊形式的让步状语从句,并从其结构、功能、使用等几方面加以分析和阐述,以期为英语学习者在学习掌握中提供必要的引导。

3.In Modern Chinese,many conjunctions,which refer to condition,concession,transition,etc.现代汉语中表示条件、让步、转折等关系的连词多包含一个来自判断词“是”的语素,其他语言也有类似的情况。


1.concessive clauseph.1.让步从句

2.Expressing concession, as the conjunction though.让步从句的表示让步的,如连词虽然

3.climb down(over sth); admit a mistake or withdraw from a position in an argument,etc(在辩论等中)认错,让步

4.Forget it. I"ll never give in.休想,我不会让步的。

5.a disposition to yield to the wishes of someone.由于别人的愿望而让步。

6.The strikers refused to give in to the government罢工者拒不向政府让步。

7.He gave way without protest.他心平气和地作了让步。

8.The government has not yielded to public opinion.政府并未向舆论让步.

9.A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit .让步的和解优于胜诉。

10.A bad compromise be better than a good lawsuit .让步的和了解优于胜诉。

11.The warlord government had to give in.军阀政府不得不让步。

12.I am willing to meet him halfway.我愿意对他作出让步。

13.The president had no alternative but to yield.总统别无选择,只好让步。

14.Both will have to learn to give and take.双方都得学会互相让步。

15.There was no help for it but to yield again.无计可施,只好让步了。

16.an accommodation in which both sides make concessions.双方做出让步的和解。

17.The owners agreed to meet the strikers halfway.雇主同意向罢工者让步。

18.At a touch he yielded.才一接触他就让步了。


Give way让路,让步

3)yield[英][ji:ld][美][jild]让步,屈服 让

4)yield segment让步段

5)concept of concession让步概念

6)Range of con-cession让步幅度


