100字范文 > 养护 maintenance英语短句 例句大全

养护 maintenance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-10 10:37:40


养护 maintenance英语短句 例句大全



1.Reasons for Major Diseases of Freeway Bridge and Measures for Maintenance;高速公路桥梁主要病害原因分析及养护维修技术措施

2.Present situations and development of expresswaymaintenance management system in Jiangxi province;江西省高速公路养护管理体制现状及发展探讨


1.Study on Effective-curing-age of Concrete under the Same Curing Condition to Structures;混凝土同条件养护等效养护龄期研究

2.Study on the Ecomomic Scale of the Expressway Maintainance Centre高速公路养护中心合理养护规模研究

3.Article17 Highway maintenance is performed under the system which integrates professional maintenance with maintenance performed by civilian workers.第十七条公路养护实行专业养护与民工建勤养护相结合的制度。

4.interim management and conservation fishery zone临时管理和养护渔业区

5.Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean养护北大西洋鲑鱼公约

6.North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization北大西洋鲑鱼养护组织

7.Convention for the Conservation and Management of the Vicuna养护和管理骆马公约

8.sprayed on method of curing喷敷层混凝土养护方法

9.operational pilot biosphere reserves业务示范生物圈养护区

10.solar reflective curing membrane混凝土养护日光反射膜

11.Fauna and Flora Preservation Society动物和植物养护学会

12.World Conservation Strategy/Caring for the Earth世界养护战略/关心地球

13.The government maintains public highways.政府负责养护公路。

14.Biodiversity Conservation Information Network生物多样性养护信息网

15.Signaling Maintenance Inspect Operation Process号志装置养护作业程序

16.Federal Fisheries Conservation and Management Act联邦渔业养护和管理法

17.It"s necessary to maintain public highways.养护公路是必要的。

18.The Research on Maintenance Management of Hunan Expressway Maintenance Company;湖南省高速公路养护公司的养护管理研究



1.Problems Existing in Highway Tunnel Curing and Management and Strategies for Them;公路隧道养护与管理工作存在问题与对策

2.Analysis of Typical Diseases of Asphalt Concrete Pavement of High-Type and Curing Strategies for the Pavement;高等级沥青混凝土路面典型病害分析及养护对策

3.On the management andcuring of hydraulic engineering;基层水利工程管理和养护探讨


1.Application of technology microlayer of modification emulsified asphalt in Ningxia public roadmaintaince;改性乳化沥青微表处技术在宁夏公路养护中的应用

2.The structure of the equipment, the principle and method of design, exploitation and optimization in manufacture, the technical control andmaintain method in its running period have been introduced.本文介绍了膜分离装置的构成 ,在生产实际中进行设计、开发、优化的原则和方法 ,膜分离装置运行期间的工艺控制和养护方

3.In the homeland current bridge curing situation is synthesized,the political affairs managing guarantee system,reinforcing a road to have brought forward to improve the cognitionmaintaining to the bridge,perfect bridge manages,the foster the job,and science putting into practice,dangerous standard bridge reforms coming standard bridge technical data and the trai.随着我国高速公路建设的发展,进一步加强桥梁的养护水平已成为迫切需要。


1.Cause of cracks in concrete andconservation methods;混凝土裂缝的产生原因与养护方法

2.The Key Point on Conservation and Managent of Tall fescue Turf grass in Nanjing Region;南京地区高羊茅草坪草的养护管理技术

3.The key point inconservation and management of cool-season turfgrass;寒地型草坪草养护管理要点


1.Themaintaining methods of sand-gravel pavement;浅谈砂石路面的养护方法

2.Discussion on prolonged of garden and Afforestationmaintaining;浅谈园林绿化养护的长效管理

bined with general condition of project,it introduces the shed-warming methodsmaintaining plan,elaborates shed-warming bunkermaintaining construction crafts and shed-warming fan heatermaintaining construction crafts,discusses the situation thatmaintaining temperature and concrete hardness enhancement.结合工程概况,介绍了暖棚法养护方案,阐述了暖棚煤炉养护施工工艺和暖棚暖风机养护施工工艺,并对养护温度及混凝土强度增长情况进行了论述,最后总结了其安全、质量措施及注意事项,以推广暖棚法养护施工技术。

6)curing with curing agent养护剂养护

1.And The specific conservation measures, mechanisms, strengths and weaknesses of natural curing andcuring with curing agent is described in detail.本文从大体积混凝土自身独有的特点出发,探讨了对其进行表面保护的原因,并分别从自然养护和养护剂养护两个方面详述了养护的具体措施、机理、优缺点,同时结合上述方法的实际操作性和经济性对这些方法进行比较,做出了综合性评价。


养护1.犹保养。 2.养育护持。 3.保养修理,使机器﹑道路﹑建筑物等维持良好状态。
